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Guest Redhawk

Who is the worst actor in WWE?

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Guest Redhawk

Could it be...


Test -- From tonight: "I'm telling you, Stacy. Nothing...DID...happen!" And those facial expressions, man. Test would be considered a bad actor in the porn industry.


Scott Steiner -- Just for the sheer fact that he blows his lines all the time.


Stephanie McMahon -- She's gotten better, but still...


Vince McMahon -- Kind of over-the-top for me.


Stacy Keibler -- Aside from when she played dead from the chairshot, I've never been convinced by anything she does.


Any other possibilities?

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Guest Downhome

I think RVD is pretty horrid at doing anything other than just "cocky heel" (but that's just because he acts as he does not, but the fans hate it because they deem it cocky because he's a heel, lol) and "cool". The guy simply needs work to be an all around better character if he wishes to EVER be a true player.

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Guest AndrewTS

Test, definitely.


Vince is hammy, and senile, and behind the times--but he can get a point across well.


Stacy goes through the motions. Not good, not really bad.


Big Poppa Mush Mouth is unintelligible, but not really a bad actor.


When Steph acts whorish--even she can't screw that up. Though whenever she completely changes personality and moves from heel to face several times in the same show, ugh. She really sucks, but I think it's the fact that she can't make up her mind what role she's playing.

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Guest TheHulkster

After seeing her commentary last week on Raw, Victoria deserves an honorable mention. She was just atrocious.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Test is a taller carbon-copy of Billy Gunn. Seriously.


Triple H rambles on for WAY too long. At least when Rocky does it, his voice dosen't have this monotone sleep-inducing quality.


Austin? He's got the "I'll kick your ass" look, and the "let me grin, and THEN I'll kick your ass" look.

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Guest jester
After seeing her commentary last week on Raw, Victoria deserves an honorable mention. She was just atrocious.

Victoria is pretty bad. That whole bit about having a past with Trish was pretty lame, but someone with some acting talent might have been able to pull something out of it. But not Victoria. They should just make her a complete psycho and scratch and growl a lot.


Test is my vote for the worst on the male side.

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Guest Downhome

I think Test is far better at being pissed and showing emotion than RVD is. At least he can seemingly try to do something other than one mood.

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Guest Redhawk

I forgot to mention Torrie Wilson. Here'e a woman who still can't pull off a convincing segment with her real-life boyfriend, even though they've been together for years. Yeah, so maybe Kidman deserves some blame there, but Torrie also couldn't pull off a realistic skit with her real-life father, either.

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Guest AndrewTS

I'd blocked it all out, but now that Redhawk mentioned it--Dom Maurie and either of the damned Wilsons.


Kidman sucks, too.

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Guest Flyboy
I think Test is far better at being pissed and showing emotion than RVD is. At least he can seemingly try to do something other than one mood.

Stoners usually have only one mood.

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Guest Downhome
I think Test is far better at being pissed and showing emotion than RVD is. At least he can seemingly try to do something other than one mood.

Stoners usually have only one mood.


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Guest Jobber of the Week

Ric Flair. *ducks*


Really, I can't tell what the hell he's talking about most the time. I watched the Last Nitro and saw this Flair guy who I'd seen before flipping past TBS. All I really recognized was that he was old and way overtanned.


Anyway, so he starts this promo about the heart and soul of WCW or something like that and then challenges Sting, and all I could think is "What the hell did he just say?"


The fact that everyone called it one of his hottest promos ever almost made me choke on my sandwich.

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Guest creativename

RVD worse than Test? HA. RVD is pretty bad, but no one is a worse actor then Test.


Test, Al Wilson, and Pauly Shore are easily the worst actors I have ever seen.

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Guest Redhawk

RVD has had some embarrassing moments where maybe it looked like he was reading cue cards or he remembered his lines well enough to just spit them out but forgot the emotion...


But Test is bad in almost every aspect of acting within wrestling: In his backstage skits, his in-ring promos, his selling during matches, his "storytelling" during matches, his facial expressions, everything.


I remember the one skit where Test was talking on his cell phone in the hallway and Stephanie came up to him. So Test puts down his phone on a nearby concession stand counter...Stephanie gets his screeching promo out...and Test just LEAVES THE PHONE THERE! After the skit they both walked off in opposite directions, and Test never picked the phone back up. Just little stuff like that.

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Guest crandamaniac

I think you guys are like, you know, forgetting somebody you know. Like how could you like forget Lita you know. I mean like come on you know.

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Chuck Poulumbo-Always managed to screw up what little dialogue he was given


Benoit-I dunnno, just never really convinced me .


Steiner-was and always will be a shape.Rick wasn't any better though.


