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Guest HartFan86

One Year Ago Today...

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Guest HartFan86

Rock. Hogan. Chicago. Raw. Wrestlemania 18. It's on.


That was such an awesome segment/beatdown.....and then they came from commercial.


Discuss this as it happened 1 year ago today.

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Guest tpww7

The Rock getting hit by the trailer was fucking stupid, but the segment before it was just great. It's amazing how fast they can fuck things up.

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Guest bob_barron

I thought it was pretty cool and still do. I mean it got the nWo over as killers.


Too bad Austin had to ruin that the next night

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Guest BoboBrazil

I loved Rock getting hit by the semi. The segment wouldn't be memorable at all without that.

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Guest HartFan86

I remember being in awe over that promo, and then in total shock when Hall/Nash came out behind the curtain. I thought the promo was over after Rock rockbottomed Hogan.


But yeah, the nWo was just at the top of their game that night. Put them over huge.

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Guest tpww7

Maybe if Rock didnt come back from it, 2 and a half weeks after, perfectly fine, it would of been better to me.

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After they nailed Rock with the hammer and sent him on the stretcher, it should have ended. That would have solidified how nasty the nWo was for those who had never seen them and set up Rock/Hogan perfectly.



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Guest HartFan86
Maybe if Rock didnt come back from it, 2 and a half weeks after, perfectly fine, it would of been better to me.

What was even worse was his selling. One minute his ribs hurt, the next minute he was flying around the ring.

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It ruled thta night in Chicago. I was there at the Allstate Arena, and marked out like a 13 year old girl at a Justin Timberlake concert. I was also in rockford the next night to watc the nWo get turned into pussies. The show wasn't that bad, but the Austin thing killed all the heat the nWo had. Oh well. RAW still ruled all forms of ass though.

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Guest tpww7

WWF @ Chicago, IL - February 18, 2002

Raw is War:

Matt & Jeff Hardy defeated Lance Storm & Christian

Kane defeated Mr. Perfect

Booker T defeated the Godfather

Rob Van Dam & Edge defeated Goldust & WWF IC Champion William Regal

Triple H pinned Kurt Angle to win a world title shot at WrestleMania


Eh, not much has changed, HHH is still going over everyone (with the excecption of last night) RVD is still in the midcard and unfortunetly Curt is no longer with us.

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Guest HartFan86

I should go pop that tape in again because if I remember correctly, Angle/HHH was pretty darn good.

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Guest Human Fly

"I'm going to lay the smackdown on his crippled ass NWO style! 4 Life!"


I don't know why but the way he said it cracked me up.


Everytime I think of the NWO I can't help but think of Scott Hall and how he was given chance after chance and couldn't stop himself from screwing up.

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"I'm going to lay the smackdown on his crippled ass NWO style! 4 Life!"

If he didn't say it 5 times in 3 minutes, it would have been more effective.



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Guest Mole
The Rock getting hit by the trailer was fucking stupid, but the segment before it was just great. It's amazing how fast they can fuck things up.

*cough*ECW coming in, then Steph the owner*


Yeah, Vince is great at that.

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Guest Army Eye

Ah, that was a great night. And no, there was not been a Raw crowd as hot as that for anything since then.


Then on the next Smackdown, we saw in clear detail why the company sucks so much right now. The NWO was made to look like total pussies (this is the cancer that's going to kill WWE I thought?) and Hall, the trying to reform alcoholic, has beer repeatedly dumped all over him. That was just sick to watch.


Killed the angle dead, Hall ended up off the wagon, but you made your point Vince.

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Guest Frankie Williams
"I'm going to lay the smackdown on his crippled ass NWO style! 4 Life!"

If he didn't say it 5 times in 3 minutes, it would have been more effective.



What about Hogan and the great "Hall 3:17". Boy he sure knows how to put a great twist on catchphrases ::rolls eyes::

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I guess I was the only guy who didn't mind the ambulance skit, just because they haven't done vehicular destruction in a long time before that (or since that, either.)


It was more of a suprise and "whoa" than if they'd been blowing up cars every few months like at one point.

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Guest creativename

I LOVED the ambulance skit. I was completely marking out for it. Still one of my all-time favorite promos. (Actually, I was deathly afraid that it was gonna be a bait-and-switch, and it would turn out the Rock wasn't even in the ambulance after all; that it would be some old granny. Thank god that didn't happen.)


I can see why people would hate it, as you could say it was just too over-the-top and unnecessary. Rock coming back uninjured two weeks later was really stupid too, but expected. Still loved it though. The look on the nWo's faces when they ran away at the end made the segment for me.

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Guest wwF1587
I remember being in awe over that promo, and then in total shock when Hall/Nash came out behind the curtain. I thought the promo was over after Rock rockbottomed Hogan.


But yeah, the nWo was just at the top of their game that night. Put them over huge.

and thats about all the damage they did... i remember seeing that...forgiving them for a weak debut at NWO 02... then they had to frick it up and make the nWo look like austin's bitches..... damn you wwe

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Guest Mattdotcom

Goldust & WWF IC Champion William Regal= bob_barron Dream_Team


I remember just going from enjoying the promo to marking out for the beatdown to sitting there STUNNED...and not in the good way. I mean the "what the fuck?" way.

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Guest kane3212321

I just keep thinking it was only 2 years since WCW shut down. For some reason it feels like it happened only yesterday.

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