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Guest Black Tiger

Final Destination

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Guest Black Tiger

I've seen the previews for Final Destination 2 and it looks great, the fact that it has the Freddy vs. Jason trailer attached to it makes me like it even more.


I've never heard of Final Destination 1, when did it come out? and can someone either give me some plot info or point me to a site where I can find some stuff about about it?

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Guest Prototype450

Well the first Final Destination was about this kid who could see death coming for him and his friends.














They survived some sort of explosion on a plane and they started getting killed off one by one. The ending is very unclear though.

In FD2 I think they used some guy who looks like Devon Sawa, the kid who had the visions in the first one.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

F.D came out about 2 Years Ago.


A High School Student (Played by Devon Sawa) and his entire Class are on their way to Paris. Right before Takeoff, Sawa has a "Vision" that the Plane crashes and explodes, when he starts to make a Scene, he and 6 others(5 Classmates, 1 Teacher) are thrown off the Plane, soon enough the Plane explodes.

Then one by one, the remaining survivors all start to die in mysterious ways/freak accidents. Of course it's up to Sawa to figure out who dies next and SAVE THE DAY~!


I have seen the previews for F.D 2, it looks decent. I'm wondering how good it's going to be seeing as Ali Larter ^_^ is the only Cast Member who will return.

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Guest Black Tiger

Thanks for the information Prototype and NBT, I'll check out the video store this week and give it a rent it sounds pretty cool.

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It's assumed that Devon Sawa and Kerr Smith were killed at the end of the movie, leaving Ali Larter as the only survivor.


Part 2 does look interesting, but I'm broke.



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Guest Mole

One thing you guys forgot to point out; they cheated death and you can't cheat death.


FD made you think a lot, that is why I love it.

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Guest Ravenbomb

FD was pretty suspenseful IMO. It's one of the Teen Horror movies I liked, which is pretty rare. The scene with him rolling down the hill was great.

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Guest J*ingus

FD smoked mean, hard cock, and liked it. It was same old boring anti-scary crap that's been done much better as episodes of Twilight Zone and Star Trek. Lots of the "deaths" were preposterous beyond belief. My girlfriend of the time was calling half the predictable dialogue before they said it. Did this really need a sequel? Laaaaaame.

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Guest Youth N Asia
FD smoked mean, hard cock, and liked it. It was same old boring anti-scary crap that's been done much better as episodes of Twilight Zone and Star Trek. Lots of the "deaths" were preposterous beyond belief. My girlfriend of the time was calling half the predictable dialogue before they said it. Did this really need a sequel? Laaaaaame.

I agree...and you could see deaths coming a mile away...what fun was that?

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Guest El Satanico

I was kinda shocked when i heard about a sequel seeing as how the original didn't do that great at the box office.


I heard that Tony Todd's role from the original has been expanded in the sequel which is really the only reason why i care to see it.


I liked Final Destination and found it enjoyable, but i didn't see any need for a sequel. It's just expanding on the idea from the first movie which they nicely wrapped up by the end so a sequel was uneeded.


I enjoy death scenes in horror movie no matter how preposterous they are. Hell the more far fetched they get the more i enjoy them.


The whole seeing someones death coming was fun to me because you knew a death was coming, but you didn't know how exactly.

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Guest Youth N Asia
I enjoy death scenes in horror movie no matter how preposterous they are. Hell the more far fetched they get the more i enjoy them.


The whole seeing someones death coming was fun to me because you knew a death was coming, but you didn't know how exactly.

I like far fetched...but lame is a whole different thing. Mostly I just sat back and thought "big deal, saw that one coming"

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Guest DrTom
FD smoked mean, hard cock, and liked it.

Indeed. It was cliched, trite, faux horror, the same crap Hollywood makes several times a year because they know the same suckers will fork out the cash for it all the time. The only moment of the movie that I liked was when the girl turned around and walked off the curb, only to be plowed down by a bus. Truly one of the most (unintentionally) funny moments in recent cinema.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I watched it on DVD a couple of years ago and I rmember a couple of the extras. One tested your psychic ability by having you pick a card from a group of three with the hopes of finding a star on it or something like that. There was also this thing that told you when you were supposed to die. I have only a few years left to live. It also had two of the shittiest alternate endings that I have ever seen as well.

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Guest Lethargic
One thing you guys forgot to point out; they cheated death and you can't cheat death.


FD made you think a lot, that is why I love it.

It made me think some stuff too. Such as why won't this shit ever end?! And how does somebody come up with such a cool concept and botch it so completely?

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I didn't like FD, but the sequel actually sort of looked decent. During the trailer, I was thinking "This might not be so bad.", before it was revealed as FD 2. That put a damper on it somewhat, but I might catch it anyway.

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Guest JangoFett4Hire
only moment of the movie that I liked was when the girl turned around and walked off the curb, only to be plowed down by a bus. Truly one of the most (unintentionally) funny moments in recent cinema.

I felt the same way in Gladiator, when teh kid was run over

by the Roman soldiers. It was one of those "OMG, that's

so funny, let me rewind that" scenes...

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Guest Mattdotcom
I agree...and you could see deaths coming a mile away...what fun was that?


Well, the aforementioned bus scene was pretty fun and unpredictable.

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Guest Lethargic
I agree...and you could see deaths coming a mile away...what fun was that?


Well, the aforementioned bus scene was pretty fun and unpredictable.

Wasn't that in the trailer?

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

Oh my God... I don't remember if that was in the trailer, but if it was, whoever made that trailer were the dumbest shits in show business.

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Guest JangoFett4Hire

It must have been, because I have seen that particular scene (I remember chuckling at it) but i have never seen the movie. I think it might have been on a trailer for video, because I think we rewound it a couple of times to giggle and make jokes. (See also: kid in gladiator again)

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Guest red_file

The strangest thing about Final Destination was that it was written by Glen Morgan and James Wong, who were responsible for some of the best (the only really worthwhile, imo) episodes of The X-Files. I was expecting something much better from them.

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Guest C.H.U.D.
I was kinda shocked when i heard about a sequel seeing as how the original didn't do that great at the box office.

It made $53 million in the U.S., not including international results and home video sales. I'd say it did very well.

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Guest Prototype450

What wer the alternate endings about? My friend has the DVD and I never looked at it

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20










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Guest evenflowDDT
Final Destination was an "eh" movie - really predictable, a few decent moments, nothing too fancy, nothing too terrible, but nothing bearing repeating either. The news of a sequel angered me for no other reason that it's unnecessary, and that I saw it in a "string of sequel" trailers, and that left it immortalized in my mind forever, along with Dumber and Dumberer, as a "what's wrong with Hollywood, can't they come up with any original ideas?" argument. Unfortunately, now that I found out from a second trailer that there is no super-outlandish unintentionally hilarious kitchen mayhem death scene with the guy looking for his ring in the garbage disposal, I have absolutely no desire to see the film. Not even if they had tacked the Freddy vs. Jason trailer to it for cheap publicity/ticket sales.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

No. They do have that Scene.


This was one of the only scenes that I enjoyed.

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Guest evenflowDDT



Really? So he does get his hand chopped up in the garbage disposal? I was confused since the first trailers had him sticking his hand dangerously close to the blades to get a stuck ring, but then in a later trailer I saw he just snagged the ring and that was that.


I was SWERVED~! Which, from their perspective, is a damn smart idea. I'm still not impressed enough to see the film though. Maybe I'll rent it. Or download it.

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