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Guest ShooterJay

Who the fuck is left?

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Guest utahprowrestler

The Booka Man need to win and Trips needs to take a long awaited retirement!



UPW - Utah Pro Wrestler

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Well if Bokker T can't take get a run with the title, I'd love to see HHH refuse a job to Austin. You can almost guarentee with Austin back, that belt is as good as his even if Booker T does win at WM.

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Guest edotherocket

Hehe...the fact that Triple H has squashed literally every contender on RAW except for Booker T is kinda funny. It only took him half a year! What happens if he does move to Smackdown where there are even less stars because of the injury problems? There's only Lesnar, Benoit and Taker really.


Maybe he can start doing handicap matches or something.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

If HGH pins Booker T at WM, I will quit watching Raw altogether.


If Booker wins, but it's one of those 'putting the other guy over, but you're really putting yourself over' deals, then I'll stay with taping Raw, and only watching the bits that might interest me.

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Guest converge241

yeah the well of peudo-credible opponets has run dry


they may have to genetically engenier some opponents or start grabbing guys off the street soon

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Guest snuffbox

Maybe theyll start planting huge fucking dudes in the crowd to come to the ring and be squashed by the Almighty Hunter. ;)

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Guest humongous2002
Hehe...the fact that Triple H has squashed literally every contender on RAW except for Booker T is kinda funny. It only took him half a year! What happens if he does move to Smackdown where there are even less stars because of the injury problems? There's only Lesnar, Benoit and Taker really.


Maybe he can start doing handicap matches or something.

Book was already squashed by Trips a while ago in a match, but they never had a real feud until now.With the racist storyline he gets to squash him verbally. I'm afraid the only person he is going to job the belt to is Nash or maybe Austin, the funny thing is how stupid is Vince to get convinced on making Nash a champion again when in fact he was the worst draw as a WWF champ back in 95?Vince is going senile and stupid.

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Guest teke184
Hehe...the fact that Triple H has squashed literally every contender on RAW except for Booker T is kinda funny.  It only took him half a year!  What happens if he does move to Smackdown where there are even less stars because of the injury problems?  There's only Lesnar, Benoit and Taker really.


Maybe he can start doing handicap matches or something.

Book was already squashed by Trips a while ago in a match, but they never had a real feud until now.With the racist storyline he gets to squash him verbally. I'm afraid the only person he is going to job the belt to is Nash or maybe Austin, the funny thing is how stupid is Vince to get convinced on making Nash a champion again when in fact he was the worst draw as a WWF champ back in 95?Vince is going senile and stupid.

Vince always had his blinders on where Nash was concerned. It took nearly a year before Vince would admit failure and put the belt on Bret again.


It was mainly Gerald Brisco and others who were against Nash for a long time before Vince came around to the fact that Nash was useless for business, at least as a single. (I'll give him that the nWo was successful, but seriously... if you bring in two champs from another company, imply it's an invasion by that company, pair them with one of the biggest stars of all time, AND let them run wild over everyone, how can they NOT be a wild success?)

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Uh...just how in the bloody hell can anybody write for a guy who CANT EVEN FUCK WALK??


Big Kev is a kneeless, ballless, wonder. You cant write for a lazy piece of shite that falls apart while taking a stroll.


How can you possibly blame the writers for not writing well for a guy who cant even walk, let alone wrestle, tour, or do anything?

You have him talk, spout his catchphrases...generally don't have him wrestle much at all. Then, when it comes to matches you use a gimmick match where you can cover up his lack of wrestling ability and speed. Like for example, a Cage Match. Have him dominate the match and use the cage a lot, before having the opponent hit the right moves. If the writers were to put 100% effort into the match, and know which moves would cover up Nash's inabilities, they could make the match a lot better.


Oh, and he's a big man don't forget. A former WWF Champion big man. Lots of reasons to put him over...in WWE logic that is.


