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Guest cynicalprofit

Any reason why Rhyno didnt get a video?

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Guest cynicalprofit

HHH got one, Benoit had a vinatge I think, why didnt Rhyno get one? I know Vince likes him, so I figured they'd atleast mention he was going to be on the show, but they didnt. Any speculations?

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Guest HartFan86
Benoit got shit.

Benoit got stuff after his return, but not before.

I was meaning before, not after.

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Guest creativename
Benoit got shit.

Benoit got stuff after his return, but not before.

I was meaning before, not after.

Yeah I know...I was just pointing out that maybe Rhyno will get stuff in the future. I doubt it though.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

Because the WWF likes self-fullfilling prophecies. They say Undertaker is over, so they start to show videos of him, on every show, during his what? Month, 2-month abscence? I mean, it's not hard to get over if you're on TV constantly talking about how hard you're trying to get back in the ring *coughcoughhh*.


But since they apparantly don't care if guys like Benoit or Rhyno get over, no video.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

You have to look at this from the wwe's point of view.


They must have Vince, Steph, Taker, and all the no talent hosses on the show for an extended period of time, so with all the vignettes and matches with those guys, there couldn't possibly be any time for a, what, 30 - 60 second promo to hype Rhyno's return.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Rhyno didn't make his name in WWE. He was an ECW product and got hurt within a year of joining WWE. And he probably forgot to say hi to the Undertaker somewhere along the line.

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Guest notJames

Short answer: he's not HHH.


Long answer: he's not fucking the boss's grotesque she-beast of a daughter.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

And he's a Heyman favorite, so they can't have one of them getting any kind of push.

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CONSPIRACY! CONSPIRACY! Jeez. Maybe because they wanted it to be a surprise? Maybe? Kanyon's 'return' is something to bitch about. Rhyno's, to me, is not. Hell, Rhyno was getting a good push up until he got injured. Chill.

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Guest notJames

Yeah, but when you think of how well Rey Misterio's debut was enhanced by all those promos, you'd think they'd adopt some kind of template like that for bringing guys back. "He's coming" videos, especially for the more intense wrestlers, always work, moreso for the guys people haven't seen in a long time.


And besides, how big of a surprise can it be when it's on a taped show? I don't read spoilers, but even I wasn't all that surprised when he came out.

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Guest Brian

It was just a matter of not knowing what they were doing with Rhyno. Remember, they basically couldn't decide whether he was going to be a heel on RAW in Evolution, a face on SmackDown, or paired with Heyman.

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Long answer: he's not fucking the boss's grotesque she-beast of a daughter.

I wouldn't call her grotesque, that would be an insult to all grotesque she-beasts out there, she looks more like a gargoyle with implants.

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Guest Grand Slam

Ouch. This thread hurts me.


1.) Steph is a gargoyle? I'm not sure if you've been watching the same shows I have, but on a purely objective basis, Steph is pretty hot. You prefer maybe Chyna?


2.) Why did Rhyno need a video? If you've been watching WWE long enough, you know who he is. You know what he does. I thought it was a pretty good suprise. Why did Mysterio get the treatment he did? I think it is fair to assume that the average WWE fan had no idea who Rey was. Thus, you build him up then debut him and he gets a pop starting off. Did you hear the pop for Rhyno? He didn't need a video.


3.) So, what you are saying is if Taker and Trips just left, the WWE would be pulling 5.0 ratings again and popping buyrates? Have you been to a live show recently? The live fans love both guys. And that is a much better cross-section of the WWE fanbase than the Internet.


4.) How bog a suprise could it be for a taped show? Pretty suprising to the people in the audience. And to anyone who doesn't read Internet sites. And to anyone willing to cut WWE a little slack.

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Guest notJames

First of all, "hot" is a subjective term. Attractiveness can be shown objectively, but "hotness" can not. Steph is somewhat attractive, when compared to other, less-aesthetically pleasing members of the female community. "Hot" denotes one's willingness to penetrate the subject's various orifi . Some guys wouldn't mind settling for sticking their dillies in her hoo-hoo. Personally, I wouldn't. And apparently, others agree.


Secondly, if Rhyno didn't need a video on the basis of audience familiarity, why did HHHeMan when he came back from his quad tear? Why did Taker need one (or several misleading ones) when he came back at Royal Rumble? Because those two guys are so desperate to hang onto their spots, no matter how much their fanbases are dwindling, that they "urged" Vince and Co. to paper the landscape with word of their returns, with enough fanfare to herald the Second Coming. Gotta let the fans know that Poochie is still alive, right?


Think about the power of video teasers. When that first Anthology ad came out with Bret Hart walking into the spotlight, who among us didn't skip a heartbeat at the possibility of the unthinkable? Stuff like that builds anticipation. Poorly timed surprises (see Kanyon) do nothing. While Rhyno's return was satisfying in its own right, I can only ponder how much more effective it would have been to give him even two weeks of intense, vague teasers replete with menacing music and eye-catching visuals?


Lastly, I'd be willing to cut WW_ some slack if their small vestiges of promise carried over into a consistently good product. Ask me again after Wrestlemania if I'm willing to give them benefit of the doubt.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
Secondly, if Rhyno didn't need a video on the basis of audience familiarity, why did HHHeMan when he came back from his quad tear? Why did Taker need one (or several misleading ones) when he came back at Royal Rumble? Because those two guys are so desperate to hang onto their spots, no matter how much their fanbases are dwindling, that they "urged" Vince and Co. to paper the landscape with word of their returns, with enough fanfare to herald the Second Coming.


