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Big question on all the minds...

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Guest Ace309

Steiner sold the leg, which HHH didn't attack, by falling down while walking across the ring.


He then had what can best be described as a worked Drop Foot attack while doing his underhook power bomb.


In short, he was Steiner.

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Guest wwF1587

he was steiner... as crappy as he is as ever... the match sucked.. the ending sucked... you missed nothing on this match

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Guest art_vandelay

Compared to the Arm Wrestling and Pose Downs, which were more entertaining?

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Guest EternallyLazy

Ummm yeah the match was horrible, but what the hell do you guys mean when you say "it's Steiner... as crappy as ever" ? In 2001 he was having good matches with Booker T, DDP, and even Goldberg of all people.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Well.......it did suck the meat missile. I really turned on Steiner when he botched the powerbomb. And well you know I was against HHH the whole time.

When the Angle/Benoit match was going I was saying that it put the last match to shame and hopefully everyone in the back took notice but my friend Chris said:

"No they aren't watching it. HHH has got them all gathered in the back saying "You see that last match? It wasn't my fault it was all Steiner! But I still made it good! I am the Game!"

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Guest candie45



*meanwhile- marks out for the heel Rocky promo she hears from the TV downstairs. Goes to check and see why the hell he's on TV*

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I told my friend, a person who has been watching wrestling for only the last two weeks:


"Everything this match is, Benoit/Angle won't be."


He was a huge Steiner mark due to the mannerisms and the machismo and talk of freaks and peaks, but after he saw him actually in action, no longer. I told him that he used to put on good matches in WCW, but he was too busy enjoying Angle's death grip on Benoit's ankle.


Hell, it didn't even take the internet or my own words to show him what the good stuff was.

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Guest RenegadeX28

The match sucked because of the millions of suplexes by Steiner, and the fact he was gassed. If these things never happened, the match would have been good, because HHH wrestled good.

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Guest Ace309

I didn't mind the suplexes until the very last round of them. I would have liked to see him bust out some of the other suplexes he knows.


My drunken friend insisted he should do a Frankensteiner.

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Guest Downhome

I actually enjoyed it, I shit you not. He did better than I THOUGHT he would do, there was a few spots in the match I loved, and I thought the ending was perfect, what with them making Steiner look so dominating.


If you don't know by now, they also made HHH to be Steiner's bitch. Steiner dominated almost the entire match. Great build up for the feud in my view.

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Guest Ace309

I was enjoying the match until he inexplicably fell down near the ropes with HHH laying there waiting to be pinned.


You know. When he just fell down.

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Guest The Old Me

I thought Steiner would put on a better show than that. Yeah, the whole "falling" thing was pathetic. I do agree with Downhome though, HHH was made to be Steiners bitch.

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Guest godthedog
I thought Steiner would put on a better show than that. Yeah, the whole "falling" thing was pathetic. I do agree with Downhome though, HHH was made to be Steiners bitch.

that's what surprised me most about that match: trips got almost no offense in. total 180 from what usually happens. i think it might be a possibility that trips knew steiner's main weak point (endurance) and made him look bad on purpose by insisting that steiner keep carrying on offense. trips knows the formula (have the face start out strong, let the heel control & make the face look vulnerable for a while till he makes the big comeback), and he completely ignored it. at no point did steiner look vulnerable, and i can't think of any point where trips got in any significant flurry of offense.

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Guest TUS_02

I got out of my seat during the match... and walked to the concession stand. I had no intention of watching the match. At least you guys had Lawler and Ross talking... there was nothing for us there at the arena. But if it makes you guys feel better, Fleet Center has shitty bathrooms.

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Guest The Old Me
I thought Steiner would put on a better show than that.  Yeah, the whole "falling" thing was pathetic.  I do agree with Downhome though, HHH was made to be Steiners bitch.

that's what surprised me most about that match: trips got almost no offense in. total 180 from what usually happens. i think it might be a possibility that trips knew steiner's main weak point (endurance) and made him look bad on purpose by insisting that steiner keep carrying on offense. trips knows the formula (have the face start out strong, let the heel control & make the face look vulnerable for a while till he makes the big comeback), and he completely ignored it. at no point did steiner look vulnerable, and i can't think of any point where trips got in any significant flurry of offense.

