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Guest TheGame2705

I just got my first dose of TNA

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Guest TheGame2705

I'd rather pay $10 to get kicked in the balls. I saw the triple threat ladder match for the X title and I don't think the word contrived can do that match justice. Now this may or may not be how pretty much every match goes but the match was poorly done. You had Low-Ki kicking someone in the mush about three times, about a 5 minute setup for a 3 second spot that looked like crap anyway, and then just resting. I was not impressed by Low-Ki at all in this match and I know that probably given a match without a ladder who could look better. Secondly, Tenay was commentary I actually liked until he and Don West who sounds like Randy Savage on crack all of a sudden burst into hyper shill mode in the middle of the match. The crowd was the shits and the same group of people I hated in ECW.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm sure Low Ki and Mike Tenay will cry themselves to sleep.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Now now, no need to undermine a dissentor.


You might want to give it just a little bit more of a chance, Game. Try another X-Division match that has no gimmick attached to it other than just plain pinfalls and submissions. Sadly, the X-Division is in a rebuilding stage of sorts, so you can't expect that kind of action should you order next week. The upside of this is that the X-Division big timers with the exception of Lynn have moved past it and are involved in programs with heavyweights now. I'd rather see the X-Division's best in main event storylines and a mediocre X-Division than a good X-Division and mediocre main event.

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Guest RedJed
I'd rather pay $10 to get kicked in the balls. I saw the triple threat ladder match for the X title and I don't think the word contrived can do that match justice. Now this may or may not be how pretty much every match goes but the match was poorly done. You had Low-Ki kicking someone in the mush about three times, about a 5 minute setup for a 3 second spot that looked like crap anyway, and then just resting. I was not impressed by Low-Ki at all in this match and I know that probably given a match without a ladder who could look better. Secondly, Tenay was commentary I actually liked until he and Don West who sounds like Randy Savage on crack all of a sudden burst into hyper shill mode in the middle of the match. The crowd was the shits and the same group of people I hated in ECW.

Booo fucking hoooo, IIRC you were ripping apart the product around here even before you ever got a taste of it. You knew you hated it even before you bothered to order a show.

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Guest Coffey
Now now, no need to undermine a dissentor.


You might want to give it just a little bit more of a chance, Game. Try another X-Division match that has no gimmick attached to it other than just plain pinfalls and submissions. Sadly, the X-Division is in a rebuilding stage of sorts, so you can't expect that kind of action should you order next week. The upside of this is that the X-Division big timers with the exception of Lynn have moved past it and are involved in programs with heavyweights now. I'd rather see the X-Division's best in main event storylines and a mediocre X-Division than a good X-Division and mediocre main event.

Fuck it. Who cares if he doesn't want to watch it again? His loss...

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Guest utahprowrestler

I may seem new here, but I know that this guy has been complaining about alot about EVERYTHING that he posts about. EVERYTHING he posts is xtremely bad criticism! C'mon man....get off the insults to EVERYTHING and LIFE!


UPW - Utah Pro Wrestler

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Jesus. The guy just said that he thought the match was a predictable spotfest, a legitimate complaint in many ladder matches, and you tear him a new one.



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Guest bob_barron

What's wrong with Game saying he hated it?


I mean bps- you're negative as hell in the WWE folder but someone disses TNA you just flame them back.

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Guest TheGame2705

I don't remember ripping into the product before...probably because I HADN'T watched it before. And Jago that's not the best strategy to win over viewers.

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Guest notJames

Well, I just watched my first TNA last night, hoping to see if the hype really is worth it. I don't know if it was just an off-night, but damn, there was a lot more bad than good. And I mean BAD.


Now, I understand that they don't have a huge budget, but it really looked and sounded like a two-bit operation. The generic entrance music, Tenay and West trying to compensate for no replays, missing/screwing up PBP (Hey Don, Styles was busted open by the chairshot, not the steel steps), and over-hyping everything, shoddy camera work; all of it just screamed low-level indy trying on big-Fed pants. I kept getting flashbacks of wCw's Disney tapings.


