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Guest UndertakerHart

Sid hates workrate

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Guest Mik at Cornell

I'm sorry, I know your blind love for Benoit is clouding the fact that Sid HAS A POINT! I like Benoit 100x better than I will ever like Sid, and all the points the Benoit supporters have brought up are true, but you're missing the point.


Sid said you either have to be big or having something special, which is so true. No one will ever pay to see Spike Dudley, or Hurricane Helms, or any other *awesome* cruiserweight as World Champion, unless there is just something about them that makes them different than anyone else. As much of a tool as Sid is, he was totally right with the statement.


Now, with that said I could buy Benoit as world champion, but I'm not sure the average mark would.

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Guest JMA

I see the average fan as buying Benoit as a world champion. I mean, the guy is shown as vicious in the ring.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Sid said you either have to be big or having something special, which is so true. No one will ever pay to see Spike Dudley, or Hurricane Helms, or any other *awesome* cruiserweight as World Champion, unless there is just something about them that makes them different than anyone else. As much of a tool as Sid is, he was totally right with the statement.

No shit, the thing is that Sid made himself look to be more special than he actually was, and if that wasn't the case, his times at the top, whether it being in the WWF or WCW, would have been more profitable. As it was, he was often overshadowed by smaller wrestlers, and at one point, the smaller wrestler he's critiquing.


That was MY point.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

And I'm sure that you polled every wrestling fan in America to come to that conclusion, correct?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Benoit *does* have something special about him, the WWF just doesn't bother to focus on it.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Benoit can get over with the average friend. Hell my best friend now was a mark before he met me. And now he's a semi-smark. When I asked him who his favorite wrestler was when I met him he said "Chris Benoit". Hell when I tell most people who my favorite wrestler is(benoit) they all agree "He's awesome".

And while Benoit may not be as recognizable with the mainstream as an Austin or Rock, Sid damn sure isn't.

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Guest JMA
They might buy him as Champion but they won't buy a ticket.

I respectfully disagree. I think the average fan enjoys watching a Benoit match.

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Guest Choken One

Sure, of course they enjoy watching him wrestle but they aren't paying 40 bucks just to see him wrestle.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I'm *a* fan. Isn't that good enough? $40 is $40 - no matter who pays it. I am also a fan who has been watching for over a decade - thus making me a more profitable fan than this 'casual fan'.

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Guest Jimmy Saint

Benoit can get over sure. Hopefully one day he will even regually get the type of pop that alot of WWE upper midcarders recieve.


As a viable drawing champ though hmmmmm






To the wanker earlier in the thread. I was talking about early 90's tweener Sid in WCW. He was at Brusier Brody out of control killing jobbers for fun phase and everyone loved it. Cept you, although were you even born then ?

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Guest AndrewTS

Being big won't make you a draw anymore. Or else Vince the Genius and his 80's hoss-pushing mentality would have guaranteed prosperity for the WWE.


You still need something "special" to make it, but being big and having nothing else remarkable about you won't make you a draw.

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Guest Jimmy Saint
You still need something "special" to make it, but being big and having nothing else remarkable about you won't make you a draw.

Neither will be being a small good wrestler with nothing else remarkable about you.



Thats probably Sid's point. I'd agree with it as well.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Being big grab attentions. Having no talent loses it.


Benoit keeps attention, but never really captures it in the first place due to his small stature. If you see Sid walking in the airport and Benoit, where does your attention gravitate towards?


Which does not say that Sid is a better investment than Benoit - I am saying that Benoits investment pays off better but just takes longer.

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Guest JMA

I'll admit Sid was good in the early nineties in WCW/NWA. But from there his career has all been a downward spiral. He was never even that good to begin with. Today's wrestlers can't just be big guys. That was acceptable in the 80's (in the WWF at least) but it won't fly now. Fans (casual fans) except to see grappling and impressive moves. They don't want to see twenty-second squashes.


Benoit has something special: his vicious streak. Despite not being the biggest guy, Benoit has the presence of a real bad-ass. The name "wolverine" fits him well. I'm confident the fans would buy him as a champion and pay to see him main-event.

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Guest Brian

I think people totally underestimate how big the smark crowd is. It's at least half the audience (one of the sites gets some 3,000,000 unique visitors a day).

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I think people totally underestimate how big the smark crowd is. It's at least half the audience (one of the sites gets some 3,000,000 unique visitors a day).

I agree with you Brian, nowadays everybody have access to the net even "casual fans". Benoit could make a believable world champion as long as they stop using that stupid toothless agression logo and start booking him as a vicious, ass kicking, mean bastard, just book him like they did with Bret Hart a guy that sucked at the mic but had great wrestling skills.

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Guest saturnmark4life

I'm not going to say bret sucked on the mic but you're right, he ain't the most charismatic guy ever. The subtle heel stuff against Bulldog in the UK was pure class though, watched it yesterday. This whole thing about using stupid angles to grab casual viewers is crap, because 2000 was a tremendously lucritive period based on logical storylines and great matches.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
Has anyone paid to watch Sid wrestle. Anyone?

::Crickets chirp::


All I remember from him is, screaming, resting, more screaming, "POWERBOMB!" pin.

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