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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Kurt Angle update

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Warning, there is spoiler information in the following article. If you don't want to know what will happen on Smackdown this week, don't read this item.


It was a wild day backstage at Smackdown yesterday. As Hulk Hogan alluded to yesterday on the Bubba The Love Sponge show, WWE reworked the script for the show over the past few days and what will air on Thursday night is much different than what had been planned. The reason for the flurry of activity was that Kurt Angle had a change of heart and decided that he could work at WrestleMania after all and delay surgery on his injured neck until after the show. Originally, the plan had been for Brock Lesnar to beat Angle for the WWE Title last night since Angle reportedly felt that he couldn't have a match that met his high standards in his current condition, which is very serious. He informed WWE within the last two days that he had changed his mind and felt he could go through with a bout at Mania, and have a good match in the process. So, they changed the booking of the match for this week's Smackdown and now his match with Lesnar at Mania is still on. Obviously, WWE prefers that Angle lose the belt at Mania rather than on free TV. Had Angle not changed his mind and decided to wrestle at Mania, Chris Benoit would have been elevated to the title match, against Lesnar. It had become common knowledge backstage that Benoit was set to get the spot and would have worked against Lesnar in a face vs. face match up. Now, with Angle back in the picture, Benoit will now work in tag action at Mania. I applaud Kurt for working hurt, as do all of the cohorts of his in the company that I spoke to. I just hope that he doesn't get injured any worse.



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Guest wwF1587

i applaud Kurt as well... but if he gets hurt worse at WM I am gonna be soo pissed...gotta give him credit for being soo brave...

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Hmmm...wonder if Benoit is pissed he's isn't headlining wrestlemania?

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Angle has balls for what he's going to do but I don't think the Vince should let him do it. It is totally not worth the risk.

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Guest Army Eye

So Benoit is either fighting for the WWE title or tagging wtih Rhyno? WTF? Kind of a big discrepancy there.

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Guest Anglesault

I really, really hope this isn't Doormat Angle just trying to make everyone happy again.


I hope he got home, to find Karen Angle saying "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY? YOU JUST TURNED DOWN (Insert mania pay off)!" And Angle did this for himself and his family, not Vince and Brock.

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Guest MaxPower27

I still shudder to think what COULD happen. He's got a baby girl to take care of.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire






Sorry...damn that ephedra

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Guest crandamaniac
I am very uneasy about this.

As do I. I'm pretty certain that he's making good money and doesn't need to risk putting his health on the line for a match.



Just making a funny point here tho, anybody notice how if Triple H had done this, we would be all up in arms, but Angle does it and most people don't get mad?

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Guest Mulatto Heat

That seems to happen for pretty much everything.


Case in point: compare the reactions for Angle/Kendrick as opposed to HHH/Maven.

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Guest bob_barron
I am very uneasy about this.

As do I. I'm pretty certain that he's making good money and doesn't need to risk putting his health on the line for a match.



Just making a funny point here tho, anybody notice how if Triple H had done this, we would be all up in arms, but Angle does it and most people don't get mad?

Well Angle is doing the job here.


HHH had a crushed larynx, and two injured quads yet wrestled to get his title back

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I'm scared for Angle, but to tell you the truth, I'm glad he's doing it, because I REALLY wanted to see Angle vs. Lesnar, even if it does suck. I feel guilty and soulless for it, but I'm still glad. But if Kurt has to end his career because of it, I dunno if it's worth it.

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Guest Trivia247

well Benoit wrestled a intense three way match vs Jericho and Austin at KOTR 2001 while having that career pausing neck injury.


Angle better get surgery after this and better not worsen his own injury because its not even worth 350 000 if you eliminate yourself from the lifetime career paycheck.

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Guest Brian

I hope it's that Kurt Angle knows he can go at a great level and feels that three weeks of rest and the extra paycheck is enough incentive. I mean, the guy takes a great deal of pride in his work so there must be something other than money that's motivating him to do this, and risk not just his neck but his legacy.

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Guest Anglesault
I hope it's that Kurt Angle knows he can go at a great level and feels that three weeks of rest and the extra paycheck is enough incentive. I mean, the guy takes a great deal of pride in his work so there must be something other than money that's motivating him to do this, and risk not just his neck but his legacy.

Yeah, the guy is a frigging doormat. He'll sacrifice his firstborn for that company if they ask him to. That's why he never gets pushed correctly, because he's satisfied with the shitty way they handle him.

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Guest Trivia247
I hope it's that Kurt Angle knows he can go at a great level and feels that three weeks of rest and the extra paycheck is enough incentive. I mean, the guy takes a great deal of pride in his work so there must be something other than money that's motivating him to do this, and risk not just his neck but his legacy.

Yeah, the guy is a frigging doormat. He'll sacrifice his firstborn for that company if they ask him to. That's why he never gets pushed correctly, because he's satisfied with the shitty way they handle him.

Well that may come from being a REAL Competition wrestler and not a seasoned true Pro wrestling wrestler.

He's been in our favorite business for a mere 4 years so might not have that Pro wrestling ego that wrestlers at main event level develope because its not a place where they are Told who their opponents are and thats it, there is backstage politicing theres egostroking theres flat out refusals to wrestle. Kurt before joining the WWF never seen that truly. He might live with it among other WWE wrestlers like HHH Austin Taker etc but he doesn't have it himself.... So he'll give himself over to the business broken neck and all.

