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Guest wwefanc419

Steiner vs. Triple H?

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Guest wwefanc419

At No Way Out,Scott Steiner will take on Triple H for the Raw Championship(as I call it).Who do you think will win?I'm putting my money on Steiner. :headbang: :cheers:

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Guest Downhome

I have my money on HHH...


...I also have my money on you not knowing how to use bold or italics.

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Guest The Tino Standard

HHH might suck, but Steiner is 10x worse. No way in hell Big Poppa Dump wins the belt at No Way Out. After watching Raw last night, I'd say they are building towards a HHH-Booker T. World title match at Wrestlemania. No complaints from me on that one.

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Guest Banky
HHH might suck, but Steiner is 10x worse. No way in hell Big Poppa Dump wins the belt at No Way Out. After watching Raw last night, I'd say they are building towards a HHH-Booker T. World title match at Wrestlemania. No complaints from me on that one.

Big Poppa Dump? Do you guys think this stuff up on your own?

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Guest Aecas

I'd rather see Trips hang on to the title than Steiner take it off of him.


Since you don't like Big Poppa Dump how about Big Poppa Pooped?

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I always liked Big Poppa Gump.


I dunno..


As for the PPV..dang. Steiner wins and its Steiner vs HHH at Wrestlemania. NO!

HHH wins and they've pretty much made Steiner look absolutely stupid, which makes the whole Steiner coming to WWE thing look like a big waste of time. Er...not good but I suppose I could deal with it.

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Guest TheArchiteck

As much as I want Steiner to win, now isn't the time. It feels like Steiner is a new guy. Like this is my first time seeing him.

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Guest Luke Cage

Steiner vs Helmsley...and they're charging money for it?

(insane laughter)

What DOES that second W stand for?..

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Guest Choken One

I expect that they will abstain from an actual "MATCH" or at least an effort of an match and just have a sloppy brawl...Finished with a Evoultion beatdown...Goldust returns to the WWE and WWE pushes the WRONG guy at Mania.


Yeah, Ya heard me "HHH Vs "The Most Electricfied Man in Sports Entertainment" GoldDust.


Meanwhile, Bookerman jobs in the opener to Batistia.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

HHH wins, goes on to job the belt to Nash at WM. If Nash isn't ready, HHH beats Booker T.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

Goldust would never get a push like that....



so it will happen...

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If Booker T does face HHH for the World Title at WM, Then, Booker T will be buried by HHH just like everyone else. I still think they should let Austin face HHH instead of Rock. Booker will probably just fued with Batista & Orton. Let Benoit face The Rock at Mania.

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Guest creativename
If Booker T does face HHH for the World Title at WM, Then, Booker T will be buried by HHH just like everyone else. I still think they should let Austin face HHH instead of Rock. Booker will probably just fued with Batista & Orton. Let Benoit face The Rock at Mania.

Well, if Booker does face HHH at Mania, him winning would be almost a foregone conclusion. Yes, Booker would most likely still be booked to look like crap compared to HHH as he'll probably have to get uber-interference to win the match (if this only counters Evolution interference though, it's not a problem); but a title win at Mania is still a big thing. Thus I don't see how you can say Book would be buried. He wouldn't quite get as much of a rub as he should, but it's certainly not a burial.


And Rock-Benoit would own all. No way in hell it'll happen though.

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Guest Brian

They set up Austin/HHH so they might as well go through with it, since there's no way they can prep an opponent that quickly. Booker needs a push, RVD needs to be rebuilt.

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Guest jester

They really screwed themselves with Steiner. He sucks so bad that they can't put the title on him (or can they). Yet, if he doesn't win the title, he looks like yet another loser who can't beat HHH.


I figure they'll do another non-finish, then have a non-title match where Steiner wins to blowoff the feud. Like they did with Kane/HHH.

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The writers might put Booker on the main event @ NWO for the fake title with HGH and Big Poppa Gimp. i doubt he 'll get a shot for the title @ Mania.

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Guest Choken One

I am expecting Booker to do a "I wanna Kill Orton/Batistia fued for the next couple weeks"....HHH brags about ending another meaningless threat...Booker challenges him and calls him a punk ass bitch...Booker gets the upper hand in a confrontation but gets Steinerized for the next month and gets punked at Mania.

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Guest edotherocket

Does anyone know what WWE has planned for Triple H in the long run. I mean he has held the title for an eternity and when he loses it, its a fluke and he gets it back quickly and dominantly. Are they prepping anyone to be like Brock Lesnar on RAW and comprehensively beat him and move on to another feud with the belt? Or is the current plan for Triple H to be champion indefinitely with the odd swaps with Nash?

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Guest notJames

At this rate, his greatest battle is against his own decaying body. No way they can keep the RAW belt on him if he's on injured reserve 3 weeks out of every month.


I can only pray that a scenario involving Booker T getting the belt at WM will take place. I don't care if Goldust, RVD, and the 101st Airborne have to interfere... anything to halt the Evolution of WW_'s destruction.

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Guest edotherocket

My concern is that Evolution has just started. So unless they do some major damage between now and Wrestlemania, I feel Triple H won't be satisfied with how much the group has accomplished because lets face it, he wants to make a faction to be remembered (as would anyone) so I think Triple H will probably win the title at Mania and the group would only get its come uppance at Summerslam or Survivor Series.

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Guest Brian

The plan is, I'm guessing, that Austin comes and Trips gets jealous, and the feud sorta becomes Vince/Evolution vs. Bischoff/Austin.

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Guest Aecas

That sounds right, unfortunately we will have to sit through another crapfest between Steiner and HHH like we saw at the Royal Rumble.


Can anybody smell the ratings? :throwup:

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Guest jester

You know, I honestly want Steiner and HHH to keep facing each other. While HHH is busy with Steiner, he's less likely to bury someone I care about. And with any luck, they'll keep getting booed out of the building when they wrestle and the miracle will happen, and both get pushed down to the midcard.


Or better yet, they both join Nash on the Disabled and Eating Cheetos List.

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