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Guest ShooterJay

Who the fuck is left?

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Guest snuffbox

HHH seems to be thinking that he can pull off the Flair character that kept NWA/WCW alive for years. The thing with Flair was that he wasnt superman, he was VERY beatable, by ANYBODY. Hed keep the title by nefarious means in classic matches everytime out, and also job cleanly multiple times. HHH just squashes every challenger. Hes not fucking Vader!!


If Booker gets squashed I think the Goodbye WWe countdown can begin.


Nash couldnt draw with Hogan, HBK, or anybody else so obviously he wont with Hunter either.


Bring in Goldberg? Wont job to HHH. Sting? Savage? Sid? No, no, no. Smackdown guys? Celebrities? Genetic clones?

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

What a load of horseshit.


If Nash was going to draw, then the NWO wouldn't have died out in record time last year, Austin be damned.


It's not like Nash is Hogan and actually a certifiable legend in the business, so to say that he'd draw when there's no concrete proof that he ever did is meaningless.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

*Puts on Politiking Conspiracy hat*


I think that Booker will beat HHH, they will have a rematch on raw the next night, HHH will almost win, but Nash will interfere.


HHH: Hey Vince, we both know that Booker isn't a safe-bet as champ, right?


Vince: Yes. That is right. I am unsure of him at the top.


HHH: Yeah, so why not put me and Nash at the top of the card, so if Bookers run as champ fails, no one will really notice it.


It's the perfect way to sabotage bookers title run. Have Nash/HHH take up most of the tv time so that Bookers feuds will be secondary. His title run will bomb because it never got the focus it needed and HHH will get the title back because he is a safer investment.


Damn him!


*takes off hat*

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Guest AndrewTS
What a load of horseshit.


If Nash was going to draw, then the NWO wouldn't have died out in record time last year, Austin be damned.


It's not like Nash is Hogan and actually a certifiable legend in the business, so to say that he'd draw when there's no concrete proof that he ever did is meaningless.

Fuck, Hogan didn't even draw, I don't think. OR, Hogan did draw but at the expense of the fans who didn't want to watch Hogan's two-decade old nostalgia act still being put on, only this time by a crusty old man. The old man still the same cartoon character he was back in the 80's. Only he says "ass" now.


Reminds of me of the return of the yellow and red in WCW. His entire character development was that would swear a little. Ooo--cutting edge.


Hogan is a relic from the 80's/early 90's that a lot of the modern fans do NOT want to watch wrestle--not just smarks.


It's generally accepted that the Hulkstalgia title reign drove away fans, which was something they did NOT need.


Nash isn't even a Hogan. He's about the same age, and, while he's not a cartoon character like Hogan, he'll put on shitty matches, his mic skills are overrated and he tries to make you laugh with insider comments rather than build anticipation for a match.


Besides, who wants to wrestle when you can sit on your ass and collect a paycheck from Uncle Vince? He wouldn't rush to get back into the ring.

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Guest Johnson1620
What a load of horseshit.


If Nash was going to draw, then the NWO wouldn't have died out in record time last year, Austin be damned.


It's not like Nash is Hogan and actually a certifiable legend in the business, so to say that he'd draw when there's no concrete proof that he ever did is meaningless.

I love the fact that a Mod can flame outside of NHB.



But back to the subject at hand. It wasn't Nash or Hogans fault the nWo died out so quickly in the WWE. It was Hall's and the writer's. If Hall had been totally commited instead of looking for a qquick payday it could have been better. And the writer's never wrote a script that was nWo worthy.

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Guest AndrewTS
*Puts on Politiking Conspiracy hat*


I think that Booker will beat HHH, they will have a rematch on raw the next night, HHH will almost win, but Nash will interfere.


HHH: Hey Vince, we both know that Booker isn't a safe-bet as champ, right?


Vince: Yes. That is right. I am unsure of him at the top.


HHH: Yeah, so why not put me and Nash at the top of the card, so if Bookers run as champ fails, no one will really notice it.


It's the perfect way to sabotage bookers title run. Have Nash/HHH take up most of the tv time so that Bookers feuds will be secondary. His title run will bomb because it never got the focus it needed and HHH will get the title back because he is a safer investment.


Damn him!


*takes off hat*

That's basically what they did with Jericho and Big Show's reign. Yup, let the champ main event the FIRST HOUR and the "real stars" main event the second.


And in Jericho's case, make his finisher a belt shot to the face.

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Guest JMA
I love the fact that a Mod can flame outside of NHB.



