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Guest Nanks

Austin's "welcoming committee"

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Guest Nanks

Is there any chance WHATSOEVER that Bischoff's "welcoming committee" for Austin on RAW this week will be anything but Morely and 2 other miscellaneous heels pathetically attempting to beat down Austin?? Any fantasies (that's all they could possibly end up being) for making this little scenario entertaining?? (I know, I'm totally dreaming, this is so doomed).

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Guest Lightning Flik

I wouldn't be surprised if this welcoming commitee consisted of one man...


and he'd be Goldberg.

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Guest Nanks

I asked for entertaining, but I'd be friggin stunned. They've decided on Rock v Austin for WM now, so there's nothing really for Goldberg to do if he came in now. Although perhaps he could be used to break Jeff Hardy's losing streak, but that's another topic.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

It's the WWE, so the most predictable outcome will come true. It'll just be Morley, 3 Minute Warning, Rico, Team Boring and any other lower card heels they can find, and despite the huge numbers advantage Austin will Stunner the lot of them.


The best we can hope for is that the Rock is involved somehow and gives us an entertaining Austin/Rock segment out of it to buuild towards WM.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
And everyone wants to see Goldberg.........why?

Because I don't want to see Austin go over Rock AGAIN.

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Guest Lightning Flik
And everyone wants to see Goldberg.........why?

Besides, after the Rock said that the negotiations are doing really well, I kinda figured they might spring the surprise then...


Although, Goldberg would be face, so it won't happen.

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Guest Youth N Asia

WWE has been shit for payoffs this year, so it'll probably be Val and 3 Minute Warning or some shit.

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Maybe he'll book Austin into a gauntlet type match, he said something about it at NWO didn't he?


Austin Vs




Lance Storm

Steve Regal

Chris Jericho


and so on, i dunno, it won't be goldberg though, he does NOT work as a heel.

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Guest Youth N Asia
and so on, i dunno, it won't be goldberg though, he does NOT work as a heel.

Against Austin he could...although a face change just a little while later would be in the works.

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Guest Trivia247

it will be like the eve of WM 15 when Big Show was waiting at the backdoor and Mankind brawls with him while Austin sees it in the distance and wanders away.


Bischoff's committee will be waiting together in one entrance for a ambush, but while their so intent on the one door Austin slips in from the side and grabs Bischoff first .,

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Guest wwF1587

it will probably be 3MW and then austin will fight them in some dumb handicap match and win cause 3MW sucks

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and so on, i dunno, it won't be goldberg though, he does NOT work as a heel.

Against Austin he could...although a face change just a little while later would be in the works.

Of course, he'll get the new guy-returning to wrestling type pop, and the only way he can get over as a good heel is by hurting austin straight away. and doing a bad job of it too.


who knows, maybe austin'll get a few shots in for bret :)

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it will probably be 3MW and then austin will fight them in some dumb handicap match and win cause 3MW sucks

Yeah, they'll put Austin the the same position as they did Spike recently, won't happen.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Whoever makes up this welcoming committee, the entire scenario will certainly wind up with Austin delivering a million Stunners to everyone in sight. They'll probably end the show with Austin and Rock nose to nose.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

I wonder if Austin will actually have a match before Wrestlemania. My guess is no.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

They will probably have Rock, Bischoff, and Morely in the ring, a host of security guards/cops/SWAT/whatever around the ring, Austin comes out on a beer truck and - well - you know the deal...


Or the welcoming committee will be, you know, cake, streamers, balloons, etc. SWERVES!

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Guest Austin3164life

I'm predicting a good Raw this coming Monday. Fans are dying for Austin's Raw return, and Rock is doing very well. As for the welcoming commitee, Goldberg could be a possibility, but it's probably Morley and the two Samoan (?) fatasses. As long as the segment ends quickly and doesn't take up more than 10 minutes, I wouldn't care. I think Austin and Rock should fuck with each other the whole Raw kind of like Austin/Bret the night after "Revenge of the Taker".

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Is there any chance WHATSOEVER that Bischoff's "welcoming committee" for Austin on RAW this week will be anything but Morely and 2 other miscellaneous heels pathetically attempting to beat down Austin??  Any fantasies (that's all they could possibly end up being) for making this little scenario entertaining??  (I know, I'm totally dreaming, this is so doomed).

The Best scenerio would be for the "Welcoming Party" being Team Angle and for Austin to at long last do a clean job to Kurt Angle on free TV as punishment for his desertion. That way:


1. Kurt and Brock are on different shows, extending the wait-time for their WM match and allowing for their match's build to be done without butting heads with the building of Vince/Hogan


2. Gets Kurt a BIG win by having him beat Austin cleanly on free tv


3. Gives Angle something to do after jobbing the belt at WM by way of putting him on Raw as well as opening a slot on SD for Austin to go if they still insist on sending him to Raw


4. Punishes Austin for his desertion by having him do a job on free tv to Kurt, who was buried alive by Austin throughout the entire Invasion Angle.


5. Hass and Benjiman can revive and freshen up Raw's tag division and get the belts off Storm/Regal...

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Austin buried Angle during Invasion? So that clean win at Unforgiven 2001 was just a dream, right?


If you're going to punish him on-air(really fucking stupid idea, if you ask me) then have him job to someone else that needs his rub more than Angle(who doesn't need it). If anybody buried Angle during Invasion, it was the bookers, end of sermon.

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Guest Retro Rob

Hopefully the commitee doesn't totally suck because I'M GONNA BE THERE LIVE. :cheers:

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Guest j.o.b. squad

my predictions for the committee gobeldy gooker, brooklyn brawler, and brother love

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Guest Choken One

I wouldn't worry TOO much about the Committee...I am betting it's likely going to be an "Special" match for Austin...one where in theory Austin will be Punished for what he did to Bischoff but Austin muscles out and has a stare down with Rock at the end...

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Guest Choken One

That seems likely and I certaintly wouldn't mind that if they have Austin/Morely straight wrestle for about 6-10 minutes and then 3MW come out to attack...Austin stunners them all...Rock sneaks in and Rock Bottoms Austin and Either one of two things...


Rock music plays and walks out to chorus of boos as the show ends... or


3MW and Morely and Rock abuse Austin as the show drags to an never ending drull...

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Austin buried Angle during Invasion? So that clean win at Unforgiven 2001 was just a dream, right?

Which only happened because of 9-11 and was totally no-sold after the fact by way of Austin not being on Raw and winning it back only about two weeks later coupled with Angle resuming the bitch position with Austin after being made out to being totally beneath Austin....

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Guest Choken One

I don't think Angle was buried whatsoever by Austin...I'd Say Angle was clearly shown as an Worthy and feared challenger... But I'd Ask AS and see what HE thinks and then Laugh because AS thinks Angle is held down if he wears White instead of Main Event Blue...

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