But I agree with Andrew on the whole "vinny Mac'' piece,was irregular but still delivered a preety good point.


oh and uh I'm not to satisfied with Shwan Micheals either *ducks* takes too long to get to the point. I know your suppose to lead on but COME ON!!!

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Guest RavishingRickRudo



Bonus Points for the fact that they puts herself infront of the camera.

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Guest humongous2002

Brock Lesnar, worst actor ever, even Benoit look like De Niro next to this big numbnuts.And RVD is a better actor than Test.

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Guest razazteca

Coach is the worst actor on the show, its as if he trying to channel the Ebonics out of Stuart Scott, and is failing horribly.


Vince is bad at leading sing-a-longs


Chuck Palumbo has done nothing at all worth talking about, just look at all the breaks he gets but he never advances.


If Stephan Kings The Stand were to be remade with WWE super stars it would feature Billy Gunn, Test, Chuck Palumbo, Vince, Stephanie.


Chuck spells push M O O N

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Guest notJames

Character belivability: Victoria


Voice quality: Test/Haas


Promo delivery: Benoit/Lesnar


Enunciation: Jacqueline


Non-verbal emoting: Shannon Moore


Overall: Steph

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

C'mon, Brock saying "sup" to Rhyno on last weeks smackdown was fabulous. They should keep him doing the one-liners.


Stephs overall character development bothers me. First she is daddies girl, then she is evil, then she is slutty, then she is evil, then she is a wimp, then she is slutty, then she is evil, now she is 'tough and in control'... Do you buy her act at all?

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Guest notJames

At this point, I don't even acknowledge when her shitty CALL-ATT commercial is on.


That's the beauty of free will… it gives me the option of changing the channel anytime something as unentertaining as the Billion Dollar Heifer is on.


As for Lesnar, I was referring more to his god-awful one-on-one darkness promo. His in-ring bad-ass promos are getting better, and he doesn't sound so much like Wally Cleaver anymore.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I hate all darkness promos. Who are they talking to? The fans? Then why aren't they looking in the camera? Are they talking to the interviewer? Then why can't we see the interviewer. I know the WWE doesn't want to come off looking like anything legitimate, but it wouldn't hurt for a lil bit of professionalism.


When McMahons are on TV, I just don't watch. It's a good way to live life.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

lita is the worst


who remembers when Lita would cheer for the hardy's in matches like this


Lita: (bangs mat) COME ON JEFF HARDEEEEE!


maybe she forgot in the 21st century people do not refer to their close good friends by their first and last name in conversational situations.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I kinda enjoy Lita commentary on some subversive level.

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I hate to say it, but Haas and Benjamin. When Angle or Heyman is firing them up, Haas will make a determined type facial expression, and Benjamin will copy him. Whenever Haas says 'Yeah' under his breath, Benjamin will do the same. It's just little things like that. I know it's partly because they've only been on Smackdown for a couple of months, but it's noticable.


By far the worst is Test. His crying on Raw when Jericho smashed the ring po...Stacy was ridiculous. Stacy's not much better as a face. As a heel she's ok, but being a face is not her thing. Neither is presenting Raw X...embarrasing.


I like Vince...but the heel owner has been done to death. He was the originator, and obviously he can't change. It doesn't help when he's heel on Thursdays and face on Mondays. I also like Flair because he's so damn crazy...that promo on Nitro made me cry laughing, cause he was having a near stroke FOR NO REASON! Apart from WCW's death of course, but there ya go.


Victoria speaks pretty well for a pyscho don't she?


Also... in certain situations

Spike Dudley

Benoit has improved but is still there IMO.


Shannon Moore


Steiner(in certain situations for BPP=talking)

Josh 'Oh my god there's a car heading straight for me, but I can't move!!!' Matthews

B-2(If he still counts)

Chuck Palumbo


There are quite a few more, but there a lot of good actors too.

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Guest AndrewTS
C'mon, Brock saying "sup" to Rhyno on last weeks smackdown was fabulous. They should keep him doing the one-liners.


Stephs overall character development bothers me. First she is daddies girl, then she is evil, then she is slutty, then she is evil, then she is a wimp, then she is slutty, then she is evil, now she is 'tough and in control'... Do you buy her act at all?

It's safe to say she's slutty, I think.


Brock talking is often a recipe for disaster. Even Benoit isn't so god-awful.

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Guest geniusMoment

Stacy just for her screaming when she was in the walls of Jericho. Everyone in the dorm burst out laughing when they heard her try and scream. It sounded like she was laughing. It was so fake and she kept telling test to help her even though he was handcuffed to the ropes which made her look like a total dumbass, which she is in real life.

Also test looked like a big dumb animal trying to reach for her while handcuffed.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Benoits promo on smackdown last week was good - maybe it was because Brock makes him look like The Rock charismatically... They should do that more often. I like the trio of Brock, Rhyno and Benoit.

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