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Guest evilhomer
Hmmm...wonder if Benoit is pissed he's isn't headlining wrestlemania?

I'd say disappointed would be a better description. Benoit seems to be the type of guy that isn't going to throw a hissy fit for losing a spot he could have been given. I'm also sure he'd rather have gone into that main event slot when he was given a proper build into it.


Just making a funny point here tho, anybody notice how if Triple H had done this, we would be all up in arms, but Angle does it and most people don't get mad?

That's because Kurt appears to do these things to put on a good show and for the betterment of the company. HHH does it to hold his spot and for the betterment of HHH. Fact or perception, you decide.


Case in point: compare the reactions for Angle/Kendrick as opposed to HHH/Maven.

Kurt needed a match where he looked extremely strong and was a feared opponent to show he has a chance against the monster Brock. When was the last time HHH looked weak? Has Booker been built so strong that HHH needs some build up to make it look like he has a chance?


I'm scared for Angle, but to tell you the truth, I'm glad he's doing it, because I REALLY wanted to see Angle vs. Lesnar, even if it does suck. I feel guilty and soulless for it, but I'm still glad. But if Kurt has to end his career because of it, I dunno if it's worth it.

Nothing is worth spending the rest of your life in a wheelchair or with limited mobility. I'm scared as hell for Kurt, and I'm pretty pissed that they're taking a match that had the potential to be one of the all time greatest away from us. I really wanted to see Angle/Lesnar, and we're getting that, but not the real Kurt Angle. Kurt is one tough SOB, and a hell of a company man for going through with this, but with a broken neck, he just can't go like he should. If this was the fifth entry of Angle/Lesnar, then I wouldn't mind. But the first colossal meeting should come when the two of them are at 100%, or at least as close to 100% as a wrestler can get.


I just hope he knows what he's doing, $350G is a hell of a lot of money, but it's nothing compared to what he could make over the next 10-15 years.

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Guest RedJed
I hope it's that Kurt Angle knows he can go at a great level and feels that three weeks of rest and the extra paycheck is enough incentive. I mean, the guy takes a great deal of pride in his work so there must be something other than money that's motivating him to do this, and risk not just his neck but his legacy.

Yeah, the guy is a frigging doormat. He'll sacrifice his firstborn for that company if they ask him to. That's why he never gets pushed correctly, because he's satisfied with the shitty way they handle him.

Actually he's spoken up about ways he is used. Just recently he made a move to change the original finish of the Kendrick match and got his way. Originally Hayes had it booked that Kendrick would actually kick out of the Angle slam near the finish there, and of course he didn't. So its not like he's just letting them do whatever they want with him........if you can't see the change they have done since the beginning of the year (made him a much more serious character) you're way too cynical and blinded by wanting perfection with Angle than I once thought.


I'm sure Benoit will get his day in the sun with a WWE title run and feud with Brock, probably right after Mania here. Or maybe in the latest they do the Cena-Lesnar and maybe a Benoit-Rhyno feud (maybe Rhyno does the turn at Mania or vice versa) and that leads to Benoit-Lesnar at SummerSlam.

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Guest AndrewTS
Angle is holding Benoit Down!



I'm sure Benoit is heartbroken he wasn't wrenched out of an over tag team so he can be fed to Brock. Damn that Angle.

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Guest Anglesault
Actually he's spoken up about ways he is used. Just recently he made a move to change the original finish of the Kendrick match and got his way. Originally Hayes had it booked that Kendrick would actually kick out of the Angle slam near the finish there, and of course he didn't.



So its not like he's just letting them do whatever they want with him........if you can't see the change they have done since the beginning of the year (made him a much more serious character) you're way too cynical and blinded by wanting perfection with Angle than I once thought.


I see Brock manhandling Angle and Co. Everyweek. If you don't see that, you are just blind.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Angle's holding down Benoit!


I wonder if Benoit will get a title reign in the future for getting screwed with a little here.

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Guest Anglesault
Angle's holding down Benoit!


I wonder if Benoit will get a title reign in the future for getting screwed with a little here.

Benoit's not really getting screwed because the match was never his to begin with, ya know?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It was his for a while.


I guarantee the pay is different in the 3 team tag than in the title match at Mania.


Put yourself out of Angle's shoes for a minute and into someone elses.


Or...let's say that last year HHH was hurt and they were going to put Angle in the title match...then HHH decided to go anyway.

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Guest RedJed
Angle's holding down Benoit!


I wonder if Benoit will get a title reign in the future for getting screwed with a little here.

He probably will.........I think there was already a plan of action to have him be the next champion in line anyway, so everything that happened here may be a moot point.


It's obvious that Brock was given more than a upper hand in the Angle-Lesnar feud that was needed, but to base just that off the way the WWE has ever handled Angle's character is ridiculous. Not many heels constantly get clean wins over talent, and Angle has been doing that for quite some time now. He beat Benoit clean at the Rumble, but we can't add that into the equation, right?

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Guest Anglesault
He beat Benoit clean at the Rumble, but we can't add that into the equation, right?

That just makes Benoit look bad. he can't beat the guy who has gotten ZERO OFFENSIVE MOVES in on brock?

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