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Guest UndertakerHart

Sid hates workrate

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Guest Andy
You know he shit himself in a match with Taker, right?

Excuse me? When did that happen?

Sid, Around 1997 was suffering Stomach Viruses and thus during a Match with TAKER (House Show, I think) couldn't hold it anymore and as it says...SHAT himself. Taker quickly pinned him...

What's more, apparently HBK was laughing about this backstage, and Bret had a go at him for making fun of Sid - which led to a lot of the backstage tension being reignited.


Sid screwed Bret!!!





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Guest NoSelfWorth

I think the gas has gone to his head.


Sid Vicious is the epitome of someone who 'looked' like he should have been a superstar for the ages, but his horrendous lack of any real ability put paid to that.


Hogan on his own didn't sell out one arena since coming back to WWE last year. He may have helped sell out an arena or two as part of the nWo, but I don't think even that happened.


The knock on Chris Benoit for his size is typical of the big man mentality of people like Sid. What he doesn't say is that the 'four foot tall' Benoit, has done more positive things for wrestling, been in better matches and been in more emotional matches than Squeegee Man has. Heck, Kurt Angle is the same height as Benoit, and he's drawn more money than Sid, headlined more PPV's with a 1.0+ buy rate than Sid, and headlined more 15,000+ arena crowds than Sid.


Sid is a pox on the wrestling business, and I don't care if he ever comes back again. I never liked him and I never will. Let the man stay in his 'retirement',and as soon as he gets the bug, he can work in front of a dozen or so fans, for some rinky dink independent, for whatever mark of a promoter wants him.

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Guest Goodear

God you people...


He has a lot of heart, but he is only four foot tall. The people that wrestling fans pay to see are the guys that are bigger than life. They are the people that can project themselves to be that big like Shawn Michaels, and he may not be the biggest guy but he can project himself like he is a Roddy Piper. Chris Benoit is not a person that can do that, and including the rest of the group Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, and Eddie Guerrero.


Translation: If you're a smaller or average sized guy, you need to have something to project a larger than life persona or you don't end up being a great draw or even getting the opportunity to be a draw. Austin does. Angle does. Bret Hart did. Benoit I don't think does. I know Saturn and Dean didn't. Sid is completely right about that even if he is a complete nutbag.

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Guest Rob Edwards

Yup they were all fired, WCW threw it's future down the shitter by ripping it's midcard up in one foul swoop on purpose

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Guest buffybeast
You know he stabbed Arn Anderson with scissors multiple times right?


You know he defended himself against Brian Pillman with a squeegee right?


You know he is much bigger than both men, right?


You know he shit himself in a match with Taker, right?


You know he broke his leg when jumping off the second rope right?


You know he kicked out of the leg drop when he wasn't supposed to, right?

Even though all those things are true, I still love Sid. I used to have a big crush on him.

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Guest notJames

This might be a question of semantics, but is being released from your contract the same as being fired? Because it sounds more like you're giving someone permission to quit.

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Guest humongous2002

Sid is nothing but an idiot, he doesn't know that a majority of the fans nowadays are more into extreme workrate, people want to see action in the ring instead of 2 big lugs sucking wind in less than 1 minute into the match.

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Guest humongous2002
God you people...


He has a lot of heart, but he is only four foot tall. The people that wrestling fans pay to see are the guys that are bigger than life. They are the people that can project themselves to be that big like Shawn Michaels, and he may not be the biggest guy but he can project himself like he is a Roddy Piper. Chris Benoit is not a person that can do that, and including the rest of the group Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, and Eddie Guerrero.


Translation: If you're a smaller or average sized guy, you need to have something to project a larger than life persona or you don't end up being a great draw or even getting the opportunity to be a draw. Austin does. Angle does. Bret Hart did. Benoit I don't think does. I know Saturn and Dean didn't. Sid is completely right about that even if he is a complete nutbag.

Since when is Austin small?He is above average in my opinion but i agreed with the Benoit comment, he lacks charisma but makes it up in the ring big time.

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Guest Choken One

Austin isn't a big in wrestling terms...6'2 isn't that BIG...


Alot of you are letting your dislike of Sid get in the way that HE ACTAULLY MADE A REASONABLE STATEMENT!


Face it, He's right, He said he was 4 feet just to show how small he is compared to the size of most wrestlers 6'4-7'4. Benoit hasn't sold out an arena on his own in WCW or WWE (Maybe Japan, or ECW, u MIGHT make the arguement). Benoit doesn't have an intangible like the other "Not so big" guys like Shawn, Austin, Bret, Angle and like he smartly compared, Piper.


Face it, Sid wasn't that bad of a guy...Sure he wasn't a good wrestler but he still put on a fun show in the Late 80's to Mid 90's...


