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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Something I need to get off my chest

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

I'd like to think that all of you are my friends here. I've been here since June of 2001. I've done a lot here. I've been in the JL, the WF, I've booked and marked for both, I've seen the IGNWF and the SWF, and I've seen hundreds of workers come and go. Those that stuck around usually became my friends, and I'd like to think that everyone out here likes me. I have no particular animosity towards anyone here. Ash, I might be hard on you sometimes, but honestly, you're a good kid. But enough of my rambling. Because I've become so friendly with all of you, and I've gotten to know you all so well, I feel that I should tell you something: I'm bisexual. Maybe gay. I haven't really figured that all out yet.


I've only told this to a few people, and only in the last week or so. I've been dealing with the strain of this burden over the last few years. No one in my real life knows about my sexuality, and I intend for it to stay that way for the forseeable future. Despite all the jokes I've heard about my school, it didn't turn me gay. I've known on some level that I was like this for a long time. I never really accepted it until 10th grade, and now I'm starting to confront it and talk to others about it. I just can't deal with the stress of having this bottled up inside anymore.


Why am I telling you this? Because I'm tired of lying. I want to have a place where I can be myself, and whether I like it or not, this is a major part of who I am. I didn't choose this lifestyle, it chose me. But I'm not going to be ashamed of who I am. I'm still a good person. I fail to see how my sexual preference should be used against all the good deeds I've done, and just wipe them out of existence. I'm still the same person you've talked with about angles, real life, personal problems, or absolutely nothing at all. The only thing that's changed is that I was willing to be honest with you. Although this probably won't be the case, I feel that me telling you this should bring us all closer together. You know more about me now, and I hope that other people can confide in me like I've confided in you.


However, I don't want people to make a huge deal out of this. I'm not going to be offended by people saying "Eat a bag of dicks", or "_____ loves the cock". That's not a huge deal to me (although using words like faggot, queer, or other derogatory terms like this IS a huge deal to me). I don't want you to act differently around me, to change what you're gonna say when you look up at the people in chat and see that TBS is there. I understand that I'm a minority, and I'm living in the majority's world. But I do ask that you look at who I am. I'm still TBS, the Superstation, Strangler, Patrick Hannon. I'm still the guy who no-sold a car. I'm still the guy who works as hard as he can for this fed. I'm still the guy who really cares about each and every one of you.


I'd really like it if everyone who read this could post some kind of support. Doing this wasn't easy for me, and I hope you can see that and help me through one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life. If you have a problem with me, please, just PM me or IM me. I don't want to get into any fights over this, especially not publicly. And if you have questions or something, just post 'em here or IM me. So I urge you to look at yourselves, look at me, and remember who I am: Your friend.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Amen, took a lot of balls.


Now let's move on and continue making the SWF all it can be.


- TM

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Guest AnnieEclectic

Well Strangulah, you know I'm with you here. I've been here, done that, and then bought the T-Shirt. I think Rose ironed it too...


But seriously, it's a hard thing to keep to yourself because it's an integral part of you. So don't worry, if people give you crap I'll kick their virtual asses yo! heh.


Oh yeah.... Eat a bag of dicks, TBS :-D





EDIT: DAMN you OC! I wanted first post you BASTICH!!!!



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Guest Suicide King

Thank you Strangler for your courage and your trust. We shall treat this matter with both the respect and the caution it deserves.


That said, I think that it's pretty clear that you love the Cock. It's ok, he's my favorite jobber-squasher too.


Edit: You know, Annie is right. I am justice. I am rule.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Well, as long as you don't come on to me... I'm fine with it.


It's not a huge surprise, really... but yeah, it's good to know that you want to be honest with all of this.


Still a great guy you are, TBS.


- Taylor "So TBS Is Just The Same, Only Really Really Happy?" Thompson

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Wait, since Annie and TBS are both gay, does this mean that they're gonna hook up!?!?


- Taylor "Doesn't Quite Get This Whole 'Gay' Thing..." Thompson

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Guest Thoth

I think that you demonstrated two things by doing this: you have a lot of guts, and you also smashed a few stereotypes. Way to go.

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Guest Ace309

Yeah, you told me about this earlier and we came to the conclusion that an east coast liberal college student isn't surprised by much.


Cool. Glad you trust us and feel comfortable enough with us to be comfortable around us.

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Guest Powerplay

Damn, man. I don't think many people could have come out and said that. I've respected you since my first week since you were nice enough to help me get script working, and I'll ALWAYS respect you for being a great guy, a helpful veteran, and a damn good writer. Don't worry bout me, TBS, no change in opinion here.