I tend to think it's more along the lines of that, like it or not, they're established main event stars, and Vince and Co. think they can get more buys, increase ratings, and make more money off a known commodity. So far, Rhyno's been a hardcore champion. I think they're just gonna let him do his thing and hope for the best.


Which, if he gets to wrestle in matches with Benoit and Team Angle and such, is fine by me.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

<-- Is still pissed off Benoit didn't get one upon his return. Yeah, he didn't deserve it or anything...

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Guest Choken One

I think it was just fine that Benoit and Rhyno didn't get a video, they were good surprises for those who don't read spoilers...


Mysterio was really making his WWE debut so his videos were no different then Jones or SOH videos.


HHH was clearly to hype and sell the return of one wwe's biggest names of the last year, which I had no problem with, besides...I fucking loved Beautiful Day...


The Taker was the one that really only buggered me...It ruined an element of surprise...It would've been GREAT if after 29 men entered the Rumble...we have NO idea who was #30...However, the chracter went right back to where he was when he left, mid card with Big Hosses...so nothing changed really.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Benoit just walked out an cut a promo AND THEN TURNED HEEL IN HIS HOMETOWN!


He needed a montage to establish his importance in and to the WWE. They could have focused on his passion for wrestling, his sacrifices, his history, his matches, how he has been looked over time and time again, how he left WCW - left the title - to come to the WWE... Oh wait, we can't have thhhat now can we? We can't have someone else 'living and breathing' wrestling - because apparently thats a gimmick only one man can have.


Benoit deserved to be treated like a superstar upon his return - he gave his all for the company and how did they repay him? And even with the lacklustre return Benoit came back true to form and put on fantastic performances for the company... Unlike SOMEONE who couldn't live up to his own hhhype.

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Guest Choken One

I am getting fucking tired of this overplayed bullshit of "HHH" into any word that has the letter H in it...


HHHAVE a nice day...

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Guest Grand Slam

Choken One, I agree. I'm sure it made good business sense to hype Taker's return as there is chance that might convince someone to buy the show because their favorite guy is on it. However, from a pure entertainment perspective, I would have loved that shock. I would have marked.


Of course, I like the Undertaker in general.


I agree with Edwin that the MEers get videos because they are MEers. How much did they hype SCSA and The Rock coming back in the last month?


As far as the Anthology videos and the whole "Bret Hart" thing, I did not skip a heartbeat. Mostly, I was thinking "...the hell?"


I've been watching WWE consistently for almost three years now, and even during the 2000 - early 2001 heyday the shows were not consistently great, or even good. There were always clunkers. Always will be. Waiting to cut them some slack until every show measures up to your very high standard means you will be waiting a very long time.


Oh... and about Steph. I wasn't saying she was the hottest woman on the planet, or even the hottest woman in the WWE. I was just saying there is no way in hell she should be called a "gargoyle".


I think that there are a lot of people on the Internet that are just looking for an opportunity to tear the WWE down for anything they do, and I am at a loss to explain why that is. I used to think it was because it made them "cool" to their peers on the boards, but I think it goes far beyond that. People will never, ever be satisfied with anything WWE does at this point. They can't win.


I'm giving odds on when the Internet will turn on Angle, Edge, Benoit and Eddy the way it turned on Triple H, The Rock and RVD.

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Guest Brian
Secondly, if Rhyno didn't need a video on the basis of audience familiarity, why did HHHeMan when he came back from his quad tear? Why did Taker need one (or several misleading ones) when he came back at Royal Rumble? Because those two guys are so desperate to hang onto their spots, no matter how much their fanbases are dwindling, that they "urged" Vince and Co. to paper the landscape with word of their returns, with enough fanfare to herald the Second Coming. Gotta let the fans know that Poochie is still alive, right?

Basically, it comes down to my answer which is that they didn't know what they were going to do with him, or when exactly they were going to bring him back. It was anywhere from two weeks ago to post-WrestleMania.

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Guest AndrewTS

Rhyno is not a main eventer. Main eventers are usually the only ones to get video packages heralding their big returns. That's it.

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Guest The Hamburglar
Basically, it comes down to my answer which is that they didn't know what they were going to do with him, or when exactly they were going to bring him back. It was anywhere from two weeks ago to post-WrestleMania.

I don't think anyone's listening to you Brian, your answer makes too much sense. Can't be having with simple plain facts when there's mindless conspiracy theories to be had, doncha know. Come on people, there were arguments as to whether Rhyno was going to run-in at No Way Out as a heel or join the six-man as a face in place of Edge. Doesn't that signify that due to various factors Rhyno's role was very undecided, ergo it would self-defeating to hype up his return? Simple common sense, its sometimes useful.

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Guest iamsherm
Yeah, but when you think of how well Rey Misterio's debut was enhanced by all those promos, you'd think they'd adopt some kind of template like that for bringing guys back. "He's coming" videos, especially for the more intense wrestlers, always work, moreso for the guys people haven't seen in a long time.


And besides, how big of a surprise can it be when it's on a taped show? I don't read spoilers, but even I wasn't all that surprised when he came out.

I disagree. I don't think everyone should receive a video on their return or debut. A video here, a surprise run in there is more ideal, to me, just for the sake of variety.


But in the case of Rhyno, I think a video would have been the right move, as it probably could have solidified him as a main eventer.

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