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Guest teke184

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Guest AndrewTS

Was it completely his fault AGAIN after a colossal fuck up of one of his moves?


I told you guys he sucked.

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Guest BobbyWhioux

Anyone else think Triple H is going to be pissed about one of his Evolution flunkies trying to upstage him in the leg injury department?




Seriously, if Orton is seriously hurt and is going to be out of action for a while, that's gonna kinda bum me out, as he is -- for me anyway -- the only entertaining part of Evolution. (And let's face it, we have and we will continue to see quite a bit of them, probably way too much for many of us).


And I hope this doesn't mean that he's going to end up as one of those guys who had worlds of potential that went unrealized because he couldn't stay healthy...


Then again, maybe it's a blessing in disguise in the sense that if it keeps him out of the ring for a while, it might keep him from being too closely attached to "Evolution" when the debacle that it is finally falls apart and people in WWE land *FINALLY* figure out that The Emperor HHHas No Clothes On.

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Guest AndrewTS
And I hope this doesn't mean that he's going to end up as one of those guys who had worlds of potential that went unrealized because he couldn't stay healthy...


Maybe, if he weren't so sloppy. He has the charisma going for him, but so far--that's it.

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Guest Anglesault
Was it completely his fault AGAIN after a colossal fuck up of one of his moves?

"Landed on someone wrong" certainly seems to suggest completely Orton's fault. Bubba can't be blamed for that.


And I hope this doesn't mean that he's going to end up as one of those guys who had worlds of potential that went unrealized because he couldn't stay healthy...


Don't worry. He's just one of those guys that wasn't any good and was always hurt.

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Guest crandamaniac

I knew he shouldn't have come back with his shoulder only being 99%, now look. He was so worried about it he injured his leg

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Yeah, Orton probably managed to do that to himself, guy is sloppy as fuck quite frankly. Potential, no question, but maybe the injuries for the best, he won't hurt anyone else at least.

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Guest Eagan469

let's review:


Since Randy has come back he's joined Evolution, split his pants on national television, and reinjured himself.


What a dumbass.

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Guest Anglesault
I'm sure his father and grandfather are *so* proud

Of course they are. Didn't you HEAR his grandfather? orton is better than Lou Thesz

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Well...the fact of the matter is that Orton isn't very good. He almost didn't survive OVW because Cornette didn't think he had anything to offer...and now he get's injured almost as often as Nash and HHH.


Yes. The force is strong with this one.

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Guest Anglesault
Since Randy has come back ...split his pants on national television,

Yep, missed that one. All the interesting/noteworthy Evilution shit happens when I'm not watching.


Damnit this is what HHH has reduced me to in my quest to be entertained.

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Guest treble charged

As for Orton spitting his pants, Mick Foley did it ALL the time, and no one ever called him a 'dumbass'.

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Guest teke184

I don't believe it was Cornette who was down on him. Cornette gave Orton verbal blowjobs like there was no tomorrow both on OVW TV and in interviews.


Several OTHER members of management thought he was completely worthless though. I'd say that Dr. Tom Pritchard is probably at the top of the list of detractors since he works closely with OVW and, unlike Cornette, hasn't given Randy any extreme praise.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
As for Orton spitting his pants, Mick Foley did it ALL the time, and no one ever called him a 'dumbass'.

Well that's because people like Foley.


Your sig prevents me from unleashing my full flaming fury on you.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Cornette also had great things to say about Jackie Gayda and Linda Miles when asked on WOL.


It's one of those things you do when you like your job.


It could have been someone else...the point is he sucks. I can tell that much from the TV.


I do like his character though. Have him replace Lawler in the booth.

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Guest teke184

This wasn't just on WOL... he put Orton over in his RF shoot, IIRC, about a year and a half before Orton ever showed up on WWE TV.

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Guest Will Scarlet

Well, I hope the injury is not that serious. If it was, then that would probably leave Batista to be the only non-injured wrestler in the Evolution most of the time, considering Triple H's recent bad luck with injuries and Flair's non-wrestler status. Of course, with my luck, they would just stick a wrestler I like in Orton's place making him the Evolution's new job boy. That would suck.

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Guest teke184

The fact that Batista is the only healthy one makes the comment about how "If you wake up in the hospital one day, battered and bruised, you'll realize Evolution just passed you by." even funnier.

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Guest buffybeast

That sucks. I think Randy is talented and has a bright future in WWE. Hopefully his injury is not very serious.

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Guest treble charged

On WOL, Cornette basically said that Gayda had no future as an in ring performer, but that she may be a good manager or valet.


Not exactly great things.

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Guest Will Scarlet
If he tore his quad....then that would be just way too ironic.


That would make like 3 quad tears and like 4 or 5 of that same neck injury happening within in a few years time in the WWE. Maybe the WWE should look more into those injuries because they sure seem to be happening a lot.

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