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Guest ShooterJay

Who the fuck is left?

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Guest ShooterJay

After this latest Rock/Booker news, it seems a given that HHH is winning at Wrestlemania, but if he wins, who the fuck is left? HHH has beaten everyone!


RVD, Kane, Steiner, Booker, Shawn Michaels- that's EVERY top face contender on RAW!


I dunno, I don't understand the point of not putting people over, if you do that it means MORE money for you, not less! More credible opponents=more matchups=more $$$$! It's a simple equation, why doesn't HHH get it?


There has to be a World title feud, and short of turning Jericho face to job to Hunter one more time (which is a one-month quick fix anyway) there are no new World title feuds!


There's nothing left! What are they going to do, dick around with the belt for another two months until Nash comes back, so we can have an epic Kliq negative star match? WWE has fucked themselves with their handling of the RAW belt, they're backed into a corner with no interesting or even potentially interesting feuds on the horizon if HHH goes over at Mania.

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Guest Crux

This is Triple H we're talking about...I wouldnt doubt it that he'd lose it to Nash when he returns. How great .[/sarcasm]

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Nash will win that title and then we'll get HHH trying to win it back...and eventually suceeding. By then they'll move someone over, turn someone, or sign someone.

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Guest Brian
or sign someone.

I live for the opportunity to say "Fuck Goldberg" whenever possible.

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Guest Will Scarlet

Well, Jericho hasn't jobbed to Triple H in awhile. Maybe they can turn him with the purpose of jobbing him to Triple H.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

That's the great thing about this. I doubt Nash-HHH can draw for more than one PPV, if that. After that he's got to try to convince Austin to job for him, or talk Vince into jobbing Brock or signing Goldberg (who, if I recall, has stated that there's no way in hell he's laying down for HHH). THERE'S NO ONE LEFT! Triple-H has dug his hole and his reign of terror at the top may finally be drawing to a close.

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Guest teke184

The WWE isn't THAT stupid... they'll start importing guys from SD to job to him until Nash can walk down to the ring without getting hurt. This means it may be QUITE a while...


I think Benoit will be the first to get traded over and feud with Trips because he can make Trips look good. I bet he can't get a better match out of Trips than he got from Billy Gunn at Armageddon though.

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Guest Human Fly

I can't wait to see the buyrates of the first Raw only ppv in June with Nash v. HHH in the ME. I'll throw my guess out now at 0.32

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Guest AndrewTS

They'll elevate Jericho by having him beat and retire HBK, then HHH fued with him again, beating and humilating him again. DUH! You don't think Trips has this all planned out?


Then the epic Nash fued can begin.

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Guest godthedog

i think the bigger problem to look at here is the detriment to booker's career if trips wins. the way this feud is building (underdog trying to prove to everybody that he really DOES have what it takes to be on top), if booker loses he is FUCKED. all those insults from trips and flair become true, & irreparable damage is done. it's the same situation jericho was in when he was feuding with rock: the whole feud was built around the fact that he NEEDED to win, so if he didn't win his character would have nowhere to go.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo



"Hunter, I just got put in charge of RAW as well..."


"Well Steph, that's just great. I put you out of this company once, I'll do it again"


"You can try... sweetie... but check THESE out *steph flexes* OH YEAH! I've been eatin my Stacker 2~!"


"Wow baby, your guns are HUUUGE"


"Thank you muffin"


"No problem plumpkin"


"Huuuunteeeerrrrr, I told you not to call me that on TeeeeVeeee"


"I just couldn't, I just couldn't help myself.. Sorry..."


*Jericho comes out, slips on banana peel and falls into a pool of pig shit*

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I will :firing: if/when Triple K feuds with Nash for the title. That would just be wrong!

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Guest Johnson1620
The plan all along was Nash.

Best thing the WWE could do. If he can stay healthy.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Best thing to do... Because Nash and HHH will tear a quad in their first lock up?

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

And to think... some of us hoped they would come back. I'm starting to think I can live with NEVER seeing them on my TV again.

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Guest Johnson1620

Say what you will, but Nash's quad tear was a fluke. He's got bad knees, we all know that. But he is always over with the fans and can work a mic as good or better then anyone the WWE has now. The fued would be great.

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Guest the pinjockey

I want to actually see Nash work the mic in the context of a character as opposed to getting in a bunch of one liners and digs at other people's expense to keep himself cool.

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Guest EQ
*Jericho comes out, slips on banana peel and falls into a pool of pig shit*

I'd just like to point out that I laughed *alot* when I read this.


Anyway, I doubt that the WWE would hesitate in just having HHH feud with someone he's already beaten (even recently).


I mean, come on... look what these guys have been giving us these past few months.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Anyone think that HHH will turn his belt into the "Body Building Belt of the World"?


He'd have MUCH better competition and wouldn't injure himself as much...

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Guest Zero_Cool

HHH: UH!!! *tears..pec?*


It's so going to be Nash vs. Triple H, guys. As a matter of fact, I can't wait for it, as the two guys get booed out of the building. They have to realize, especially Nash, that this isn't 1996 anymore, and the punch-kick thing makes a crowd restless and irritated.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I can see it now.


JR: Ah bah gawd, HHH has already beaten booker t to a bloody pulp and now he just won't stop dammit! Who can stop his reign of terror! WHO! ?


*wolf pac theme*


*Nash walks down with his FUBU shirt and baggy pants... wearing red bandana too*


JR: It's big sexxxy Kevin Nash! Thank God!


*HHH runs out of the ring as Nash enters*


*Nash helps booker up*


JR: Nash, always willing to help out the brotha man. God bless him. He's so hip. He's so cool.


*Nash makes the wolfpac gesture to Booker T*


*Booker reluctantly complies and then leaves the ring with his head buried in his hands*

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Guest bob_barron
Say what you will, but Nash's quad tear was a fluke. He's got bad knees, we all know that. But he is always over with the fans and can work a mic as good or better then anyone the WWE has now. The fued would be great.

When was the last time Kevin Nash drew money?


When was the last time a Kevin Nash push did good business?


He maybe over (well whatever) but that don't mean shit

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Guest wwF1587

Booker will probably win by DQ at WM so HHH can get a rematch and his PIN win at Backlash...in all seriousness if Booker DOESNT WIN THE WORLD TITLE i will be seriously disappointed.. im going out on a limb to say I will be just as disappointed when HHH screwed up the HBK/RVD title match a few months back.. and if i get that depressed then I may just watch SD!...unless Austin does something amazing to keep me watching or if The ROCk stays... doesnt look like either will happen

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Guest Zero_Cool

Heh, I think he only has one FUBU shirt..and he's worn it everyday since February 23, 2000.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Nash drew money?


We must be in some bizarro universe...



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Guest Johnson1620
He maybe over (well whatever) but that don't mean shit

The same argument can be made for Booker T of for that fact even Regal.


The reality is that Nash will draw. The only thing is if he's knees will hold up long enough to actually have an effect. All those years of basketball did take it's toll.

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