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Guest Thomas LaCorte

Give me a Gimmick

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Guest Thomas LaCorte

I am a new poster here, and I am desperately in need of a gimmick. Here are some options I thought up already.


1. I only watch Heat. Whenever there's a topic about something unrelated to Heat or wrestlers on Heat, I'll make a very very brief comment, and then note that "I only watch Heat." And everytime there's a preview for a show, and it's posted, I'll reply with "I only watch Heat," unless of course it's a preview for Heat. When Heat spoilers are up, I'll post "Looks like another 5-star Heat," even when it looks like crap. But then again, when does HEAT ever look like crap???????


2. I am worst enemies with the poster the_rtrain. I realize he barely ever posts, but he gave me the link to these forums, and from what I've seen, I love them. Even though he's my best friend, how well do you think a gimmick like his worst enemy would go over? I say very very well, because he barely posts so I would always win and whenever he posts, I'll just post something saying I disagree completely, even when I don't.


3. Kurt Angle is a shitty wrestler. This gimmick speaks for itself, and would get everybody to hate me. Or even better, Chris Benoit is a shitty wrestler! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!


4. Other (please be specific)


Please help me choose one of these AWESOME gimmicks!


:D :P B-) :lol: :) :huh: :ph34r: :wub: :angry: :headbang: :( :bonk: :gas: :throwup: :phaser: :firing: :cheers: :spank: :boxing:

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Guest Thomas LaCorte

Oh, hey, cool, I didn't even think of that one! I could post something and then be like *drinks oil*, or I could tell other people to go drink some oil like you just did. And I could say things like "I swear to God, if any more of the SmackDown 6 have to take a year out because of neck injuries, I will drink a whole GALLON of oil!!" This is FUN!!!!! Now keep those suggestions coming, guys!

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Guest Thomas LaCorte

Fuck you. Go drink some oil, then afterwards drop a match down your throat so you burst into flames, you fucking cunt.

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Guest SP-1

I give him a week before he's banned on annoyance factor alone. Set a new standard, dude. I dare you.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

How about you're a Superman mark? You ralte all topics to Superman. You call Yuna "Lois" for no reason and you call Banky "Lex" Then, since I'm the #1 batman mark we can team up and be "The World's Finest" and always agree and stuff.



Seriously, though join the OAOAST. If you're cool there you get respect everywhere.

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Guest Will Scarlet

A week's too long. I say he's banned before the weekend's over.

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Guest SP-1

Yeah but a single post of swankocity does not a popular poster make.


So . . . gone by the Simpsons on Sunday evening?

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Your gimmick can be the "Never Reply Guy". You do your gimmick by staying out of every thread. We'll put you over by saying " Hey, how come that Thomas LaWhore guy never replies?" And you can where a shirt that says "I'm a dick"....whoops, I mean "I Never Reply"

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Guest Thomas LaCorte

Thank you to everyone who replied. You've all been lots of help, but I still haven't made my final decision. Keep it goin', guys!

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I know a few.


You could be a raver who's also a history buff, and a big fan of classic cars. You can obsess over Kylie Minogue in a non-sexual way, and gyrate while listening to digweed. Also, end every post with "Fo Sheez."


You could pretend you're a gay erotica writing teenage girl with an obsession for stevie richards.


Better yet, you could write every post BACKWARDS~! OMG~!


After that, you could write "I'm a fucking dolt!" in giant red letters, and quote the person who just posted above you, only BACKWARDS~! OMG~!


You could rename yourself Smarkzone Jr, and talk about how much you hate Booker T. That would be even funnier if it was BACKWARDS~! OMG~!



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You could pretend you're a gay erotica writing teenage girl with an obsession for stevie richards.

That sounds oddly familiar......'cept I'm not pretending. ^_^

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Guest crandamaniac
Better yet, you could write every post BACKWARDS~! OMG~!

gnitsop sdrawkcab kconk t'nod, yeH

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Guest Downhome

You could have the mysterious "banned" gimmick, in which you never post, you never come back here, and we never hear from you again. If there's ever been a gimmick for a poster that I'd enjoy, it's this one.

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Guest Bruiser Chong
You could have the gimmick of not only being a pathetic loser for needing a gimmick on a message board, but being so uncreative that you ask others to come up with one for you.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Here's a gimmick- You are now Trollio, the evil impotent henchman of transexual hobbits. And because of your impotence, you spend eternity getting buttbanged by your brethren.



To all the knowledgable posters here:


He's obviously not a 29 year old guy, because any mature 29 year old guy would not-


Want to be a gimmick on a message board.


Start a flame war with a friend who never posts in the first place.


Ask people he doesn't know for some type of gimmick, thu seeking some semblance of acceptance.


Register on the day that just so happens to be his "birthday".


I realize I'm just stating the obvious, but wtf...the new board is great, now if we only had a troll filter.

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Guest Kotzenjunge
You could be a raver who's also a history buff, and a big fan of classic cars. You can obsess over Kylie Minogue in a non-sexual way, and gyrate while listening to digweed. Also, end every post with "Fo Sheez."


I love you.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Yuna, are you sure you're not pretending? It's been documented that on average women don't realize they are a lesbian until they are in their early 20s and often have sexual encounters with men long after they even realize. Yeah I somehow ended up taking a class on this last semester. But anyways, you're only 16 right? Yeah, you would be a statistical anomaly and you should probably volunteer yourself to be researched.


Unless it's just a desperate cry for attention.

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Guest LooseCannon

You should pretend to be an alien who happens to love puro. And whenever another gimmick poster posts, you should talk about how on your planet, gimmick posting is considered a very heinous crime that brings shame to your family and is punishable by death.

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Guest Banky

This kid should be my lackey. C'mon son, join me.


I'm soooo much cooler than you. And yes, drink some oil. You aren't even worthy of having my good content in a thread of yours. So I stand by my drinking oil comment. Drink it.

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Guest MaxPower27
This kid should be my lackey. C'mon son, join me.

If he doesn't, I will. I make good lemonade, Banky! B-)

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Guest Banky
This kid should be my lackey.  C'mon son, join me.

If he doesn't, I will. I make good lemonade, Banky! B-)

Yum Yum, Lemonade? Max Power, consider me YOUR Chesty Larue.

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Guest Banky
Chris Candido can be your hero

I'd Rad Radford! Rad Radford is the great wrestling name ever.

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Guest razazteca

Be Body Donna Skip you could get into long winded arguements over nothing and get your ass handed to you by someone like GameCop.


Bawh Gawd GameCop Wins! GameCop Wins! GameCop Wins!

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