Oh, and I'm sure he can actually WALK. One quad tear doesn't suddenly paralyse you, as most people obviously have been led to think. Example-'Oh, he blew his quad...he's a cripple! HA HA, he could be seriously injured BWA HA HA he can't wrestle very well so I laugh at his extremely serious injury BWA HA HA.'


End 'Oh he's a hoss so I hate him and his family' mode.

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Guest snuffbox

Uh...his injuries arent limited to just the one quad tear. And he managed two severe injuries last year without working a combined 10 minutes.


Push him on the merits of his catchphrases? The ones that drew the mint for WWF in 95? Or the ones that built WCW back into the mega company they are today?


Lets throw the big guy out there in a main event program based on mic time and other talented workers wrestling around all Kev's weaknesses. Good call ese.

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Guest teke184

There should be some minimum requirements for being pushed in the WWE, the FIRST of which is that you can go at least 2 months without seriously injuring yourself or your opponent.


Nash wrestled, what, three TV matches in a whole year back? His first injury was, IIRC, in a promo where he just hit a door with his arm. The second one was due to him sitting around drinking Kaluah instead of working out while he was injured, which is why he and his chickenlegs have been in Birmingham, AL, ever since.

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Guest bob_barron
He maybe over (well whatever) but that don't mean shit

The same argument can be made for Booker T of for that fact even Regal.


The reality is that Nash will draw. The only thing is if he's knees will hold up long enough to actually have an effect. All those years of basketball did take it's toll.

You ignored my question.


When has Kevin Nash drawn money?

Why do you think he will draw money now?

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I think it's funny that when someone can't counter Bob's point all they come back with is......."Yeah well.........Regal sucks to! HAHA!"

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Guest bob_barron

In the month of April 1999 when Kevin Nash was not champion-


Nitro was drawing in the low 4s.


After Nash became champion Nitro didn't reach a 4.0 until August 30th, 1999. That'd be after Road Wild when Nash was "retired".


Uncensored 99 and Spring Stampede 99 drew buyrates of .77 and .6 respectivley. Kevin Nash did not main event those shows.


Slamboree 99, GAB99, BATB99 and Road Wild all Nash main evented PPVs drew-


.45, .43, .4 and .54.


All lower then what shows were doing pre-Nash main eventing

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Guest CanadianChris
The WWE isn't THAT stupid...

I'm sorry, but the time when we could say this at all has passed.


Not matter how incredible or ridiculous the idea, it is entirely possible that WWE IS that stupid.

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Guest godthedog

guys, nash is NEVER coming back. he's over 40 and has no motivation, i guarantee he doesn't have it in him to come back for any match at all after a quad tear.

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Guest teke184

He'll make a go at it if he thinks there's a world title and more money in it for him...


and then both his legs will fall off on the way to the ring.

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Guest snuffbox

Kev will definitly hobble his ass out for another world title run. Maybe HHH can just lay down for him with the finger-of-doom pin. That drew big $$$ with Hogan too right?


Its cool if your a Nash mark, just dont bother trying to prove that hes a legit draw. Not gonna happen.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Oh dear GOD, you guys are scaring the shit out of me even mentioning Nash. Kev has said he's not retiring, which is the alarming thing. That could be the end.

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Guest thetrendsetter
As for Nash's draw in the WWE. Shit on toast would've drawn better than him.

I'm willing to bet The Rock, Steve Austin, Bret Hart or any smark darling wouldn't have drawn with such thrilling opponents as:

May: Sid

June: Sid And Tatanka

July: Sid AGAIN

August: Mabel

September: Bulldog and Yokozuna

October: Bulldog


You name one person in 1995 that could draw anything but flies against that...

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Guest teke184

Mabel wouldn't have drawn with anyone, but people HAVE drawn with Sid, Bulldog, and Yokozuna before.


Nash only has himself to blame for a lot of his drawing problems because he and the Clique got Vince to put the WWF title on him with no notice at MSG against Backlund. From there, he had one match with Bret, one match with Shawn, and a whole bunch of bad matches because tehy didn't want him facing someone like Bret that could outshine him.

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