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Guest BoboBrazil

Tommy Dreamer Joins Raw Creative Team

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Guest BoboBrazil

Tommy Dreamer has joined the writing team for Raw and will be part of the creative team for the Monday night broadcast. Dreamer's stint as a Raw writer began last week. Dreamer will remain an in-ring performer in addition to being a writer, which some may see as a potential political situation. Dreamer has always been one to put over the other talent, be it in ECW or WWE, so there probably won't be problem in that area. Dreamer will bring a wrestler's perspective to the team, which is headed by Brian Gewirtz. Since Gewirtz's specialty is comedy, it makes sense to add more wrestling savvy to Raw's creative team.



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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Wasn't it Dreamer's idea to drink Undertakers tobacco spit out of a cup and eat hair? Yeah, he fits right in with Raw.

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Guest the pinjockey

Wait someone on the Raw creative end who actually cares about wrestling.


"Dreamer will remain an in-ring performer in addition to being a writer, which some may see as a potential political situation."


Yes, because remember all of that time in ECW he spent as champion and all the times he put himself over talent the likes of Raven.

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Guest Kid Kablam

That's good to see. I doubt politics will enter into it cause Dreamer knows that he's damn lucky to be this high up in the business

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Guest FeArHaVoC

$5 says Politics will have Dreamer kicked off the Writing Team, Fired and working for NWA:TNA in 2 months.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I'm glad he's getting this spot, he's the most unselfish guy in the business. He made stars out of Raven, The Dudleys, Steve Corino, and to a much lesser extent, CW Anderson.

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Guest Quik

"Dreamer will remain an in-ring performer in addition to being a writer, which some may see as a potential political situation."


His name isn't Hunter, so I think Raw will be allright. Notice how no one objects to HHH, the Raw champion, sitting in on production meetings and influencing writers?

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Guest Trivia247

My Godddd He'll Be a Booker and also a Wrester NOO He'll cheat the Scales!! he'll Push himself....He'll///




This is Tommy Dreamer..... He Jobs to New guys to better The Wrestling industry... He kicks ass lol

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Guest El Satanico
Wasn't it Dreamer's idea to drink Undertakers tobacco spit out of a cup and eat hair? Yeah, he fits right in with Raw.

Actually I believe they said he'd always do sick shit like that backstage in a joking way to freak the other guys out. So they just decided to have him do it on tv and see if it would get over.


I doubt that's the kind of ideas we should expect from him.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Since Gewirtz's specialty is comedy, it makes sense to add more wrestling savvy to Raw's creative team


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Tommy Dreamer has joined the writing team for Raw and will be part of the creative team for the Monday night broadcast. Dreamer's stint as a Raw writer began last week. Dreamer will remain an in-ring performer in addition to being a writer, which some may see as a potential political situation. Dreamer has always been one to put over the other talent, be it in ECW or WWE, so there probably won't be problem in that area. Dreamer will bring a wrestler's perspective to the team, which is headed by Brian Gewirtz. Since Gewirtz's specialty is comedy, it makes sense to add more wrestling savvy to Raw's creative team.



So that explains why HHH has taken an interest in beating up Tommy on Raw, payback for joining the booking committee and making him look bad do to the fact that Dreamer is pretty much willing to put other people over while HHH only gives a damn about himself....

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
... Um, did you think they were joking? Gerwitz is pretty good at writing comedy angles. He just can't do anything else.

I must be missing all this great comedy on Raw, then ::shrugs::

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Guest Trivia247
Tommy Dreamer has joined the writing team for Raw and will be part of the creative team for the Monday night broadcast. Dreamer's stint as a Raw writer began last week. Dreamer will remain an in-ring performer in addition to being a writer, which some may see as a potential political situation. Dreamer has always been one to put over the other talent, be it in ECW or WWE, so there probably won't be problem in that area. Dreamer will bring a wrestler's perspective to the team, which is headed by Brian Gewirtz. Since Gewirtz's specialty is comedy, it makes sense to add more wrestling savvy to Raw's creative team.



So that explains why HHH has taken an interest in beating up Tommy on Raw, payback for joining the booking committee and making him look bad do to the fact that Dreamer is pretty much willing to put other people over while HHH only gives a damn about himself....

And the funny Part about it, that Dreamer probably didn't care that HHH did that to him. which makes Dreamer a far better person than HHH.

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... Um, did you think they were joking? Gerwitz is pretty good at writing comedy angles. He just can't do anything else.

I must be missing all this great comedy on Raw, then ::shrugs::

... Book-Dust. Of course, that's dead now, but it WAS hilarious.

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Guest bob_barron

That was more because of Book-Dust's chemistry with each other and the fact that they are just really funny guys

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Guest Showstoppa Icon
... Um, did you think they were joking? Gerwitz is pretty good at writing comedy angles. He just can't do anything else.

I must be missing all this great comedy on Raw, then ::shrugs::

... Book-Dust. Of course, that's dead now, but it WAS hilarious.

i believe he also wrote the EnC skits too which were classic. other than that i have no use for him.

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Guest Choken One

Did I call it or what? I just said the other day he would be made a Writer for WWE...


I'd wish he handle the SOH role...

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Guest Raven_Effect01
Gerwitz also wrote the HHH/Angle/Steph love triangle before his ending was vetoed by HHH and we got no blowoff.

I thought it was that Chris guy who wrote it before he left the creative team in 2000 and Steph became the new head writer.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

Didn't Tommy come up with the idea for the Singapore Cane match with Stevie on Raw? One of the high points of Raw while it was going down the shitter?



Two Thumbs Up towards Tommy writing Raw.

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Guest Rob Edwards

I heard it was that Chris guy too I believe he was responsible for most of the continioty aswell

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Guest JMA
so does this mean a mega push for RVD or Stevie Richards?

They both deserve it. RVD should be at the top of the company right now. Stevie is a great worker who has been booked extremly poor by WWE.

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Guest Sakura

I have always read that it was Chris Kreski that wrote the love triangle. He left right after that angle died.

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