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As you all know I'm a big guy. I've expressed that I am. I'm hovering around the 280-285 pound mark and I've been trying to lose weight. If you could help me out, tell me some ways that you have tried to lose weight and it has been successful. I'd really appreciate it if I could have some help. Thanks.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

Despite the fact we're arguing over the fact MJ *OWNS* Tito, I'll be a nice person and help out.


First off, look at your diet. 9.9 times out of 10, this is the problem. And if your an American , that's even worse, as you'd know that bad food is ALL around you everywhere you turn. You need to seriously start planning what you eat, plain and simple.


Few years back i was pretty big myself. How'd i fix it? Sit yourself down and work out all the bad shit in your diet. Once that is done, you might be surprised that your fridge really doesn't have what you need to start your weight loss. So either see someone skilled in nutrition (if your really serious) or just do what i did and use your common sense. Buy stuff you know thats good for you, but your also gonna enjoy. Don't make yourself gag ramming brocelli down your throat!


Next exercise is also a major factor in weight loss. What i do is every second day, i exercise vigarously for around 30 to 40 minutes (i chose running, however do whatever you find appealing, whether it be basketball, football or even walking). On the days i wasnt exercising like a slut on Virgin Street, i just did some lightweight stuff, for example walking my dogs around the block at a nice and easy pace.


The fresh air does you good too!


Hope i helped you out in some way. I know what its like to be a bit too big and just look at yourself and wonder how you got this way. Work hard, have loads of WILLPOWER and you'll make it!



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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I lost about twenty pounds just by cutting out soft drinks, back when I was a total fatass.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker
I lost about twenty pounds just by cutting out soft drinks, back when I was a total fatass.

That's something i forgot to mention


Drink SHITLOADS of water, trust me you'll feel great and it'll clean up your face.


Considering you have pimples of course. I drink about 2 litres minimum per day and i don't have one pimple on my face...and i used to be frikken monitored by Green Peace i was that bad.



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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I lost weight like crazy doing this, and it's simple as hell too:

Do 10 situps and ten pushups a day. Do that for a week, then up it to 15 situps and 15 pushups, then 20 the next week, and so on.

I dropped 10 pounds in a month doing that, and didn't change my diet at all. Changing your diet is a good idea though.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Soloflex - Treadmill - Everyday (I'll skip a Saturday every now and then).


Monday-Friday: 30 minutes walking, 30 minutes workout, 60 minutes walking.


Sat. (1 or 2 hours walking -- sometimes I'll skip this day as a reward)


Sunday (2 or 3 hours walking -- thank God for football season)


I've found that if you want to lose weight, then you need to do cardio. I do a slow walk and lift weights to tone (little resistence, lot of reps)


The trick is to stick with your routine. After a month or so I've noticed some people I know quit because they weren't seeing any results. I say wait 4-6 months and if you're pants aren't fitting looser, then you can bitch.


Ironically, after this 4-6 month period, I've stuck w/ my routince and haven't changed my diet all that much and the weight is still coming off...

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Guest Respect The 'Taker
I lost weight like crazy doing this, and it's simple as hell too:

Do 10 situps and ten pushups a day. Do that for a week, then up it to 15 situps and 15 pushups, then 20 the next week, and so on.

I dropped 10 pounds in a month doing that, and didn't change my diet at all. Changing your diet is a good idea though.

That's one heck of a metabolisim your packing

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

If my metabolism is that wild, my diet must be absolute filth, as I'm still nowhere close to slim (around 230, at 6' 3")

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

yeah, I'm about the same size.


Another thing: mosh pits.


These are truly the total body workout. Cardio, upper body, leg strength, abs, arms, neck... it's great.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

I get frikken whiplash from headbanging.....


Is there a technique to this, AOB?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

yeah, don't be a puss.


As for a pit, it depends on the band.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker
yeah, don't be a puss.


As for a pit, it depends on the band.

Wouldn't the fact i give myself whiplash be enough incentive NOT to call me a pussy?


You wacky Americans!

(*insert chair shot here if you're not an American*)

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Yeah, but minor injury is all part of the game. Gotta fight through that shit.

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Guest EricMM

The important thing is to NOT replace soda with lemonade or some other shit like that. If you check the caloric content many bottles of juice is JUST as bad for you as soda. As someone already stated, drink water water water. If you NEED caffine and soda etc, get used to diet.


More important than any other thing for working out is sticking to it, there's just no way to loose weight over one week besides starvation. That's not the way to go.


