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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins


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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

What is with all the ECW stars coming into TNA? I mean, I love Corino and Raven, but Sandman, Kid Kash, and the supposed Shane Douglas. Why is TNA bringing in all the ECW stars?


I would like to think that it will set up some future angle against S.E.X., but it all could be just for name face value.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Ex-ECW stars usually work cheap. They have enough name value to pull in x amount of viewers when word gets out that they now work for TNA.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Kid Kash has been around for months.


Corino is a former NWA champion so he makes a ton of sense.


Raven was the biggest name that WWE has released sine TNA started, making it almost impossible for them not to grab him.


Sandman is the one I don't get. But he's over and it gives Raven something to do while Styles takes on JJ.

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Guest Coffey

I take it Sandman showed up last week? I didn't get the show. I probably won't get it again until that one-legged fuck leaves either. He makes my stomach uneasy..


I don't want to vomit watching wrestling.

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Guest RickyB
I take it Sandman showed up last week? I didn't get the show. I probably won't get it again until that one-legged fuck leaves either. He makes my stomach uneasy..


I don't want to vomit watching wrestling.

What the fuck? He works hard to get into Wrestling despite his disability and he deserves all the credit in the world for getting as far as he has. He is a talented man and he deserves everyone's support.

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Guest BifEverchad
I didn't get the show. I probably won't get it again until that one-legged fuck leaves either.

Gee, classy thoughts there man.


I suppose you're one of those ignorant bastards who parks or encourages people to park in handicap spaces at the mall as well?

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Jago has already stated when Tenacious Z made his PPV debut that the sight of a one-legged man in a wrestling singlet makes him somewhat uneasy.


Can't say I wholeheartedly disagree with him, but Z is a tremendous worker for a man with his disability.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Because we're not used to it at all. Here's a guy that has only ONE LEG, and it looks REALLY fucking weird.

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I laugh when I see him...but I'm not laughing at him...it's just...a "wow" laugh. It's like he's in front of a green screen and he's wearing a black and green pair of tights. :)

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Guest El Satanico

Well it visually throwing you off is one thing and that's totally understandable. However i don't see how it could seemingly make someone physically sick.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

How people react to it isn't really at issue. Coming on here and blaming the wrestler for your own handicap is pretty juvenile though

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Guest The Notorious CRD

Hearing about Tenacious Z made me want to see him and he didn't disappoint either. He's doing things better than most guys that have both legs can and the crowd totally buys into him as underdog babyface because of his (and I use this word lightly) handicap.

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Guest Coffey
It makes my stomach uneasy watching him as well. But, I do respect him for doing what he does with his handicap.

Exactly. I'm not trying to take anything away from him, he just freaks me out.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Said it before, I'll say it again. I honestly forget he lacks a leg unless Don West screams it or something. Then I go back to forgetting it.


Amazing how Hogan could inspire someone to actually one day do Asai Moonsaults, when you think about it.

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Guest JMA

I've never seen a TNA show before (no job=money, no money=no PPVs). How much of Tenacious Z's leg is missing? How exactly does he move across the ring? Does he have a prosthetic?

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Guest El Satanico

It's missing up to almost his hip. He has a prosthetic but takes it off to wrestle. He moves around the ring like you'd imagine a one leggd man would walk around.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Tenacoius Z: 16.jpg





It's really stupid to be "sickened", its odd at first but you get used to it. I admire the guy for everything he's able to do.

And as evidence of my new sig Im digging the ECW "invasion", 2 weeks ago sucked so badly that I didnt order last week, thus missed Sandman and Corino's debut! Ahh, I'll be watching this week though.

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Guest Coffey
Well, Z is gone, so you can start watching again Jago. But he'll be on WWE TV now...



We'll see. They might just send him to OVW. Of course, they probably just signed him to get a quick shock value...


Cool. I can get NWA again. :)

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Guest geniusMoment

Damn Sandman lost a lot of his beer gut.

Is the mullett back? He cut it off after barely legal in 1997 and has had shorter hair since.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

He also lost the muscle-mass he had when he came into WCW and then back to ECW in '99.

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Guest geniusMoment

I actually think he is better without the muscle. It fits his image as a white trash drunk guy who just gets in the ring and does anything possible to kick your ass. Maybe now he will do the drunken mans plancha again, he stopped doing it in his last ECW run.

I think he should go back to the USA sweat pants.

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