Just because If he came out RIGHT now...The whole crowd would POP huge...doesn't mean you have to hate on him.

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Guest humongous2002

6'2" 260lbs ain't big then you must be related to Andre or Giant Gonzales.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

I agree 100% with Sid - I like workrate based undercard matches a lot of the time - I appreciate the hard work in puroresu...but if there's no heat to the match - and there's no charisma in the character, I WILL not pay to see it.


I didn't pay for PPVs to see the fucking Ringmaster - I would pay for stone cold steve austin - perfect balance of great worker and larger than life star.


I hate hosses, but I'd be more likely to pay to see Hogan v.s. Goldberg 2 at backlash than to pay to see Dean Malenko v.s. Eddie Guerrero

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Guest Choken One
6'2" 260lbs ain't big then you must be related to Andre or Giant Gonzales.

You do watch wrestling or at least WWE right? 6'2 isn't very "BIG"...Sid was right...Admit it.


In The Late 80's...Sid was a draw not like Flair, Sting, Funk, Steamboat but still he was a appealing draw for alot of fans.


Hate to say it again but SID had "IT", Benoit doesn't have anything...Oh yeah fucking workrate...it doesn't make you money though.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
Why can't Sid walk yet? He broke his ankle what, 2 or 3 years ago? It's like a bad gimmick come to life.

He snapped his leg in half live on PPV... I don't think I've heard of ANY guy coming back from that, at least not in this country (a Lucha guy did it but may not have come back).

not like anyone was actually watching the PPV

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Guest Mulatto Heat

But they had to have seen it... SID WAS ON IT!!


Oh yeah, his Big Return in late 2000 ended up being a whole pile of nothing. If he hadn't broken his leg in such a grotesque manner no one would have even remembered Sid in that time period.

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Guest Brian

Since they've never tried to run a promotion with guys pushing workrate at the top in the US it has yet to be seen. And how much did Sid draw?

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Guest evilhomer

Sid's always been one to dance to the beat of his own drum as the saying goes, and you've got to appreciate someone who got as over in the business as he did without even knowing a wristlock.


He's wrong for picking on Benoit's size, but he does have a point. Benoit's never had any consistent character going to let the fans really get into him. He's always been a great worker and fans appreciate it, but the characters are what really get people's attention and talking about wrestlers. Size has nothing to do with it though, the yawns that greet Giant Gonzales, Mark Henry, Big Show, Giant Silva, Kurgan, et all are proof of this.

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Guest XdojimeX

"Yeah but that NOTHING to do Politics...The "Attacks" were personal issues outside of the Wrestling world..."


Yeah. Except for the fact that these 'personal issues' happend to be with professional wrestlers. *ahem*


"Face it, He's right, He said he was 4 feet just to show how small he is compared to the size of most wrestlers 6'4-7'4."


Nah, he said it as a dig. Same old big man carny dipshit that through years of having a size and look think they have some sense of entitlement because promoters booked them in squash matches. In his world worldclass workers like Benoit and Eddy belong on the Barry Horowitz circuit with the sole purpose to sell his shitty offense. Thank god we got rid of the 80's.


"Benoit hasn't sold out an arena on his own in WCW or WWE (Maybe Japan, or ECW, u MIGHT make the arguement)."


"On his own?" Fuck, neither did Sid. Yet you're going to the wall for the guy like its some kind of revolution. The motherfucker was schtick, size, and squash matches. Of course he got over. There's always been a place for acts like Sid in prowrestling. Not that they've ever really put Benoit in position to do so in the first place (ie pull the trigger), but anytime Benoit's been put on top of a PPV he's proved himself as a valuable player. Nobody said the guy should be headlining everyshow. But to say he isn't a versitile performer with value at top of the card is straight up "hating". Benoit's got "it". Its called a credible ring presence, making the guy opposite him look better then they really are, and an actual work ethic. You want guys like that on your roster, and even though McMahon will always be stuck in the 80's to some degree he'll always want guys like Benoit in the mix for those very reasons.


"Face it, Sid wasn't that bad of a guy...Sure he wasn't a good wrestler but he still put on a fun show in the Late 80's to Mid 90's..."


He'll be remembered as a truly goofy son of a bitch side show act that got over with the rubes for a spell. You know how many young workers have come up through the business in the last 5-10 years idolizing Sid? How about Benoit?

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Guest Choken One

I wasn't supporting sid at all as a wrestler, I was supporting his statement about Benoit.


His attacks on Anderson/Pillman were no different from other times wrestlers gotten into backstage it is the "odd" weapons of defense that he used that made it so memorable.