So you think HHH could have intentionally done this, to make Steiner like like an idiot who can't go? I don't think I'd put it past him.

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Guest godthedog
I thought Steiner would put on a better show than that.  Yeah, the whole "falling" thing was pathetic.  I do agree with Downhome though, HHH was made to be Steiners bitch.

that's what surprised me most about that match: trips got almost no offense in. total 180 from what usually happens. i think it might be a possibility that trips knew steiner's main weak point (endurance) and made him look bad on purpose by insisting that steiner keep carrying on offense. trips knows the formula (have the face start out strong, let the heel control & make the face look vulnerable for a while till he makes the big comeback), and he completely ignored it. at no point did steiner look vulnerable, and i can't think of any point where trips got in any significant flurry of offense.

So you think HHH could have intentionally done this, to make Steiner like like an idiot who can't go? I don't think I'd put it past him.

it's the best explanation i can think of, and i'm not even a hhhater at all. without the ending, it's basically a glorified squash. if trips was doing everything he could to make the match better, you'd think that he would get on offense, like counter one of those belly-to-bellies with a low blow or something & start kicking steiner's ass. the way the match was put together, it sucked the crowd out of it completely: not only because steiner sucks, but because there was no real back-and-forth to give the crowd a chance to really get behind steiner.

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Guest EricMM

I thought the point of HHH getting no Offense in was to panic him and make him go for the Sledgehammer. HHH wouldn't dog it intentionally, I think people would be able to tell if he wasn't performing they way they outlined the match.


Whoever decided that Steiner was in condition enough to work 15 minutes needs to reevaluate their judgement! He needs to do some conditioning, some stretching, and some OVW work. When Kurt and Austin spent a match suplexing each other, it was fun. If steiner REALLY did that many overhead suplexes, the crowd was justifyably bored.


However, I seriously doubt that Steiner would be down for some OVW work. I dunno what to do with him, except pray. I'm sure he got a decent to outstanding contract, so vince won't just *fire* him like he did Kronik.


But if was really that bad (as people have been making it out to be I can't get PPV's) then SOMETHING needs to be done.

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Guest mach7
He wasn't horrible, but the match was bad enough to turn the crowd against him so that says a lot. He basically did too many overhead belly to belly suplexes.

Yeah, that.. plus the fact that he was REALLY FUCKING SLOW! It was like watching a match on PAUSE. No, not Slow-mo. FUCKING PAUSE!


I'd wager a bet that Hogan has more mobility than this fucking joke known as Scott Steiner.. maybe he'll take a hint from Nash and injure his quad so he can draw a paycheque for doing sweet-fuck-all.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

The PPV itself was good but I thought Steiner could have "wrestled" more instead of clubbing HHH in the back, chopping his chest and doing push ups all night.

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Guest godthedog
I thought the point of HHH getting no Offense in was to panic him and make him go for the Sledgehammer. HHH wouldn't dog it intentionally, I think people would be able to tell if he wasn't performing they way they outlined the match.

it just makes no sense to me that they would want to make steiner look THAT GOOD against trips, since he's just a short-term moneymaker anyway. rocky didn't even make hogan look that good, offense-wise. being the better worker, he should have taken the initiative and started doing more work. there's absolutely no way he couldn't tell that steiner was winded 5 minutes in, but he didn't take over. was it because he was trying to make steiner look good? i don't know. was it because he wanted him to look bad? i don't know. or maybe the plan was for the match to be all steiner, and when he blew up so early trips just got pissed off & let him shrivel and die in there. or maybe trips is a lot dumber than i thought he was and figured the answer to making the match better was to give steiner more offense, when steiner's offense was the whole problem.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Think about it this way folks, the last two months, Trips hasn't been the weak link in the Raw main events. Too bad he can't carry people as well as 2000.

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