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Guest UndertakerHart

Sid hates workrate

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Guest UndertakerHart

From 1wrestling.com


Interviewer: Tell me about the controversial match between you and Chris Benoit at WCW Sold Out 2000 where he defeats you for the WCW World Championship, and then walks out on the company the next night. What were your thoughts on the whole situation of Benoit departing from the company?


Sid: "Well, you can believe this or not, but I was in the dark on that one. Than that night at the pay per view I was told at the last second what was going on. The whole deal was my foot was under the rope, and that was done for a reason. They pretty much knew at that time they were going to let Chris Benoit and that whole cast of people. The thing is this. I think Benoit is a great technical wrestler. He has a lot of heart, but he is only four foot tall. The people that wrestling fans pay to see are the guys that are bigger than life. They are the people that can project themselves to be that big like Shawn Michaels, and he may not be the biggest guy but he can project himself like he is a Roddy Piper. Chris Benoit is not a person that can do that, and including the rest of the group Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, and Eddie Guerrero. They were going around trying to get a petition signed, and the reason was to bring back Vince Russo because they had the luxury of picking up the phone, and they were singing Vince Russo an ear of crap to get their stuff used on TV. That is the only reason they pulled that deal to get Kevin Sullivan and whoever else was on the booking committee then. There were also other people, but I can't remember who it was. Kevin Sullivan's name was brought up to get out of there because he was directly in charge. The thing is this. I have always in my career tried to leave it up to the promoter and the people in charge to come up with the ideas. I am not going to worry myself calling on the phone 24 hours a day, and find out who I am working, what the finish is, and I usually didn't know the finish till that day. I was really shocked that they wanted me to put Chris Benoit over,

but I know the reason now afterwards. The idea was to let him have his little way, and then they know he was going to be fired next day. They didn't all walk because they were all fired."

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Guest Banky

Did he just insult Eddie Guerrero? Did he? Tell me he didn't just do that. Sid Vicious insults Eddie Guerrero's character? Oh man.

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Guest Human Fly

This coming from one of the worst drawing Champs of all time.


My favorite part was when he says that the Radicals were all fired. That's revisionist history on a Hogan-esque level.

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Guest AndrewTS
This coming from one of the worst drawing Champs of all time.


My favorite part was when he says that the Radicals were all fired. That's revisionist history on a Hogan-esque level.

Yeah, of course the worst drawing WWF champ ever? Kevin Nash.


I guess when Sid can walk again Vince will sign him again and JR will be all for it. Gotta have those huge-drawing hosses, right?

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Guest Human Fly

Why can't Sid walk yet? He broke his ankle what, 2 or 3 years ago? It's like a bad gimmick come to life.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Sid only knows his own experiences. The man has made a career - a main event career - soley upon his look and size. And he got over with the fans (He's been cheered in WWF, WCW and even ECW). So to him, what he says is the truth. And in some ways it is the truth.

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Guest teke184
Why can't Sid walk yet? He broke his ankle what, 2 or 3 years ago? It's like a bad gimmick come to life.

He snapped his leg in half live on PPV... I don't think I've heard of ANY guy coming back from that, at least not in this country (a Lucha guy did it but may not have come back).

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Guest Steviekick

For all his faults, Sid was always over with the fans, so he does deserve some credit for that, in spite of his bad work rate.


Also, if the part about him saying that he doesn't argue with the promoters and just does as his told, that is somewhat respectable.

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Guest AndrewTS
Why can't Sid walk yet? He broke his ankle what, 2 or 3 years ago? It's like a bad gimmick come to life.

Hm--now that you mention it, maybe he can. I was under the impression that when he was ready to wrestle again we'd be hearing about it.


It doesn't seem that long ago that he made the deadly pump kick off the top rope.

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Guest Steviekick

Yeah...the injury is a little over 2 years old. If I remember, he wasn't walking on his own without the help of crutches for like 8 months.

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Guest Human Fly
Yeah...the injury is a little over 2 years old. If I remember, he wasn't walking on his own without the help of crutches for like 8 months.

Wasn't he using a cane on the WWA ppv?


And didn't he turn down a Confidential piece that would she his rehab? That was just a few months ago.

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Guest Steviekick
Wasn't he using a cane on the WWA ppv?


And didn't he turn down a Confidential piece that would she his rehab? That was just a few months ago.

Yeah. I'm pretty sure he's used the cane then. Word on the net was that he didn't want to do the Confidential thing because he still feels he's not fully recovered and didn't want his fans to see him in bad shape. Even though that's propably out of vanity, I'd rather see him back in regular shape. It does get depressing seeing how decrepid some wrestlers get after their career is over.

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Guest Choken One

Aside from the Ludcris Benoit bashing...I wholly agree with Sid. Wow.


He was something special...He had "IT" like very few others did...He never was a good worker, promo or had a outlandish gimmick...


His own Charisma MADE him so HUGE in wrestling...That's very rare. I can HARDLY think of any other examples...

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Guest Steviekick

Sid's pushes were the affect of how over he was with the fans. Too bad pushes these days seem to have nothing to do with fan reaction.

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Guest Choken One

Sid got over on his own...The pushes weren't the real reason Fans cheered for Sid...They were in awe of this guy...U couldn't help to cheer ot Love to jeer him...


You could for the most part tell he tried his best even though he knew that he wasn't the best.


Aside from The ODDBALL incidents he has been known for...I haven't heard of Sid EVER pulling Politics...

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

No just quitting wrestling to go play softball.....well I guess everyone needs a hobby.

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Guest Choken One

Was he a Professional Softball Player or was it one of those Local Leauge type deals? If it was the former...I could understand...


Besides...How often did he do this?

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Guest MrRant

Who cares if side likes workrate? Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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Guest Choken One

Aside from Occasionally taking a break to play Softball...Was Sid THAT bad?


*I'm talking Politically...We ALL know how ATROCIOUS he was in the ring...

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I was being sarcastic about the softball thing. However he was so in love with it I could see him politically maneuvering himself to lose so he can take off and play.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

You know he stabbed Arn Anderson with scissors multiple times right?


You know he defended himself against Brian Pillman with a squeegee right?


You know he is much bigger than both men, right?


You know he shit himself in a match with Taker, right?


You know he broke his leg when jumping off the second rope right?


You know he kicked out of the leg drop when he wasn't supposed to, right?

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Guest Choken One

Yeah but that NOTHING to do Politics...The "Attacks" were personal issues outside of the Wrestling world...


Stomach Virus aren't a funny thing...


Freak Accidents happen all the time...Look at Rhyno...Broke his neck hitting the turnbuckle...


He Kicked out because the whole match was messed up thanks to Shango and Whippleman...


What's Yer point?

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Guest Choken One
You know he shit himself in a match with Taker, right?

Excuse me? When did that happen?

Sid, Around 1997 was suffering Stomach Viruses and thus during a Match with TAKER (House Show, I think) couldn't hold it anymore and as it says...SHAT himself. Taker quickly pinned him...

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Guest TheGame2705

Wow, that was a horribly written interview. It makes me even wonder if it's true. Grammar and spelling is horrid. If it is, why don't most of you just continue going down on Benoit and Eddie for a little longer. No matter how shitty you say Sid is, the guy had his own charisma that got him over well. People cheered him and most probably didn't know why.

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