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Guest Black Tiger

Wrestle-1 card

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Guest Black Tiger

1. Abdullah The Butcher vs. SATA...yarn


2. Anthony W. Mori , Henry III Sugawara & Taiji Ishimori vs. Milano Collection AT , YOSSINO & Condotti Shuji


3. Kendo Kashin vs. X


4. Ultimo Dragon & Kaz Hayashi vs. Ultimo Guerrero & Rey Bucanero


5. Satoshi Kojima & Hiroshi Hase vs. Terry Funk & Heath Herring


6. Mark Coleman & Kevin Randleman vs. Jan The Giant Convict (Jan Nortje) & Singh The Giant Convict (Giant Singh)


7. Shinya Hashimoto vs. Joe Son


8. Keiji Muto & Bill Goldberg vs. Brian Adams & Bryan Clark

9. Bob Sapp vs. Ernesto Hoost

This will make the first show look like 6/3/94. Mutoh thinks people will want to watch this show? Even worse, Mutoh wants to make a Wrestle-1 Promotion.

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Guest Dangerous A

That lineup is disgusting to look at. There might be more enjoyment out of watching "Best of Backyard Wrestling" before this fucking drivel.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Eh, two promising underdcard matches with any chance of not sucking ass is better than a lot of the cards All Mutoh Pro Wrestling has come up with.


Not that the card doesn't suck, and all.

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Guest XdojimeX



This looks like the greatest WAR card from hell ever.


They just need to make the Kojima/Hase tag into a wacky six-man affair and the circle will be complete. Get Kobayashi out of retirement and fly Bam Bam Bigelows fat ass over there, stat.

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Guest The Son of Sting

What does Muto see in Kronik that no one else does. That line is one of the worst i have seen for a while.

They could still put on a better line up with the wrestlers they have.

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Guest RedJed

This is one of the worst looking cards I've honestly ever seen. Theres no way in hell that the show will turn out even halfway to the level the 1st Wrestle-1 show was, which wasn't even that good either.


That tag with Giant Singh and Randleman/Coleman may very well be incredibly ugly, I can't imagine either one of the PRIDE guys in there with Singh, much less one or the other carrying the guy. Both Randleman and Coleman looked suitable in there against Hase and Kojima at the last W-1 show, but this is a whole different story here. Gotta be insane to book a match like this.


Obviously the Dragon/Hayashi-Guererro/Bucanero match will probably be MOTN.


I guess Joe Son and Hoost are out of the show now (or never even committed? You be the judge) so it leaves Sapp and Hashimoto with no opponents. If Muto still has one ayota of a braincell left, he would get Kronik the fuck out of there and book himself and Goldberg against those two as the main event. Or Sapp actually teaming with Goldberg against Muto and Hashimoto would probably work too, well kinda.

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