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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Nathan Jones injures Mattitude

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Guest oldschoolwrestling



by Tony Hamilton Updated: 1/28/2003 1:32:27 PM




The show opened with Jamie Noble w/Nidia going against Brian "Spanky" Kendrick. Spanky was sporting a mask and some Hawaiian shorts. I tell you, those shorts were louder than the crowd was! The match was rather boring, Spanky seemed to almost be a little too apprehensive in the ring and Jamie Noble scored the victory.


The next match was Bill Demott vs. the returning Kanyon. Kanyon came out to a big pop. Earlier in the match we heard a few boring chants and eventually the fans turned on Kanyon. Demott missed a chance for a moonsault but still secured the pin.


Matt Hardy lost to Nathan Jones. Matt came out dissing the crowd to get some heat and the people popped when Jones came out. Jones seemed rather uncoordinated throughout the match and also seemed lost. Jones scored a victory. Matt did what he could, but the match was rather boring and I think Hardy was hurt because Little Hebner threw up the X after the match. Jones did seem a bit frustrated after the match. I must say he looks PSYCHOTIC in the ring!


Billy Kidman defeated Nunzio to retain the WWE Cruiserweight title. A good match, the crowd really had some serious heat for Nunzio and at one point he actually laughed at some of the fans. Kidman did a celebratory lap around the ring to slap hands with the fans.


Rikishi defeated Chuck Palumbo in a Kiss my ass match. Quick and boring match. after Rikishi hit a Banzai drop and the pin, Chuck ran out to avoid the ass kissing. The ref then threatened to suspend him if he didn't come back. Chuck hit Rikishi with a low blow, then was going to give him his own version of the stink face. Rikishi returned the favor and Chuckie got a facefull!


Torrie Wilson and Gail Kim defeated Dawn Marie and Nidia. Torrie seemed just as enraged through the whole match towards Dawn Marie (man, I wish this deal with these two would die already ) and eventually scored the pin. Gail Kim looked good in the ring including hitting a 'rana.


Los Guerreros Defeated Team Angle. I wasn't sure who would get the heat more in this but the crowd LOVED Latino Heat! A few times in the match there were the usual double teams but Eddie scored the pin after a HUGE frog splash.


Nova and Rey Mysterio defeated Redd Dogg and John "I can't rap" Cena. Cena came out and got plenty of heat from the crowd , getting LOTS of YOU SUCK chants ( even more than for Team Angle ). Nova looked like he was getting man handled (in typical face fashion ) before Rey got the hot tag and eventually scored the win after a 619.


Chris Benoit defeated A-Train. A good match for the most part, the fans tore into A. big time and were doing a lot of the chants of "shave your back" etc. Benoit scored the win to the huge pop with the crippler crossface.


Kurt Angle defeated Edge ( with the help of team Angle ) by pinfall. Paul E ame out and admitted he knew Milwaukee Wrestling history well, even mentioned the Crusher. the fans popped for him, until he said "and he was gay just like the rest of you!". Kurt didn't get on the mic but Edge came out the the loudest pop of the night. A great match, Best on the card overall, and Kurt the assist from Team Angle when the ref got bumped and eventually tossed into the guard rail ( see other commentary below for that part ) and put him out long enough for a triple team. Angle scored the pin and post match the beatdown ensued till Chris Benoit came out to make the save. Edge and Benoit did the old fashioned hand slapping post match after Team Angle left.



Here are some notes from the WWE house show in Milwaukee WI


First and foremost, Nathan Jones REALLY needs some work!!! He looked rather lost in the ring, and I think Matt hardy might have been injured during the match because at the end little Hebner threw up the X. My guess is a knee or angle the way Hardy moved from the ring.


Speaking of little Hebner, man that is one foul mouthed little man. At one point a water bottle was on the floor near the ring and he said “what the **** is that*. Mind you, I had ringside seats, so I hear a bit more than I expected ( especially with a 9 yr old sitting next to me ). During the main event Lil Heb got thrown into the rail about 3 seats down from me, and it seemed like a fan kicked the rail a bit and hit him, and after the match Heb was swearing at the fan, trying to goad him into hopping over the rail, even though the fan was about 6 foot 3 and probably would have squashed him if it came down to it. Not a good showing for him with all the profanity he threw out.


There wasn’t too big a crowd but they got into it quite a bit throughout the night. It was kind of dead through part of the Kanyon-Demott match, and you could hear Demott say: just shut up and give me the spot ( which got a laugh from the close fans ).


Big heat: Kurt Angle, Team Angle, A-Train

Big Pop: Edge, Benoit, Los Guerreos, Mysterio


Not a bad show, Edge I think was the best of the night because he really played into the fans and even did a full trip around the ring to shake hands. Great guy, total pro there.



from 1wrestling.com

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Guest oldschoolwrestling



by Bean B. Updated: 1/28/2003 1:35:07 PM



Bean sent along his thoughts on the Nathan Jones-Matt Hardy from last night's WWE house show.


