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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Last time a title win truly shocked you?

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

You know I was wondering when the last time a title win truly shocked anyone? Like they had no idea it was coming. I'm mostly talking about the World title but other titles can count to. Also when was the last time you thought "No they can't put the title on him! What!? They did!!??"

This probably wasn't the last time but the time I was shocked the most was when Bret Hart beat Ric Flair. I was a little mark and it came out of nowhere. But recently? Umm...probably Jericho. I thought they were going to go with the predictable Austin/Rock match.

And last time that they put the title on somebody I thought they wouldn't be stupid enough to put it one was....HBK.

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Guest Just call me Dan

Chuck Palumbo beating Booker T.


Also Chris Jericho back in the day when he "beat" HHH. Looking back on that whole angle it seems like a big "shoot comment that wasn't supposed to be a shoot comment".

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Last time I was shocked someone got the World Title: Booker T's first WCW Title


Recently, I can't think of any aside from probably Kane's IC Title win last year.


As for guys who I didn't think they were dumb enough to put a belt on: The aforementioned HBK, Kane, Taker, Sting(when he beat DDP and lost it back on the same Nitro), and friggin' SID(in both feds.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I was shocked by DDP's win at Spring Stampede 1999.


Shawn Michaels was the latest stupid win. I had the same reaction to Hogan's win this year.

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Guest AndrewTS
Also when was the last time you thought "No they can't put the title on him! What!? They did!!??"


Kane's IC title win, then HBK's title win.


As for one I was pleasantly surprised with? Angle's title win over Big Show, since I expected Brock to be going into WM as the champion.

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Guest treble charged

Storm and Regal beating Booker T and Goldust for the tag belts shocked me, but not in a good way.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I thought it was a great angle.


It just shocked me. As did him turning heel. That was maybe the most shocked I've ever been watching wrestling.

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Guest Mole

When Hart won the belt from Flair, I was in total shock. I didn't see Bret as a main eventer, since I was a mark.


Hogan winning was a shock.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I completely forgot about Jericho's phantom title win on RAW. I swear, I hadn't marked out like that in years. Hell, I still get goosebumps when I watch the finish(I have it downloaded on the PC).



EDIT: Wow... what a way to use up my 3000th post, eh? LOL!

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Guest ArchoanJB

Something recent: I thought for sure Big Show was goign to beat Angle at Armageddon and it really surprised me Angle won.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
DDP winning that four-way when he was heel. That was pretty ridiculous.

He wasn't a heel yet.


Austin beating Rocky and turning heel was expected.

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Guest Justwitty

Chris Jericho at Vengeance 2001 was really surprising for me as was mentioned in the first post. I SO badly wanted him to win, which I felt was a bad sign. But then, he just went off and was allowed to go over Rock AND Austin in the same night. No matter how badly he's been treated since, that night established him as always being a wild card to win the World Title at any time. There was also a pretty good storyline leading into the match too.


Angle over Big Show surprised me but I think for it to be truly shocking, a good storyline has to be there. Angle/Show before their match didn't have that imo. (Afterwards is a totally different story.)

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Guest Mik at Cornell

NO one mentions FOLEY? I never thought for a second he would be WWE Champion, yet he won the belt in Worcestor. You can tell by the fans emotions that they didn't expect it either.

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Guest K J Brackish

NOBODY AT ALL has mentioned the infamous Survivor Series ...... 97'!!!!!! HBK winning Bret!

I marked out big time that night while saying, "HUH?!?!?"

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

David Arquette -- perhaps not for the same reasons most of you guys are using for your examples...

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Im surprised not that many mentions of Jericho winning the "Undisputed Title". You can't tell me you thought going into Vengance that he was going to walk out the Champion..he was like #4 on everyone's lists in order of who would probably win.


That was the most recent one I can think of.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Also when was the last time you thought "No they can't put the title on him! What!? They did!!??"

Brock/Show at Survivor Series, although it wasn't a positive experience.

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I completely forgot about Jericho's phantom title win on RAW. I swear, I hadn't marked out like that in years. Hell, I still get goosebumps when I watch the finish(I have it downloaded on the PC).

Speaking of that, can someone explain why that was taken from the books? I forget how that happened. Did the ref screw-up or something?


As for the topic, a few title wins I never really expected.


Foley's very first title win.

Foley's title win at Summerslam 1999 (At the time, I didn't see it coming)

Undertaker's title win at Over the Edge 1999

DDP's win at Spring Stampede 1999 (Like Foley's Summerslam win, at the time, I didn't see it coming)

Jericho's win at Vengeance 2001

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Guest SP-1

Bond, in storyline, Triple H ordered Earl Hebner to strike it and award him the title back. This was back during the McMahon-Helmsley regime.


It's also the moment I choose. I haev it downloaded as well and I remember marking out hardcore that night and being PISSED at how it played out.

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Guest tank_abbott

Flair beating Jarrett for the World title will a small package (?) back when the title changed hands weekly. I'm serious.

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Guest cynicalprofit

The last time WWF truly shocked me was the 1-2-3 Kids win over Razor Ramon. THATS how shitty their product has become to me.

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Guest evilhomer

Pat Patterson winning the IC title in Rio back in '79, I didn't even hear about he tournament, but he still came away with the title.


Seriously, I'd have to say Jan 2000 when HHH won it over Big Show, not that he won it, but that he won it cleanly. This was back before Show jobbed to everyone, including my grandmother once I believe, so it surprised me to see HHH, who often needed Dx's help, to go over him clean.

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