What does his influences have to do anything? The man did his thing well in the Late 80's...The real fans not us Jackasses around here, remember Sid for his NWA or 1992 WWF or breaking his leg...NOT for Sccissorcs, Squezzes or squirlls or shitting his pants.


Why have You guys Made me defend Sid Eudy so much here?

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Guest Choken One

Yeah but who HASN'T gotten into a fight and hit someone or kicked someone multiple times in the heat of the moment?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

With Scissors? Against someone who is considerably smaller than you?


*raises hand*


I haven't.


But you keep going... I love hearin you try to rationalize all of Sids crazy antics.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I'm guessing Choken is a big softball fan or works with a squeegee. That's the only way I can rationalize his love of Sid.

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Guest evilhomer

Choken I get what you're saying, in the heat of the moment in a fight, lots of people have done crazy things. But attempted murder is way over the line.


This raises an interesting question, how bad of a real fighter is Sid? Pillman and AA are two of the last guys in the world that I would have wanted to tangle with, but someone Sid's size should at least be able to handle himself without having to resort to weapons.

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Guest XdojimeX

"I wasn't supporting sid at all as a wrestler, I was supporting his statement about Benoit."


Who said you we're supporting him? Apologizing for him maybe.


-Sid got over on his own...The pushes weren't the real reason Fans cheered for Sid...They were in awe of this guy...U couldn't help to cheer ot Love to jeer him...


-You could for the most part tell he tried his best even though he knew that he wasn't the best.


-Face it, Sid wasn't that bad of a guy...




And his dig at Benoit is rooted in a very bullshit 80's mentality.


"His attacks on Anderson/Pillman were no different from other times wrestlers gotten into backstage it is the "odd" weapons of defense that he used that made it so memorable."


He fucking stabbed the guy! With scissors!


"What does his influences have to do anything?"


Well the crux seemed to revolve around Sid's worth to the wrestling business compared to guys like the 4 foot tall "good little worker" Chris Benoit.


"The man did his thing well in the Late 80's..."


He was over in his role but I'd debate if he "did" much of anything.


"The real fans not us Jackasses around here, remember Sid for his NWA or 1992 WWF or breaking his leg...NOT for Sccissorcs, Squezzes or squirlls or shitting his pants."


Spare me the pretentious self-hating smarkdom. Embrace the inner dork, set yourself free.


"Why have You guys Made me defend Sid Eudy so much here?"


Wet your own bed there chief. :)

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Guest Choken One



However, I do enjoy a good game of Softball but that's not the point...


Attempted Murder? Please, Simple Assault with "Deadly" weapon. His emotions got the best of him...he was intending to kill Arn Anderson.


I can justify using weapon like Scissors with Anderson but I can't in NO way justify using ANY weapon much less a Squegee for a guy that was literally a foot and change shorter then yourself. The only thing that I could do is think either Eudy was drunk or He was trying to be funny...


Oh, I am a smark...I was just saying the real fans...only remember the leg break, 1989 and 1992.

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Guest Choken One
Since they've never tried to run a promotion with guys pushing workrate at the top in the US it has yet to be seen. And how much did Sid draw?

NWA 1987-1989 was pretty much work rate pushing.


Flair, Funk, Steamboat, Muta, Sting, Anderson, and the fun bags like Sid, Luger, Rhodes were all pushed merely for their workrate...well not Rhodes or sid but the guys were so fucking over, We can let it pass.

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Guest AndrewTS

Little guys OR big guys need something "extra" to get noticed today, and that's why Sid is full of shit (avoid obvious joke).


How many times has Big Show failed to get over as a credible contender despite being REALLY BIG? He could have been in Andre's place, but these days we expect more out of our WWF guys. Yet, Show has actually shown a personality when he isn't merely a gargling heel who recites how tall and fat he is 20 times per interview.


Sid made me laugh as a kid, though. His weird blinking and non-sensical rambling. I thought he was funny so I laughed at him and his "Sycho" persona. I didn't think he was actually supposed to be SERIOUS--and that was at the height of my markdom.

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Guest Choken One

Sid is 100% right about that...You DO need to be big or have something I.E "It" to be a big name. TBS is still a intimidating presence and is still very mainstream merely for his Stature but his character has been mangled for years and that's not his fault...

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Guest AndrewTS
Sid is 100% right about that...You DO need to be big or have something I.E "It" to be a big name. TBS is still a intimidating presence and is still very mainstream merely for his Stature but his character has been mangled for years and that's not his fault...

Its kinda hard not to be "intimidating" when you're really really really big, and he's "mainstream" because WWE tries to get him plenty of things to do outside of the WWE.


That still doesn't mean he had much of a chance of becoming a star.

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