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Guest wildpegasus

Benoit at Wrestlemania?

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Guest wildpegasus

With Benoit already lost in the shuffle and evoryone else already tied up at Wrestlemania what are they going to do with him? What would you do with him? He's seemingly left out in the cold with a pretty big storyline of chasing the WWE title.


A little of topic here, does anyone know of any house shows that Benoit's been on since Smackdown. Just worried that the short match with Albert was because of Benoit's bicep though I sense it could have been to time constraints. I know he wrestled Angle on a house show right before Smackdown so at least that's a good sign. Thanks for your time.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo



I'd agree, but only if they're actually willing to pull the trigger on a push for the guy. Otherwise, it'd waste Rocky's big job for the next few months.


Heyman seems to have his head screwed on straight, but knowing the monkeys at the WWE..he'd get the big win, and immediately job to 'Taker or Albert.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Except the Brock face turn kinda killed that.


With the heel list looking kinda thin..eh. The opponent choice is probably not going to be good.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

I think the plan is still to go with a Benot v Brock v Angle programme over the summer.

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Guest wildpegasus

I think Nathan Jones will be going against Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Benoit is still left with no real big name to wrestle at Wrestlemania. I don't even know if he can wrestle someone like Eddie because he even looks tied up for Wrestlemania with team Angle.

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Guest Dmann2000

Well, if Edge is okay by Wrestlemania


TLC IV- Edge & Benoit vs Los Guererros vs Team Angle for WWE Tag Team Titles


Of course that's real nice of me, put a guy just recouperrating from neck surgery into a dangerous match like that.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Rock/Benoit at WM.


It has the perfect storyline. Heel Rock says that he used wrestling as a stepping stone to "true superstardom" while the face Benoit fights for the honour of wrestling because wrestling is his entire life.

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Guest Choken One

I was dead set on thinking we were getting Edge/Benoit in either a Heel Edge turn at NWO or a straight up Respect #1 contendership match...Guess Not...


I see WWE having THREE Choices


A). Rhyno

You bring Rhyno in as a Monster Heel (yeah, another one) and align him with Heyman (see the connection)...It's a great wrestler vs a carryable solid performer.


B). Team him with Mysterio and Make it a 3 way Tag Match with Guerrenos and Team Angle. This is unlikely as Mysterio and Benoit never teamed before (on Current WWE) and they really have no connection other then the Fall tag series. This would also leave Matt Hardy, the likely CW champion in the cold...unless they go with a Shannon Moore face turn or go with Kendrick...But I don't think Brian Kendrick is ready for Mania...


C. The Rock

It is highly unlikely as WWE is dead set on this match going down...It would work in the already preposed plan...But I don't think WWE wants to give an "Nobody" such an high profile match against Hollywood Rock.

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Guest El Satanico

If nothing else just give him a mini face vs. face feud with Rey going into WM. Of course that depends on if a Rey vs. Matt Hardy feud doesn't start before WM.

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Guest Choken One

I don't think I want to see that...I'd Rather Rey get his own program with a Good Heel that could be very entertaining...

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Guest El Satanico

Well yeah, but if they don't start a feud for Rey before WM a short month long "feud" with Benoit would be a good backup plan and will give WM a good "time filler" match.

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Guest Choken One

Maybe but A Rey/Matt wouldn't need much storyline would it?


Maybe I just flat refuse to watch Benoit and Mysterio in match...I can't tell you why...

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Guest El Satanico

They could easily set the Rey/Matt feud up in time for WM. However we don't know if they plan on doing that. The way WWE does things I'd expect a rematch of Kidman/Matt at WM.


I don't know why you wouldn't want to see a Benoit/Rey match.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Well, with Edge's injury, its sorta simple, Have Rhyno Gore the Fuck outta Edge, off the stage, preferably, and then have Benoit come to his aid, blah blah

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Guest Brian

Go with Rock vs. Benoit and HHH vs, Austin. As much as I'd like to see Booker get the spot, the cynic in me tells me HHH won't put him over, but he will Austin. Then they can go with, I guess, Booker vs. the Evolution for a while, have austin drop the title to Jericho, and work towards Jericho vs. Booker at SummerSlam. Jericho will look strong coming out of the HBK feud and will go right in with Austin. Booker needs some credible wins though and this will solve the WWE's fixation on having a "draw" on the card. Unfortunately, this still leaves me without a place for RVD after beating Kane.


Put Rey with Matt. Easy transition there. Throw Rey in the six man, have Matt and Shannon pull him out, and go from there.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Rey's already wrestling on Heat so he won't be in the six man.


Other then that I agree with what you say, Brian. Have Rhyno interfere in the 6 man, gore the living fuck out of Edge and piledrive his ass to hell, do Benoit vs Rhyno at Mania. Plus, Rhyno would make a good enforcer for Team Angle, he wouldn't wear their gear or believe in the 3 I's, but he could be there when they need somebody. Also, Rhyno is a much more credible ass-kicker then Hass or Benjamin if they need somebody to injure Brock.

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Guest Brian

I don't really want to see Rhyno until Angle turns face and they go with Rhyno vs. Angle. Just a total surprise.


Maybe they could get Edge just to have Team Angle injure him, put over those guys some more.

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Guest wildpegasus

I don't see anyone beside Rhyno right now. Perhaps they could throw Benoit into a triple threat elimination match with Rock and Austin. I severely dobut it though. Personally, just as long as he's in there with a great wrestler, I'll be happy.

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I think Nathan Jones will be going against Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

Why job Nathan Jones at Mania with the monster push he's most certainly going to get? You know that Undertaker's streak won't end...


If Jones were to end Taker's streak, it would certainly mean something, but I don't think that WWE is going to give something they view as very meaningful to someone who's been in the company for only about a month or so AND isn't a great worker to begin with. But hey...what do I know. They jobbed Brock to Big Show.



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Guest Mulatto Heat
A little of topic here, does anyone know of any house shows that Benoit's been on since Smackdown. Just worried that the short match with Albert was because of Benoit's bicep though I sense it could have been to time constraints. I know he wrestled Angle on a house show right before Smackdown so at least that's a good sign.

Benoit got the injury in the (useless) Rumble rematch against Angle, and has worked every house show since that happened. Just so you know....

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Guest El Satanico

At NWO Team Angle will attack and injure Edge earlier in the show.


For the remainder of the show the commentators will wonder who's going to replace him.


Then it's ends up being a 3 on 2 match after hijinks from Heyman to keep the replacement from coming out.

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Guest bob_barron

Benoit v. Matt Hardy? I don't think anyone would think Matt has a hope in hell.


I would do Benoit v. Austin or Benoit v. Rhyno if Rhyno doesn't join Evolution

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Guest TheCynicalHateMongerFromHell

If Goldberg signs, it'll be Austin vs. Benoit.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Yeah, rock/benoit or austin/benoit would be two of the freshest combinations they could do, and just about the only ones aside from brock/angle I'd be interested in.

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Guest Austin3164life
Austin/Beniot would be nice just for a change from Austin/Rock, and the match would kick ass.

My thoughts exactly, but the question is, who does the job? It would be logical for Austin to job, but where does Benoit go after that?

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