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Guest NoCalMike

Would NWA/TNA benefit from....

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Guest NoCalMike

I saw this weeks show and it was pretty decent. A good alternative to the contrasting style of WWE, sans a few segments involving Russo. Plus since it is on the "indy" level, there is always going to be that element of suprise every week. However one main beef I have it the lackluster crowd. Besides the main event, the crowd was dead. Is it like this every week? Until this week, I hadn't seen nwa/tna since sometime in the first few weeks, and I can't remember what the show was like. Are all their PPVS still in the same venue? They should try out Philly or somewhere in a wrestling "hot spot" to see if they can draw a more enthusiastic crowd. Just my opinion though.

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Guest El Satanico

Going to Philly for a show or two each month wouldn't be a bad ideal if they can afford to make venue changes at this time.


Now that they have some ex ECWers there's no doubt the show would go over well in Philly.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Yeah, but where. They cant use the bingo hall (I refuse to use that other name) and the Murphy Rec is too small

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Guest Blue Bacchus

It's Poorly Mic'ed... I've been there live several times and the crowd is hot.

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Guest RedJed

Most weeks that crowd is nuts, I don't see a need to move them at all. If anything just move them to Memphis, where the fans are maybe even more rabid.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
I've been there live several times and the crowd is hot.

Have you been there since Russo came in? I'm just wondering how the live crowd feels about him. All I can remember is fans with signs saying:


Who Cares?

The Nonstop Action has officially stopped

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I don't understand how people can say that crowd sounds hot on TV. They seriously seem absolutely comatose unless it's a HUGE match, like last night.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

They should try doing some tours of the East Coast. A show in Mass would be good (because the crowds up here are pretty good, and we dig RoH a lot...and I could see TNA live then), as would a show in Philly and a show in North Carolina.

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Guest Tony149

I've seen a lot of people talk about the TNA crowds on different boards, and they all say the crowd is hot, but the mics suck. I take their word for it. TNA needs to do a better job with that.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Borash was dropping sledgehammer-subtle hints in the From the Inside coloumn about using the 3PW Arena, while saying that he hates the Bingo Hall

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Guest j.o.b. squad

I do not think moving woude be a good idea. first you have a loyal and growing fanbase in tennesee. second if you move you have the possibility of half the crowd never haveing watched tna before with a whole lot of "who are you" chants.

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Guest El Satanico

Well seeing as how they have alot of known guys they wouldn't have to worry about a crowd not knowing anyone.


However if the crowds are good live and are just bad on tv then there's no reason to go to other places yet.

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I also take Borash and that Phillip McConnell guy's word for it-how the crowds have gotten hotter each week. But they need to do something with the mics, cuz when I watch, sometimes I feel like they're just dead and I feel sorry for some of the guys wrestling.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

It's gotta be the microphones, because it makes no sense to have a sellout for a show every week but the crowd make no noise.


I don't think moving around would kill any fanbase. I mean, they started in Huntsville for the first few weeks I believe before going to Nashville. Also, you have to figure that anyone who would attend the TNA shows elsewhere would be someone who's seen it at least once or is moderately familiar with the product.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

And, if TNA were to head Northeast or Southeast, guess who those territories are familiar with? Sandman, Raven, Low-Ki (Northeast), AJ Styles (Southeast), and Jarrett. I wouldn't expect more than maybe 350, but I wouldn't expect dismal numbers.

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Guest geniusMoment

This is a little thing but I think it adds something to the show. I wish they would mic the ring itself better. I remember at Barely Legal and at Wrestlemania 12 the ring was very loud. Every move seemed to have more impact.

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Guest J*ingus

The near-silent ring is one thing that almost everyone remarks on; nobody is quite sure why even the hardest bumps barely get a sound out of the damn thing.


As for the crowds, well, it depends. Some weeks they're hot, some weeks they're dead. Never having watched the PPV on television myself, I can't comment on mic settings.


As for moving it elsewhere, well, where else could you get over a thousand people to attend a show every week? Not Memphis, that place is so dead even the indies can't survive there.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

As i wrote in a preview a while back.


Eventually they will HAVE to travel.


A large fanbase in one area is good. Being able to expose more people to the product is better.


With only the WWE around...people like me can go a whole year without seeing any wrestling come through here.


Musicians go on tour...and wrestling does too. That way every person who says "Who are you" at the show will probably order to find out who they are...which means more money.

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Guest Zero_Cool

I'd really like it if they came down to Dallas for a show every now and then..this place is always up for some wrestling. I remember WWE pretty much selling all the tickets they had for Smackdown a couple of months ago.

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Just so you guys know, I emailed Jerry Jarrett this thread and told him that it's a concern. He emailed me back to tell me that he's going to look into getting better sound equipment in the future.



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Guest NoCalMike
Just so you guys know, I emailed Jerry Jarrett this thread and told him that it's a concern. He emailed me back to tell me that he's going to look into getting better sound equipment in the future.



Nice work Dames.

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