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Guest BoboBrazil

Another Old School Surprise Tonight!

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Guest Zack Malibu

My guess is Magnum TA, to further the Dusty/Nikita storyline. I think we'll finally have Nikita speak as well.

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Guest Downhome

I'm all for Magnum TA being back in the spotlight, so sue me. Even though I can't even watch the show, it just sounds awesome to me.


I'd be such a sucker for this storyline from what I hear, I really would be.

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Guest Justwitty
Wow...old men fighting...exciting stuff.

Outside of Zybysko and the Road Warriors, the old guys aren't fighting. They are primarily there to lend credence to the Old School vs. New School feud. It makes sense to bring them back when half of the biggest storyline in the company deals with tradition. I have no problem with this as the way they are being used so far, they give credibility to the side going against S.E.X.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Here's my problem: I know little to nothing about the NWA product, especially anything before WCW broke off from it. A name like Magnum TA is incredibly familiar, but I've yet to even see what this guy even looks like, let alone a match. If there are more fans like myself who aren't familiar with the older wrestlers, this idea of bringing in a new old guy (ha, oxymoron) every week or two might eventually flop.

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Well, in my case, I don't know the old timers either. But in the way TNA presents the storylines nad everything, I'm open to the idea of seeing some "new" old faces.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Oh, I'm open to it also, I just can see where it might be a problem eventually.

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Guest RedJed
Here's my problem: I know little to nothing about the NWA product, especially anything before WCW broke off from it. A name like Magnum TA is incredibly familiar, but I've yet to even see what this guy even looks like, let alone a match. If there are more fans like myself who aren't familiar with the older wrestlers, this idea of bringing in a new old guy (ha, oxymoron) every week or two might eventually flop.

I don't think it will flop, if anything it might bring back an old demographic of a wrestling fan, some of the oldschoolers and etc.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I think as long as they explain who these people are and give them the mic to say why they are there, it will be fine. If they just start throwing people out there and expecting everyone to remember them, then it will get old fast.

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Guest Downhome

Well if you want to see Magnum or Nikita or whoever, download a few of their matches from me, heheheh.

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Guest RedJed

It's too bad there wouldn't be a way they could get some old NWA footage to show, say the stuff with Koloff and Rhodes, damn McMahon has it all though now.


BTW, for what its worth I'm almost certain Magnum TA will show up tonight.

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Guest Downhome

Here is a picture of Magnum TA with Tully Blanchard, one of the damndest feuds in the history of the sport. If you want to talk about a feud where two guys hated one another, then THIS is one to mention...




...here are a few more...








...you best just take Magnum if they offer him, it would be a lot better than you know who...




...if you don't know who that is, I'm not saying. I'm not bashing the guy, I used to be a HUGE fan of his (and still am deep down), but he really should retire. I'm talking, he should retire a LOT more than some of these others on TNA, I'm just saying.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It could be Steamboat. He just worked the Hermie Sadler shows along with JJ and other TNA talent.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

So I know to look for the porn star-looking fellow. Thanks for the heads-up and pictures.

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Guest RedJed

Meltzer reported in the Observer either this or last week that they have made some serious contacts with Magnum so its likely to happen.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Well...if you're going to take an old school story...you might as well take a good one.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Well, it certainly wasn't Magnum TA...













It was the friggin Rock 'N' Roll Express and they turned on AMW and joined SEX. And I must say, Robert Gibson has quite the gut on him... but NOTHING compares to the baby hippo that is Percy Pringle now. What the FUCK happened to that guy? Last time I saw him on TV(WWF/E, that is), he was a LOT slimmer. Now he's like a fucking blimp.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Yup. Also...














They just beat friggin AMW when Primetime clocked one of them with a tag belt.

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Guest teke184

You know what happened to Pringle? He got paid to sit at home taking care of his wife and consoling himself with pecan pie instead of being bullied into losing a tremendous amount of weight.


He has said in interviews that management laid down the law on the weight of people on TV, which was why Blue Meanie was fired the first time, and that they weren't shy about making people feel like shit in order to get them to lose weight.

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Guest Coffey

I liked NWA tonight. They definately seem to be trying to find some old NWA fans. I don't know why all of their promos are made to look like shoots though.


Sonny Siaki's bitch is hot as hell.


That is all.

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Guest teke184
I don't know why all of their promos are made to look like shoots though.

Two words: "Vince Russo"

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2 words: Hush up. If the promos didn't seem like shoots they would be as boring as the promos on Raw, nothing more about babbling about how Sports Entertainment is better and no one can stop it. Not that they don;t do that now, but with the shoots they make it more enjoyable.

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Guest Tony149

Yeah, the "shoot" aspect of the shows is to use the "reality wrestling" idea Russo has been wanting to do since 2000.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Sorry, but that Shiavone/Tenay segment was BORING AS FUCK. Even the crowd agreed with me. I almost changed the channel until I realized that I was paying to see it.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Heh, it was pretty funny, though, Spoon. All that insider-ific stuff had me on the floor laughing.

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