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Guest CED Ordonez

Time to make fun of t-shirts again...

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Guest CED Ordonez

Benoit - "Toothless Aggression"


Nice pun, but do I really need this phrase on my chest?


Booker T - "5X (Five Time)"


Does nothing for me. Of course they won't tell us what that's supposed to be a reference to.


Dudleyz - "Blood is Thicker Than Wood"


Mmmm...Gatorade. No thanks.


Team Angle - "No 'I' in Team"


The decent shirt of the bunch, but "Wrong Again" seems out of place when it's isolated on the back like it is.


Rock - "Hit It Strong"


A sexually charged Austin 3:16 shirt? Better than "You Bring the Ass", I suppose.


Hurricane - "I've Got Issues"


Just what I need, more people laughing behind my back, especially when they read the catchphrase.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Bah, Booker's shirt is the worst.

Dammit, I can design a better one than that.

Toothless Aggression one sucks....

Team Angle's shirt would look much better with just the logo...instead of that 3 'I's' crap.

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Guest TheCynicalHateMongerFromHell

Toothless Aggression is the worse t-shirt slogan ever

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Guest AndrewTS

I actually think Booker's is the best out of all those. Simple, not embarrassing, and references the FIVE TIME!! FIVE TIME!! FIVE TIME!! FIVE TIME!! FIVE TIME!!--Dubbya-see-dubbya championship reigns.

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Guest El Satanico

Angle's and Hurricane's shirts are decent. The rest are crap.


Angle's would've been better without "wrong again".


Hurricane's is the best designed shirt they've released in awhile. I'd wear it since it doesn't look like a wrestling shirt.

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Guest papacita

Angle's shirt would've been better if on the front it said "There are 3 "I's" in Team" and left the back along.


I still think Hurricane's and Rock's are cool

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Guest CED Ordonez

You know, they could make better money by bringing back some of the older shirts that have been discontinued for awhile. I'd take an Angle Wrestling Camp shirt over all of these.


The Team Angle shirt proves the marketing team has great difficulty in grasping the concept of "Less is more"

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Guest jester

The Booker T shirt must be WWE's subtle little way of telling us that Booker ain't getting any gold around his waist in the conceivable future.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Ugh.......that Rock shirt is the absolute worst. What's with all the sexual innuendo's?

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I don't get the sexual innuendo in the Rock shirt.


I also don't understand that catchphrase period.


Someone care to explain? :mellow:

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

You don't get the sexual innuendo? Well "hit it" is slang for sex. Mostly used by rappers, homie g's, and other dumbasses of the sort. Well I'll let you now figure out how the shirt sounds bad now.

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Guest papacita
"I have issues"?? Well, why don't you insult the gimmick more? What makes Hurricane so entertaining is that he believes he's a superhero...not that "he has issues".


I thought the pun there was kinda funny.

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"I have issues"..superhero..comic books are sold by the..issue..never mind I guess I just read too much into it. Still looks good though. And yes the Team Angle shirt is a bit busy. I'm still waiting for the velour warmup suit.

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Guest caboose

TheRock's T-Shirt reminds me of Zapp Brannigan's line in Futurama:


"Brannigan's Law is like Brannigan's Love, hard and fast...'

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

all the Rock's shirt needs is a "I'd" before both hit it's and it would instantly become the official shirt of Fark Boobies posts.


but I digress

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Benoit is finally getting accepted by the fans and all he gets is this piece of crap t-shirt??The wolverine picture should be in the front of the shirt and that's all it needs.

Booker's shirt and his so-called "push" are very much alike, they both suck.

Team Angle is the best of the bunch but the slogan "wrong again" doesn't belong there at all.

Rock getting another pointless t-shirt what else is new?

The Hurricane t-shirt will get you 2 things in life:

Get your ass kicked .

And get women to laugh at you.

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The Hurricane t-shirt will get you 2 things in life:

Get your ass kicked .

And get women to laugh at you.


I wouldn't laugh at anyone with a Hurricane shirt. In fact, if I saw someone with that shirt, I'd try to strike up a conversation....if I could get over my shyness, that is. If not, then I'd just admire from afar.

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Guest evilhomer
"I have issues"?? Well, why don't you insult the gimmick more? What makes Hurricane so entertaining is that he believes he's a superhero...not that "he has issues".

I think the slogan is just a play on his character. He really believes he is a superhero and superheros have comic books, like the one on the front. I think they were trying to go for a clever play on words, Helms believes that "he has issues" as in issues of books, whereas everyone else can go "that boy has got issues." Oh the hilarity.



Do you think the Dudleys cut a deal to get royalties from gatorade. Otherwise the WWE is going to be facing a lawsuit for copyright infringement. That is a direct rip-off of the gatorade logo.



Why can't Benoit get a break. They develop an extremely cool wolverine graphic, then put one of the dumbest slogans possible on the front. The entire "Ruthless Agression" era fizzled out anyways, so why play on that slogan. If they must have words, just put a cool looking "The Crippler" on the front until they can come up with a decent catchphrase for him.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Hey, is that supposed to be a comic book cover on the Hurricane shirt?


I'm a huge Helms fan and all, but that shirt pales in comparison to his 1st 2 shirts, IMO.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
Benoit - "Toothless Aggression"


I can only imagine the injuries suffered when they tried to get Benoit to pose in that shirt.

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Guest TheArchiteck
Benoit - "Toothless Aggression"


I can only imagine the injuries suffered when they tried to get Benoit to pose in that shirt.

Haha, i'm sure they just had him pose and just cut and pasted it.

I wonder if Benoit actually likes it....

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Guest evenflowDDT

I love Hurricane's shirt, once again, if they didn't cost so damn much and I had the cash, I'd be there. I think Hurricane's actually got the best track record for t-shirts as of late; none of them have really sucked so far that I can remember.

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Guest mach7

I can't believe they're actually going with Toothless Aggression for Benoit.. putting it on his tights, and now a t-shirt. Who's brainfart was this?! *ugh*

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