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Guest Powerplay
Rawk on. Same old TBS to me, and that's that. :headbang:

Best response here, IMO. Short, sweet, and to the point :D.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Hey, that's superb.


I'm really proud of you. I have another friend, one who goes to NYU, who first came out to friends on the internet, and it made it much easier for him to feel comfortable about himself and eventually tell everyone in his non-internet life, too. It's a smart first step to really getting everything square. Rock on, Stranglepants. Rock on.

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Guest Tod deKindes
Who the hell would come on to you, TNT?

Mental note: introduce King to Brick.


And Strangler, there's nothing wrong with that. Gotta be likin' someone.


Tod "Is A Fan Of Will & Grace" deKindes

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Guest chirs3

... Ok then.


As long as you keep giving me the choicest matches on the Storm Cards (6 man! Judge! Fugue! Ejiro! Johnny! Two others whose names escape me at the moment, and I apologize to you if you're one or both of the two! ROCK!), or even if you don't, your sexual preference is toward the bottom of a long list of things that don't affect my opinion of you one way or the other. You were just fine and dandy with me before I knew this, and I see no reason why you won't continue to be after.




TBS Edit: It's Wildchild and LDP. I should SO have Mark book a WC/LDP vs. Crippled Raynor match for the next show

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Guest Muzz

Not much to say really, just like G said, same you. Although, I just hope you aren't on the end of any abuse, because you don't deserve it.


And Strangler = teh sex.

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*blinks* Whoa. Not many people have the balls to clearly state something like that...


Doesn't bother me one bit. Strangler has been, is, and always will be....the RAWK~! :cheers:

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

As I tell a lot of friends of mine for different reasons, people who judge someone on a very minor surface trait are not people you need to ever associate with. For these people are the weak, the stupid and the diseased not you.


You could have said that you were a purple martian with a fetish for latex paint and it would never, ever change the dedication, love and hard work you put into this fed. If it wasn't for you and King, I doubt the SWF would be running at this moment. To be honest, there are very few people around here I really respect and aspire too as far what they do and have done for the fed. You are one of them TBS and if everyone could be ten percent of who you are to this fed, we'd be the best e-fed going bar none. And if everyone in the world could be ten percent of the person you have shown yourself to be today we'd all be a lot better off.


I know we've never talked that much personally, but know that I whole heartily support you in any endeavors and am more than willing to talk any time with you in chat or over pm if you need a friendly ear. The surest to draw strength is to be true to yourself.

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Guest chirs3

TBS Edit: It's Wildchild and LDP. I should SO have Mark book a WC/LDP vs. Crippled Raynor match for the next show.


As long as I'm the marker... ;)

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

As said, that took an incredible amount of bravery, TBS.


I'm very proud of you.

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Guest HVilleThugg

I have read your post, and I'm gonna say something harsh, but not disrespectful.


So what?? So you might be gay? Am I supposed to care?


Now, it sounded harsh, so let me clarify. I commend you on your courage to come out and tell us all this. I think that's a huge step, and having been an RA at school and had to deal with the pressures and stresses of many gay residents, I know that it was hard for you to do what you did, and that it's also part of the process of becoming you. So, mad props to you...now, as for what I said above, it means exactly this. I don't give a rat's fuck if you're gay or bi or just plain weird...you're TBS, and that's all you can be and all you need to be. I can't speak for everyone, but you can rest assured that I could care less of your sexuality.


But I know it took some major cahones to tell people this, so mad props to you. Just remember...be yourself. That's all you have in this world...you.


Da "harsh, but it makes sense...or maybe it wasn't harsh at all and just a compassionate message from a very caring individual....no, i'm a jackass" H

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Guest Aecas

Props to you for having the guts to admitt that Strangler.


Knowing that don't bother me at all mate, so ROCK ON :) :headbang:

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Thanks for all the support.


And Thugg, the big reason I told people is that I was just tired of lying to people about my life. My situation in real life isn't changing any time soon, so I just wanted to have some part of my life where I could be honest.

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Makes no difference to me. You're still that guy people call TBS, Strangler, etc. I gotta say though, that took balls to say what you did. (Y) @ U.

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Guest Ash Ketchum

Strangler, it doesn't matter, dude. You're still the same guy to me.


And dude, that took a lot of balls to say. (Y)

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Guest Dace59

I'd make some joke about what you said about my Pic once, but I won't.

Beside it doesn't really matter much to me or anyone.


I can only just echo what everyone else has said.

Have fun with it man. Rock on.


Glad to see no one has a real problem with it too.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

You do realize that this ruins my whole making fun of you for your gonig to an all boys school.



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