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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Most dissapointing sequel?

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Ok I was wondering what everyone's most dissapointing sequel in the video game world is? I mean I know that usually the sequel can't surpass the original and that's fine. But I mean what just absolutely dissapointedy you? Couldn't live up to the original and shouldn't even be considered a worthy sequel? Hell even a 3rd or 4th dissapointing sequel?


For me it'd be Red Faction 2. The game to me just came nowhere close to the original IMO. I thought the levels were boring and I hated the vehicle levels. The original just had so much more.....and it had a better feel.

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Guest JangoFett4Hire

The Adventures of Link on the old NES. WTF was that all about? I hated it.


Also another old school game, Super Mario 2... it was too weird. I didn't like it as much as the original and 3 was pretty good too...

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Guest caboose

Tony Hawks 3. For some reason the game just hacked me off to bits with its revert stupidity.

Tony 4 is cool, but Tony 3 just doesn't sit with me well like 1, 2 and 4.

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Guest caboose

Really!? Tony 2 is still my favourite...


(Glances At Tony Hawk's 2 Uk Championship Trophy)

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Guest Renegade
MK 4, and SF 3 are the first two that pop into my head.



What didn't you like about SF3 Dames?



Breath of fire IV was pretty poor.


King of fighters 99: Not a bad game by any means, but the introduction of the striker system really didnt do it for me, at least it was improved for 2000 and 2001. Plus K' was a total monster in that game, SNK were really desperate to put K’ across as their new hero by making him just way more powerful than anybody else in the game.


Chrono Cross, not because its a bad RPG, but I was let down after the sheer brilliance of Chorno Tigger.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Tony Hawk 2 is the shit...3 was just so-so.


I'm going with Mortal Kombat 3...just a bad game, not fun to play.

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Guest CED Ordonez

I think SF3 was disappointing only for the fact that it didn't revolutionize the fighting game world like SF2 did. They also tried to push Alex as the new hero but that failed badly. Oh and Gill, the final boss, was a two-tone guy in a loincloth that fought annoyingly cheap (complete with a full-life restoration super)


After playing Breath of Fire II on the SNES, Breath of Fire III for the PlayStation was really disappointing.

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Guest razazteca

Yoshi Island was the sequal to Super Mario World right? WTF was the deal with the baby mario crying, I hated that soo much.


And all of the Mario Advance games on GBA for not putting something different than just the orginal Mario Brothers game on all of the sequals. Damn they could of at least put the Missing Levels game that was on Mario All Stars on one of the GBA carts. When will SMB3 ever be release for GBA?

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Guest Will Scarlet

I always felt Suikoden 3 was kind of disappointing, though it was hard for anything to live up to the awesomeness that was Suikoden 2.

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Guest Renegade
I think SF3 was disappointing only for the fact that it didn't revolutionize the fighting game world like SF2 did. They also tried to push Alex as the new hero but that failed badly. Oh and Gill, the final boss, was a two-tone guy in a loincloth that fought annoyingly cheap (complete with a full-life restoration super)

Gill was so so cheap, if you didnt win the first round there was very little chance you'd be able to win.


But as a fan of SF 3 I have to disagree on Alex. Capcom really tried to break the hoss stereotype in fighting games with Alex, I guess he didn’t look cool enough for public approval.


The only problem I have with SF3 is the way parrying is handled by some people, fighting can sometimes be so cautious that the match evolves into some severe turtling.

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Guest Karnage

WWF Attitude was okay until I realized it was much like Warzone. And Anarchy Rulz was also much like Hardcore Revolution which was also much like Attitude which was also much like Warzone.

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Guest RenegadeX28

WWE Wrestlemania X8



After reading news on the game, with producers saying this game would be a No Mercy fans delight, I was hyped. I bought the game, I was HUGELY DISAPPOINTED.

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Guest KoR Fungus

I would probably say Chrono Cross, because if they weren't going to make it feel like the sequel to Chrono Trigger, they shouldn't have used the name. I was so disappointed that the combo techs from CT didn't even make an appearance in CC. Not a bad game, but not what I was hoping for in the sequel to CT.


Runners up goes to FF8, which wasn't all that bad, but was a huge letdown after FF6 and FF7.

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Guest Kingpk

I hated the whole plot of FF8. Squall was too much of a dick and that whole thing with Laguna went nowhere.


As far as most disappointing, I'll go with MGS2. I'm just disappointed Kojima let the plot unravel so horribly in the second half. Not to mention Raiden was an awful character.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic
The Adventures of Link on the old NES. WTF was that all about? I hated it.


Also another old school game, Super Mario 2... it was too weird. I didn't like it as much as the original and 3 was pretty good too...

Super Mario Bros 2 in the US was originally a completely different game called "Dream Factory: Doki Doki Panic". With the success of the first game in the US, Nintendo felt that they needed to capitalize on the popularity of the franchise and rush a sequel out ASAP. They pretty much screwed it up.

The 2nd Super Mario Bros. game that was released in Japan was never released in the US until it was added on the Super Mario All Stars cart as "the lost levels".


Link explaining what went wrong..

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Guest chirs3

Tony Hawk 3 - It was pretty much Tony 2 with worse level design, worse music, and the revert.


Metal Gear Solid 2 - I didn't grade it as a sequel, since I only played 10 minutes of the first game, but even on its own it's incredibly "blah".


Final Fantasy VIII - WORST. GAME. EVER.

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Guest Angle-plex

MGS 2: Only because it didn't rreally continue the "Sons of Big Boss" storyline at all.

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MK 4, and SF 3 are the first two that pop into my head.  



What didn't you like about SF3 Dames?

We got BILLIONS of SF2 add ons and sequels and when the HIGHLY anticipated SF3 game came out, I was just disappointed. The characters I loved were mostly gone, the gameplay was just more of the same with slightly better graphics and there wasn't one thing that made me jump out and say "well THAT is what I was waiting for".


I'd have to say the MK2 and MK3 were the best sequels in retrospect.



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Guest Samurai_Goat

"I was so disappointed that the combo techs from CT didn't even make an appearance in CC."


Do you mean the specific CT combos, or combos at all? There were some combos, but because of the pure variety of groups you could put together, I'm not surprised in the slightest if you couldn't find'em.


CC was an o.k. game, but it would have been better if they had severed all ties with CT and just ran with the story. I mean, have some connections, but not as many as they had. It was obvious they didn't want CT's plot to have any real bearing on CC, so they pretty much had to explain how each one met their final fate, which pissed a lot of people off. It's a good game, but they should have just made it its own game.


My most dissapointing game would have to be FF8, followed by FF9. FF8 just plain stunk, and FF9 just sorta...died. And I heartily dissagree with the practice of having an RPG boss not show up until the very end. Ever. If your game is based around a storyline, throwing in something that late into the game is really a bad idea. At least give'm 5 minutes to absorb the new guy.


And can anyone explain how to use the $#@ing quotes?!?

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Guest T®ITEC

Going back once again to my favourite system, the NES, I'd say that Dragon Warrior II was total crap.


The first one was just awesome and so much fun to play when I was a kid. When I took up the NES again (this year) and got all the DW games, I could still enjoy DW I.


However, DW II was awful. Terrible, and ..boring, and disappointing overall. There weren't too many major changes from game to game, but DW II sucked. Bottom line.



DW III, on the other hand, is the best game in the DW series. Booyah.

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