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Guest Slapnuts00

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Guest Slapnuts00

I can imagine Jerry Jarret backstage (looks at his watch "Ok guys we've got 10 minutes left to kill....KEEP BRAWLING!)

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Guest Slapnuts00

They couldn't have, oh I don't know...BOOKED A MATCH OR SOMETHING during all this time...

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Guest RedJed

This is ridiculous, they locked the entire traditionalists in the locker room? Wait, Rhodes will come out and kick all their asses now.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Well what do you know, I called it. How predictable. I guess Russo's swerves aren't so shocking after all. Piss poor show, worst theyve ever had, worse than most RAWs. Not ordering next week unless the lineup is too good to pass up...

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Guest RedJed

Well that was EASILY the worst TNA show yet. I can't think of anything positive other than seeing Tenacious Z and the beginning of the tag title match. COMPLETELY ruined it though by holding up the titles and that really botched finish.


The ending was incredibly bad.......a horrible way to end a horrible 2 hours of nothing much of note. No surprises, interesting promos or angles, bad matches all around. Just plain bad.

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Guest Raven_Effect01

With tonight's show being as bad it was, is ROH our only hope now if they get a TV and PPV deal?

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Guest RedJed

Obviously one week of bad shit doesn't mean the promotion is doomed.


If they learn from the mistakes made tonight (which there was many) then its all good. My assumption is that for whatever reason, Jarrett allowed Russo (maybe along with such creative geniuses as Disco) to write this show tonight. This definately reeked of Russo all around, more than any other show I've seen before. Anyway should be interesting to see how they rebound from this craptastic show tonight, one way or another.

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Maybe my hacked DirecTV card not working one hour before the show was a sign!?!


Anyway, I'm sure TNA is smart enough if they get enough bad feedback and add some more wrestling and action to the show. They have listened to the fans before...we just gotta let them know.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Patrick isn't ordering next week, and probably won't order again until we get that Raven/Jarrett match.

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Guest Raven_Effect01
If they learn from the mistakes made tonight (which there was many) then its all good. My assumption is that for whatever reason, Jarrett allowed Russo (maybe along with such creative geniuses as Disco) to write this show tonight. This definately reeked of Russo all around, more than any other show I've seen before. Anyway should be interesting to see how they rebound from this craptastic show tonight, one way or another.

But according to what Slapnuts00 found from PWTorch.com not too long ago, haven't the shows been going like this for a few weeks now since January 2003? Because there was obviously a lack of wrestling on those shows even before tonight's all-time low.

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Guest RedJed

It wasn't this bad as tonights. The wrestling still was there, and there was at least a few bearable matches per week. Most if not all of the angles and promos at least had purpose to them but tonights really didnt. Everything was just downright horrible.

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Guest The Shocker

I'm so glad I did not watch tonight. Yeesh. Sounded a bit raw (pun intended)

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I guess we'll be seeing Russo in the pope-mobile next week. They really need to get rid of him. He is nothing but a pimp to himself. I don't have a problem with swerves and such, but all he really seems to care about is getting himself over.

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I was wondering when Russo would do something stupid.


Not only that ,but Jorge doesn't have his theme anymore... no Belladonna... and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT? What the hell?


Dammit, it was going so well, too.

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Guest RedJed
I guess we'll be seeing Russo in the pope-mobile next week. They really need to get rid of him. He is nothing but a pimp to himself. I don't have a problem with swerves and such, but all he really seems to care about is getting himself over.

They just need to pull the reigns back on him creatively, I would almost guarantee he has full booking control over that entire show last night.


He's still an asset as a character if he isn't given so much creative power. To say though he just cares about himself though is ridiculous, when you think about it.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I think the worst part about last night wasn't the Neverending Brawl, nor was it the Heatless Wonder X Division Champ retaining, nor was it even the Blown Finish. The problem with last night can be summed up in this answer I gave to someone who asked me how the show was:


"Well... umm... nothing happened. No advancement, nothing."


Had something actually come of all of that mess, some sort of change, then I wouldn't be nearly as annoyed. However, when the program ended, things were the same as when it began. Face Jarrett with the same character, same X Division champion (whose utter heatlessness really hit me last night when he was beating the crap out of Trinity and NO ONE CARED), same devalued tag titles (can't forget that abysmal finish), same people on each side of the TNA/SEX rivalry.


Last night's highlight(s) for me: Hearing Mike Sanders called "Colonel Sanders" and seeing Tenacious Z wrestle.

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Guest shlidgn90

just keep watching the shows. konnan is going to bring in ricky marvin and shocker!

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Fuck that. Like I said, I'm not ordering again until the Raven/Jarrett match is signed and CONFIRMED.


Just to piss me off, it'll be a surprise match or something.

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