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Guest NoSelfWorth

One legged wrestler to get dark match.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

--Tenacious Z, the only one-legged wrestler in the world, will be working a dark match on Wednesday against regular opponent Truth Martini on the TNA show in Nashville


Credit - WrestlingObserver.com

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Truth Martini, for those that don't know, was featured on Juggalo Championshit Wrestling: Volume 1 as one of the "Doink"s.

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Guest Downhome

I talk to Zach all the time, he's a GREAT guy. I have his tape also now, so look out for my review, article, and interview, with the one legged wonder! I couldn't be happier for the guy, I really couldn't. I wont go into how his matches work right now, but let's just say that he makes it work, and DESERVES a try out.


Not only that, but he is one of the best at bumping/selling, out there right now! I'll let you all know when I finish watching his tape some more, and when my review, article, and interview is complete!

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Guest B-X

I want to make a "I'll kick your leg out from under.. your leg" joke, but I dunno how well it would go over.


Anyway, this dude does some good stuff. He has a website, can't find it though.

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Guest Vern Gagne

That's pretty amazing, does he have a fake leg or does he wrestle with only one leg?

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Guest B-X

I just got this image in my head on someone throwing him to the ropes.


I'm laughing.. so hard right now..

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Guest Downhome
I want to see how he runs the ropes...

I bet if you think about it you can figure out how. He does it, the very way I bet you imagine he does.

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Guest Eagan469
I want to see how he runs the ropes...

I bet if you think about it you can figure out how. He does it, the very way I bet you imagine he does.

forward roll, bounce off normally, forward roll?

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Guest CED Ordonez

Tenacious Z is about as effective as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...


I have no idea how to follow that up...

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Guest TheGame2705

What really can you do to him in terms of leg moves or what can he do to you? No superkicks, sharpshooters, figure fours, etc.

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Guest DeputyHawk

the tna dark match needs to get put online come wednesday. i am unbelievably curious.

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Guest Downhome

Yes, he just hops to get around, but his one good leg is so powerful, he can jump quite a distance. Would you believe me if I told you that he does the Van-Terminator? Then you better, because he does, and it's just as good a one you'd ever see.


Not only does he do it, but the way he sets up his opponent is cool. It's simple also, he simply puts them up in the Tree of Woe and attaches the chair to the person hanging upside down.


He does quite a drop kick, and a very sweet side kick (I forget what it's called, it's the one Dean Malenko used to do alot). The move most commonly done to him in terms of leg submissions is just simple things like an anke lock, leg lock, and (obviously), the half crab.


He also does another awesoeme move, I'll try to explain it. He sets his opponent up in the rope, on their back, with their head and upper body hanging in the ring (much like how Psycosis set up his opponents for the leg drop), he then does a lionsault type moonsault off the middle rope onto the hanging opponent, then pulls the legs out of the ropes and holds them in for the pin.


That's all for now, I have to save something for the article, lol.

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Guest BobBacklundRules

He also does a one-legged rana, he jumps on the opponents shoulders. Then he does a 180, wraps his leg around the guys head and flips forward.

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Guest cynicalprofit

How many legs does it take to be a pro wrestling...now the world knows.

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Guest J*ingus

I want to make a joke about a figure-two leglock, but that would just be cold. I'll be there for his dark match, I admit I'm curious. I hope they prepare the crowd before he comes out, if he just hops out with no warning the Nashville audience is likely to laugh him out of the building.

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Guest Downhome

I hope he comes to the ring with is "fake" leg, then takes it off as the match begins.

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Guest Jobber of the Week



This is both amazing as hell and the silliest thing I've read in a long time.


I have to wonder how he gets up from a drop kick and the like. I'm actually kind of suprised he doesn't have more upperbody strength than it looks like he does.


And jesus f'n christ, he's younger than I am. I don't know what's sadder: That he's got this handicap at such a young age, or that his insane uniqueness will be what keeps him from ever getting anywhere at the same time.


(imagines a one-legged legdrop) Man, that's just too weird.


Consider this the most mindblowing thread I've read in the past year at TSM. In honor I post the following image:



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Guest CED Ordonez

One legged rana? One legged Van Daminator? Man, now I need to see this guy in action. Somebody sneak in a video camera, stat!

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Guest J*ingus

Well, I couldn't sneak in a camera, but I did see the match, and damn, I was impressed. Nice one-legged dropkick, smooth one-legged hop onto the turnbuckle, textbook one-legged small package, awesome one-legged moonsault to the floor, etc. And he took a nasty bump on a german suplex off the top. The crowd was incredibly behind him, he whipped off his prosthetic leg just as the match started and the pop just kept growing and growing. Of course, then S.E.X. came out and gave him a t-shirt to induct him into their faction, but oh well, no match is perfect I guess.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Talk about something that would instantly make someone a sympathetic face. I'd really like to see this guy.

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