Well, we saw our mate Nathan Jones go up against Matt Hardy at the match in Milwaukee on Monday night. Here are my thoughts.


1. Big. No doubt about it. And a very mean, nasty look about him.

2. A little slow...and tentative about his moves.

3. No big power moves. Disappointing not to see these from a big man.

4. Messed up a spot. Result? Injured Hardy's ankle, for real.

5. Match ended quickly with Jones beating Hardy with a gut wrench suplex.

6. What?!? A gut wrench suplex is his finishing move? Probably not, but because of the very real screw up and the very real injury, they cut it short.

7. A remorseful Nathan Jones. After the match, Hardy was helped back stage while Jones followed quickly behind with a concerned look on his face. We noted, "He knows he f'd up and he knows he hurt Matt for real."


So, all in all, it looks like another huge jobber (ala Big Show, Dave Batista, Chuck Palumbo, and B2) for the WWE.



also from 1wrestling.com

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Guest Brian

Considering the people Hardy has heat with and who's backing him, it should be an odd political situation to see where this goes.

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Guest bob_barron

Did Jones spray him in the eye with milk or something??


And AM- why should Nathan Jones be fired? Should Owen Hart have been fired in 1997?

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Guest AM The Kid

He's a big fucking monster without experience to be in the big leauges yet. He injured someone on his first night.


I dunno, ignore me if you weeellll.

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Guest bob_barron

He's wrestled in WWA and he wrestled last weekend in the ring.


Him not having experience isn't really his fault per se- it's Vinces fault for putting him in the ring w/o any experience.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I remember them signing him a couple months ago. Has he been down in OVW training?

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Guest Youth N Asia

If that's the case then those two talentless shits Rosey and Jamal should have been fired right away...they managed to hurt a lesbian and Pat Patterson right off the bat. Plus the fact that they really suck doesn't help matters.

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Guest crandamaniac

Why is Nathan Jones even in the WWE? Why haven't they sent him to OVW? From the reports I heard he's worse then Big Show. He doesnt need to be in on the big show (the WWE, not the wrestler) If he can't work with out injuring somebody!

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
If that's the case then those two talentless shits Rosey and Jamal should have been fired right away...they managed to hurt a lesbian and Pat Patterson

A lesbian and a ghey man in one shot?

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Guest Youth N Asia
If that's the case then those two talentless shits Rosey and Jamal should have been fired right away...they managed to hurt a lesbian and Pat Patterson

A lesbian and a ghey man in one shot?

Seperate run ins...so two shots.


And I didn't even notice the irony till I typed it out...3 Minute Warning are nothing more then hate mongers

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
If that's the case then those two talentless shits Rosey and Jamal should have been fired right away...they managed to hurt a lesbian and Pat Patterson

A lesbian and a ghey man in one shot?

Seperate run ins...so two shots.


And I didn't even notice the irony till I typed it out...3 Minute Warning are nothing more then hate mongers

And yet their manager is Rico, manager of the former ghey team. Somebody had better warn him, he's next!!!!

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Guest Star Ocean 3

It's too bad for Matt and Jones...and I really hope Kanyon improves, I'm really looking forward to his return.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Edge knocked out a Boriqua on his first match and he was never fired...

No one cared though...

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Guest Kotzenjunge

This week's Matt Facts:


"Matt broke his ankle while bringing to word of Mattitude to Tibet by way of climbing through the Himalayas."


"Matt hates Australia."

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Guest Youth N Asia
the culprit:


Could you look this guy in the eye and say, "hey buddy, I'm afraid we're gonna have to let you go."

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Guest crandamaniac
This week's Matt Facts:


"Matt broke his ankle while bringing to word of Mattitude to Tibet by way of climbing through the Himalayas."


"Matt hates Australia."





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Guest RenegadeX28

Vince: Hey Nathan, you injured Matt Hardy, and I have 2 words for ya......YOU'RE FIRED!! G'day!


Nathan Jones: (Whimpers)

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Guest Polish_Rifle

No more Mattitude?


Are they going to work an injury angle tonight on Smackdown or are they just going ignore him like they do with all the people on Velocity and Heat?

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Guest DeputyHawk

any word on which nipple was lactating? i'm trying to overlay a mental image on the photograph.

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Okay ... big wrestler ... tough ... beats the snot out of people ... no real skills ... and his gimmick is that he was in prison.


Is this 1992? Where's the Big Bossman when you need him.

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Guest DeputyHawk
Okay ... big wrestler ... tough ... beats the snot out of people ... no real skills ... and his gimmick is that he was in prison.


Is this 1992? Where's the Big Bossman when you need him.

snapping vincent frolicking on the farm to keep his job safe another fifteen years.

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