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Guest UndertakerHart

Sid hates workrate

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Guest Mulatto Heat

What brought more attention in early 2000, the Radicals jump and three of them winning titles in two months or Sid's long WCW World title reign?


What brought more attention in August 1999, Chris Jericho's WWF debut and promo with the Rock or Sid's "Millennium Man streak" or whatever the hell it was called?


What brought more attention in late 1996-early 1997, Sid's two cups of tea with the WWF Title or the nWo angle down South?


You can talk about big men drawing attention all you want but please use a better example than f'n Sid. Popping a crowd is one thing, but when half that crowd seems to be dressed as empty seats like it was during Sid's last run it makes that point moot.

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Guest Choken One

I didn't say the guy drew...I just said he was always over...U can't deny that except for the final days.


Big Men that drew? Andre obviously stands out of all men...

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Guest Mulatto Heat

I'll remember your justification of the scissors incident as I read your crucifying comments about Austin in the other thread.....

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Guest humongous2002

If this was the 80's and early 90's then I would agree with Sid, but with are in the 21st century, the fans want to see more than the hype, just look at Kronik, big huge bastards but they can't wrestle their way out of a paperbag, A-Train big ugly monster and he still can't get over, Test same shit,Kane can't even get a world title reign, i could go on and on.

And in my opinion a man that weights 260lbs of muscle and it doesn't matter how tall he could be it's not a small wrestler .

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Guest graph9

Sid must still have that load of shit in his draws...because he is so full of it..He comes across as so petty..kind of insecure and jealous in a way..He reminds me of Hogan & HHH..a.k.a..The Crippled 1.. who both strike me that way..in making comments like that about other wrestlers..?'ing their charisma..size..popularity..etc


Not every1 is going to reach the level of a Rock or Austin..


Sid probably feels superior because was the coveted "Big Man"..to say something like that about Beniot..Eddie..who last time i checked r still with the WWF (E)..


Sid's next job will probably b in some dirty high school gym..with about 10 people in attendance..they way he was talking you would think he was a huge draw..he was popular with the fans..but not someone you would order a PPV 4..and at his best..he was nothing but a transitional WWF champ...




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Guest Trivia247

You know its a shame about Sid...



But he wants to bitch and complain he should get his facts straight. Sidddy boy isn't welcome in the WWE not because their is some vast little talented people conspirancy against him. Sid just ain't shit! He caused alot of his own problems.

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Guest Jimmy Saint

I'd rather watch two hours of Sid squashing jobbers from 1990 than Smackdown.





Did'nt read the rest of this topic did I miss much ? btw Sid is no way near the worker of Benoit but I'll bet he has drawn more money over the years though :P

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Guest Luke Cage

Maybe if he had been able to tour ala Andre in the WWWF days he wouldn't have been exposed. Hours of exposure on TV and would make just about anyone tiresome.

Sid may have been more fondly rmembered if he was brought to an area as a hired gun. He could have worked one or two hyped matches with talented wrestlers. After he does his one or two big matches, he goes somewhere else. Don't give people time to find the man behind the curtain.

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Guest Brian

Well, if you look at the fact that Benoit has had very little of a run and alot of Sid's runs were in the red, it's going to be tough. Benoit's main evented Fully Loaded 2000, King of the Ring 2001, and Royal Rumble 2002. Anyone want to punch up the buyrate numbers and we can do al ittle comparison (because I'm betting we find Benoit's doing better)?

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Guest NoSelfWorth
Well, if you look at the fact that Benoit has had very little of a run and alot of Sid's runs were in the red, it's going to be tough. Benoit's main evented Fully Loaded 2000, King of the Ring 2001, and Royal Rumble 2002. Anyone want to punch up the buyrate numbers and we can do al ittle comparison (because I'm betting we find Benoit's doing better)?

Chris Benoit headlined WWF PPV buy rates:


Fully Loaded 2000 - 1.04

King of the Ring 2001 - 0.96


Don't have the final buy rate for the 2003 Rumble yet.


Sid Vicious headlined WWF PPV buy rates:


In Your House 1 - 0.83

King of the Ring 1995 - 0.65 (as part of a tag match)

In Your House 2 - 0.7

In Your House 9 - 0.37 (as part of a tag match)

Survivor Series 1996 - 0.58

In Your House 12 - 0.35

Royal Rumble 1997 - 0.7

WrestleMania 13 - 0.77

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

IYH 1+2 were during the god-awful Kevin Nash reign with the strap.


KOTR 95 was also a Kevin Nash disaster


SurSer 96 was the PPV where Shawn Michaels proved he would never draw as a face champion. (The one where Sid outpops Shawn)


The rest are indeed Sid's fault.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

So then........Benoit outdraws Sid. Well most people out draw Sid.

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Guest Choken One

Royal Rumble 2003 can't go to Benoit, it was the Rumble that drew the buyrates not Benoit.


Fully Loaded was a TRIPLE Main event and most would say that Jericho/HHH was the big draw for that show.


KOTR could be argued more likely Jericho/Austin were the draws...


Sid did draw, Pops. That was about it.