But back to the subject at hand. It wasn't Nash or Hogans fault the nWo died out so quickly in the WWE. It was Hall's and the writer's. If Hall had been totally commited instead of looking for a qquick payday it could have been better. And the writer's never wrote a script that was nWo worthy.

Hm. Johnson=Johnstone?

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Guest JMA
That's basically what they did with Jericho and Big Show's reign. Yup, let the champ main event the FIRST HOUR and the "real stars" main event the second.


And in Jericho's case, make his finisher a belt shot to the face.

Yeah. They had Jericho facing fucking Maven and Tazz in the first hour. That was just incredibly stupid. He even had to cheat to beat Tazz...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Not only was it in the first hour - it was in the first MATCH.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
I love the fact that a Mod can flame outside of NHB.



But back to the subject at hand. It wasn't Nash or Hogans fault the nWo died out so quickly in the WWE. It was Hall's and the writer's. If Hall had been totally commited instead of looking for a qquick payday it could have been better. And the writer's never wrote a script that was nWo worthy.

Uh-huh... exactly where did I flame you again?


And I love how you dodge around the issue when presented with an opinion that isn't the same as yours.


Simply put: Nash has NEVER been a draw, point blank. This "logic" that he'll suddenly become one when he comes back is one of the most insane things I've ever heard. People call Nash the lowest drawing WWF/E champion for a reason because HE'S NEVER DONE IT.


Oh, and the death of the NWO pretty much was Hogan's fault(indirectly) since when they discovered he was getting a huge face reaction, they decided that the company-killing gimmick was secondary to GeezerMania and promptly got those two stiffs away from Hogan as soon as possible.

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Guest Johnson1620
I love the fact that a Mod can flame outside of NHB.



But back to the subject at hand.  It wasn't Nash or Hogans fault the nWo died out so quickly in the WWE.  It was Hall's and the writer's.  If Hall had been totally commited instead of looking for a qquick payday it could have been better.  And the writer's never wrote a script that was nWo worthy.

Uh-huh... exactly where did I flame you again?


And I love how you dodge around the issue when presented with an opinion that isn't the same as yours.


Simply put: Nash has NEVER been a draw, point blank. This "logic" that he'll suddenly become one when he comes back is one of the most insane things I've ever heard. People call Nash the lowest drawing WWF/E champion for a reason because HE'S NEVER DONE IT.


Oh, and the death of the NWO pretty much was Hogan's fault(indirectly) since when they discovered he was getting a huge face reaction, they decided that the company-killing gimmick was secondary to GeezerMania and promptly got those two stiffs away from Hogan as soon as possible.

You called my opinion horseshit. That's a flame.


When Nash was the man in wCw they had their biggest draw ever. So to say that he has never drawn is just ignorant.


Hogan's fault? I don't think so. If the writer's were worth a shit they could have used his draw to help the nWo, not kill it.

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Guest snuffbox

Nash's wwf title run reached abysmal lows. Starrcade 98 where he squashed Goldbergs streak is considered the beginning of the end for WCW. He booked/reigned while the wcw ship sunk. The wwe nwo run was a failure, in part due to Kev's inabilty to walk the aisle without rquiring medical attention.


Nash is the shit that cant even draw flies.

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Guest El Satanico

Yes NWO a stable brought back by Vince to kill WWe turning face would've been such a success...


If it wasn't for people wanting to cheer Hogan, Vince would've kept trying to get the dead in the water NWO angle over for months. So we're lucky Hogan got the nostalgia pop and put NWO to rest.

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Guest El Satanico

And bullshit that Nash was a big draw in WCW. WCW shot itself in the foot believing that Nash was some sort of star.


Yes he was popular for awhile, but just like in WWF that didn't make him a good "draw".

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

It doesn't matter if Nash pops the rating to a 10.0 and fills the arena on his debut... Soon after everyone will realize that he sucks and ratings will plummet. Remember, they picked up real quick on Steiner.


And that's even if you consider Nash a draw, which I don't.

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Guest JMA

I think even the non-smart marks can tell when a wrestler sucks in the ring. They know who is fun to watch and who isn't.

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Guest Coffey


"Hunter, I just got put in charge of RAW as well..."


"Well Steph, that's just great. I put you out of this company once, I'll do it again"


"You can try... sweetie... but check THESE out *steph flexes* OH YEAH! I've been eatin my Stacker 2~!"