The thing you need to realize, your weight (and many other things in life) is(are) based on your habits not any singular activity. Anyone could scarf down like, an entire cheesecake and chase it with 4 liters of Pepsi over one day, and it REALLY wouldn't make that much of a difference. The problem is the cheesecake you're having every day.

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This is how I went from about 195 to 165, which is where I'm at now.


I did NOT join a gym, although that does help.


Every day, I did some sort of exercise. On one day, I'd do push ups. This might sound a little strenuous, but what I'd do is 3 sets of 20 push ups. Most of the time, when I started, I wasn't able to finish the second set.


The next day, I'd run in place for about 30 minutes while listening to some music that pumped me up.


The day after that, I'd do 3 sets of 50 sit ups...remember, it's not important to finish, just to reach the level where you can't take it anymore.


I'd rest the next day and then start the exact same routine for the next 3 days again.


As for the diet, you don't have to change the way you eat much. Try to cut the portions you do eat by at least 1/3rd and limit your condiments. For example, mayo is PURE fat and if you can cut things like that out, you'll do better.



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Guest EricMM

Eww how are you supposed to eat Tuna fish without Mayo? Bleah...


It's all just imput output. If you gotta eat mayo for lunch, have a salad for dinner etc.

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Guest Sassquatch

I too was once a tad too overweight while I was growing up and rather than bore you with the details I am going to tell you the three best things you can do for yourself:


1. The first thing you should do when you wake up is do a set push-ups and after you have rested for about 2 minutes do a set of sit-ups.


2. Run every day and try to increase your distance as you start to notice any improvement.


3. Instead of getting a membership to a gym, see a nutrtionist first and ask them how they think you should improve upon your eating habits and what you need to get rid of.


Do all of these things for about a month and if you don't notice any change in your weight then go ahead and do the gym deal but continue doing the first two things above.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I used to be a really fat kid but when I hit High School I decided to get into sports and it totally helped change me. Now I'm still about 265ish but it's muscle.


So I'd say join football,Hockey,Basketball,Baseball,etc.


I was in Hockey,Baseball,Basketball,Football and I went from 300 to 265 in less than a year. Plus your so busy running to all your games you don't have time to eat any junk.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I used to be a really fat kid but when I hit High School I decided to get into sports and it totally helped change me. Now I'm still about 265ish but it's muscle.


So I'd say join football,Hockey,Basketball,Baseball,etc.


I was in Hockey,Baseball,Basketball,Football and I went from 300 to 265 in less than a year. Plus your so busy running to all your games you don't have time to eat any junk.

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Guest RenegadeX28

Yep, I have the same problem. I have gained ALOT of weight. I weigh around 265-275, and I can't seem to lose any weight. I tried in the summer, by eating way less salt, way less fat, drinking Snapple instead of soda for lunch, and eating tuna fish sandwiches for lunch every day, for a week. I weighed myself......and in a week, I lost 7 pounds. What should I do to lose ALOT OF WEIGHT?

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Guest RenegadeX28

Yep, I have the same problem. I have gained ALOT of weight. I weigh around 265-275, and I can't seem to lose any weight. I tried in the summer, by eating way less salt, way less fat, drinking Snapple instead of soda for lunch, and eating tuna fish sandwiches for lunch every day, for a week. I weighed myself......and in a week, I lost 7 pounds. What should I do to lose ALOT OF WEIGHT?

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Guest RenegadeX28

Yep, I have the same problem. I have gained ALOT of weight. I weigh around 265-275, and I can't seem to lose any weight. I tried in the summer, by eating way less salt, way less fat, drinking Snapple instead of soda for lunch, and eating tuna fish sandwiches for lunch every day, for a week. I weighed myself......and in a week, I lost 7 pounds. What should I do to lose ALOT OF WEIGHT?

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Guest RenegadeX28

What the hell? I posted once, then it took forever to load the reply, so I left the forums......I wonder why it triple posted.....

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Guest Vern Gagne

What I found works is eating several smalls meals and snacks throughout the day, and not having one big meal.

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Guest Matt Young

Renegade, losing 7 pounds in 7 days IS a lot. That's more than most people drop. Any more than that really is unhealthy and can be dangerous, anyhow.


El Dandy, I'll recommend to you the same site as I did to the guy who wanted to gain weight- www.abcbodybuilding.com. The site and boards have everything you need, including diet and exercise plans which will greatly benefit you.


As a rule, when looking to drop fat, do lots of cardio, drink lots of water, and consume very little fat, carbohydrates, and sugar.


EDIT: I forgot... Like Verne Gagne said, try to eat 6 small meals per day. It helps increase your metabolism. This is covered in the diet section of the site I recommended.

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