Sid and Benoit were complete opposites. Sid ALMOST always got the inital big pop but at the end of the match the crowd was apathetic and bored sitting on their hands. Benoit doesn't always get that inital big pop but at the end, he has them going "Let go benoit let go". This is why Sid's ECW run was so Glorificent. He came in squashed some midcarders got over didn't touch the stick and gave a couple rubs and left without causing any damage.


We can make the arguement that Sid wasn't to blame for those buyrates alone, Nash, HBK and even Bret can be blamed for those low buyrates because they likely didn't draw all that much more.


When we argue who drawn more, We can't just look at Buyrates, we have to examine Merch sales, House Shows and of course Ratings.

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Guest Quik

" "His attacks on Anderson/Pillman were no different from other times wrestlers gotten into backstage it is the "odd" weapons of defense that he used that made it so memorable."


He fucking stabbed the guy! With scissors! "


Best thing I have ever read on these forums.

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Guest Jimmy Saint

Benoit will never be in the same league as Sid with the casual fans who make up 90% of the audiance.



Sad but true. Don't fool yourself trying to think otherwise. However much I popped for when he beat Sid winning his first World Title and beat the Rock at Fully Loaded listen to the pathetic response from the live crowd.





Sid stills rocks though. If you watched WCW in the early 90's you'd know the score. One of my favourite early memories of wrestling. The heel Sid fucking up jobbers whilst the crowd booed but loved every minute.

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Guest Choken One

I was there for Benoit making Sid Tap...The crowd could've cared less...Most were leaving as soon as he locked the Crossface on anyways.

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Guest Brian

Probably because WCW had done a poor job handling Benoit and gave him the title in a last ditch-effort to keep him.


Good thing most people have forgottem sid, eh Saint.

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Guest Jimmy Saint

Most people who have forgotten Sid on the net are too young to remember him in the early 90's and just think of him as squeegie\safety scissers guy now. Then he was the best monster heel since Brody. Most would have no idea just how over he was in WCW for a time.


It was getting on for Austin type hysteria with the crowds with the supposdly heel Sid killing jobbers for fun. All the smart set loved him as well.

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Guest Human Fly
Most people who have forgotten Sid on the net are too young to remember him in the early 90's and just think of him as squeegie\safety scissers guy now.

If they are too young to have been around for the early 90's then they probably aren't that familiar with the other incidents. Most young fans probably remember Sid for snapping his leg like a twig on ppv.


In my mind Sid was the most effective with the Horseman, as HBK's bodyguard and in ECW. As has been pointed out already, because it was kept short, he did what he did best, and then left.

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Guest XdojimeX

"Then he was the best monster heel since Brody."




*cough* *wheeze*

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Guest saturnmark4life

I think people are reading waaay too much into Sid's comments. What he actually said about Benoit's size is very true in american wrestling. Benoit does seem to be getting over in a real sense now, but it took him a lot longer than sid.

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Guest JMA

Sid sucks. He was mildly entertaining as the monster of the 4H, but after that it was all down hill. The guy is a psycho and a dumbass. He's not even in Benoit's league.

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Guest Choken One

What League is Benoit in? The Vanilla Midgets of America Union?


Look, Sid make concise arguement, Benoit isn't getting over in America because he lacks an appeal. Austin, Shawn, Angle, Hart and Piper had something called "IT". Benoit doesn't...He is a great wrestler but More people understandably wish to be entertained by likes of Rock, Austin Booker, All good wrestlers and Great entertainers in all. Benoit isn't entertaining to watch, he doesn't make a large fanbase go "I GOTTA See Benoit wrestle" and plop down their money.


Face It, The WWE fanbase aren't like the smarks here. Wrestling is one of our pride and joys. We can talk hours about great matches and anyalze them but The WWE fanbase devote no more then 8 hours Week to it.


Sid Was right, Chris Benoit isn't a draw. I am not saying he was either.


However, you ask around a general consensus of Americans, More people people could reconizge Sid then they would Chris Benoit.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Benoit isn't "getting over"? Could've fooled me. But I expected a lot of revisionist history to be going on, considering what's being talked about and with whom.


Sid should stop making a fool out of himself in every turn, and THEN cop an attitude. He can talk about others not being draws all he wants, but he makes himself look like one himself, which has never been the case.


As a final note, here's some food for thought: The WWF was not negotiating with SID in January 2000.

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Guest JMA

Benoit can be VERY over. He was very over in WCW when feuding with Raven and DDP. And I'd rather have a "vanilla midget" than a lazy hoss. Benoit is over now with the smaller, violent guy. Wolverines aren't that big, but they're vicious as hell. In other words size doesn't equal ratings. Benoit is better than Sid at wrestling, drawing, and hell, even at giving promos! That is, unless you found that whole "master and ruler of the world!" crap to be entertaining.

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Guest Choken One

Waiiit a Minute...Sid gave Killer Promos on a few occasions mind you.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Pffffffff..... BAAAAHAHAHAHA!!! WHEN? When he declared to Kevin Nash that "I have half the brain that you do"?

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Guest Choken One

What? Killer Promos...He killed all of us thanks to boredom thus...KILLER PROMOS!


What do YOU think I was talking about ?

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