"Wow baby, your guns are HUUUGE"


"Thank you muffin"


"No problem plumpkin"


"Huuuunteeeerrrrr, I told you not to call me that on TeeeeVeeee"


"I just couldn't, I just couldn't help myself.. Sorry..."


*Jericho comes out, slips on banana peel and falls into a pool of pig shit*

For the record: You failed at being funny.

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Guest Johnson1620

In comparison to what we "deal with" on Mon and Thurs, I must say Nash would be a God.

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Guest snuffbox

Nash wouldnt be 'God' if he was being compared to the pile I just left in the toilet.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

But I succeeded at poking fun at HHH and Steph... See, win/win situation here.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

"When Nash was the man in wCw they had their biggest draw ever."


That's not saying much. It IS WCW after all. Besides which, Goldberg is likely the biggest draw they've had, with the exception of maybe Sting, Flair or Hogan. And of course, as soon as Nash won the title off Goldberg, it was the beginning of the decline.


The nWo as a whole though WERE draws for a while, so I'll begrudgingly give you that one. But that isn't Nash alone.


As for Nash's draw in the WWE. Shit on toast would've drawn better than him.


"It wasn't Nash or Hogans fault the nWo died out so quickly in the WWE."


Except for that whole part about Nash getting seriously injured... Twice.


But, oh no, it's not Nash's fault. It's never Nash's fault.


Re: APO "flaming" you. That wasn't a flame. He just said that you were flat out wrong, in no uncertain terms, and deservingly so. Quit being so insensitive and take it like a man. If you want to put him in check, then do it by actually proving your faulty argument.

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Guest El Satanico

Nash would be a god? Oh that's just plain hilarious.


I think Nash is bored and is trying to convince us that we can't wait for Big Lazy's return.

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Guest snuffbox

Back to the original topic...


Put Booker over HHH at WM. Keep title on Booker, fued him with Y2J etc for the world title.


Move HHH over to fueds with Austin, Rock, etc in a second main event angle(with the world title in the other main).


This gives two big singles matches for every Raw ppv.


Example Raw ppv-


Booker T v Chris Jericho World title match, 20-30 mins

HHH v Austin 20-30 mins

6 or so decent undercard matches

Just might be worth 30 bones. Maybe.

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Guest Johnson1620

Bottom line, the writers didn't give the nWo the "quick" results that Vince wanted so they went a different direction.


People! Listen and listen good, it's not the man/character's fault if the writer's suck.

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Guest snuffbox

Uh...just how in the bloody hell can anybody write for a guy who CANT EVEN FUCK WALK??


Big Kev is a kneeless, ballless, wonder. You cant write for a lazy piece of shite that falls apart while taking a stroll.


How can you possibly blame the writers for not writing well for a guy who cant even walk, let alone wrestle, tour, or do anything?

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Guest El Satanico

Shitty writers or not Vince would've shoved NWO down our throats for months if Hogan didn't get his amazingly large nostalgia pop. So to say that Hogan had nothing directly or indirectly to do with NWO disappearing as fast as it did is wrong.


And bad writers didn't make Nash get injured twice thus ruining any possibility of NWO surviving without Hogan.


So blame writers all you want, but Hogan and Nash can't be held without blame. Hell you can also blame Vince for thinking NWO had any life left.

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Guest snuffbox

The NWO was run into the ground 2 years before the death of wcw. It was doomed in the wwe from then on. NWO isnt the Horsemen, and even that didnt last forever. Too many bodies, too much dominance, too many swerves. NWO was dead in the water and would have never gotten over in the WWE 2002. Hogan got some pops, Hall left for the bottle, and old man Kev fell apart. Writers cant write for a guranteed failure, Vince has totally lost it, theyre all bums.


Nash is worthless. Bottom line.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Oh yeah....the guy that can't have a decent match to save his life......yeah it's the writer's fault he sucks.

And what's this about WCW drawing more when he was the man? Umm......WCW was drawing big.....until he became the man. Then it went downhill.

You're logic is flawed and offends my intelligence.

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Guest jester

I also think the Booker/HHH match will end in some kind of DQ. The reasoning will be that more money is to be made on the rematch (which I'm sure is something Taker said when he refused to job to Brock the first time).


Booker needs this win. WWE needs Booker to win. HHH has had the belt forever. He has many nagging injuries that haven't fully healed. We've seen too much of him since he came back. Booker needs to disprove the shit that's been said about him and black people. He has to be the one that gets HHH at WM, otherwise he looks like Idiot #319 who just isn't in HHH's league.

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