The crowds, whom a lot of recappers have said are usually hot throughout the shows, seemed extremely quiet, especially during the undercard matches. That didn't help things at all, given how shitty some of these bouts were. It picked up during the uppercard moments (D'Lo's promo, the tag title match, and main event), but overall it just lacked a lot of crowd involvement.


The guys I expected to suck (Sandman, Harris Bros., the 2nd Gens, Dusty Rhodes, Konnan) filled their quota of suck and then some, but guys I expected more of (Lynn, AMW, Kid Kash, Red, Sanders) fell way short of the hype. The 3-way X-title match was especially atrocious; nonsensical flippyflop spots that missed more often than not, the contrived set-ups for that rebound rana that Jonny Storm did, and the even more contrived spot where Kash countered a second attempt was sloppier than sex with a fat chick.


And not for nothing, but if a guy is smaller than my little sister, no way am I buying him as a wrestler. Red is just too scrawny to be taken seriously. And that Code Red taxes my ability to suspend disbelief.


AJ Styles impressed me (apart from his hick promo), as he was pretty crisp with Raven in the main. I hadn't seen him since Velocity or Heat match from way back, and it looks like he bulked up since then. However, I'm still trying to figure out how a move like the Styles Clash is supposed to hurt.


Also surprising was Gilbertti's mic work. Very believable as Russo's guy Friday. And sure, boobies are okay, but c'mon. Lollipop looked way better in her skimpy top. Sometimes the fantasy really is better than the reality. Once the bazongas were unleashed, the sexy image died and she became just another two-dollar blonde with fake tits. (I know this isn't the norm for the show, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.)


Of course, I liked Triple X (apart from Low Ki's obviously cue-carded promo), but it seemed like all their moves were preceded by some sort of second-rope springboard. And is it me, or is Daniels' head too big for his body? Or maybe his neck is too long and skinny in proportion to the rest of him.


I still can't figure how people can pop for relics like Duggan and Rhodes, but I guess if it makes the crowds happy, then so be it. I, however, don't want to see them.


And that's the kicker… with RAW or SD!, anything that doesn't appeal to me is quickly disregarded with a trip to the john or a flick of the Picture-in-Picture button. But if I'm paying money for a weekly wrestling event, I don't have that luxury. Sure it's only 10 bucks, but money is money, and this just isn't worth the money.


Like I said, perhaps this was an off week and maybe TNA is better than this one show. But something tells me that it isn't. Maybe I'll watch next week, but it won't be with the same open mind I had last night. Maybe if/when TNA gets a TV deal, I can overlook the overwhelming crap the way I did with ECW, but for now, TNA's days of getting my money might soon be over.

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Guest redbaron51

It was a bad night for NWA:TNA, but this wasn't the worst week IMO.


Still the product is better than what the WWE is throwing out.

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Guest notJames
It was a bad night for NWA:TNA, but this wasn't the worst week IMO.


Still the product is better than what the WWE is throwing out.

But is it worth the cost?


Is $40 a month for 8 hours of indy-level TNA enough to compensate for 16 free hours of crappy RAW and good-to-better SD!, plus 8 free hours of Heat and Velocity, not to mention 4 free hours of Confidential?


If you want to stretch it even further, for that same $40 you get all that WW_ programming plus a 3 hour PPV. And still have about $10 left over to see a movie.


This is what I'm trying to rationalize. And TNA just isn't swaying me right now.

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Guest bob_barron
It was a bad night for NWA:TNA, but this wasn't the worst week IMO.


Still the product is better than what the WWE is throwing out.

I disagree. The week I watched (two weeks ago) was horrible. It was a very boring two hours with a swerve that everyone could be coming a mile away. The suprises were also really lame. Episodes of Smackdown are MUCH better and cost $0.


It was about the same as a RAW and Raw also costs $0.


I'd rather save my $ for a monthly WWE PPV then spend an extra $10 watching something that's not as good as SD!

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I disagree with THAT. I think TNA shows these past two weeks were very solid. They had solid matches and the shows were not boring. The show last night was entertaining, well, I'll say at least for me since everyone's got different opinions.

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I liked last night's show, with the exception of A. Red attempting to turn heel, B. Harris Boys winning in 26 seconds (Though the irony of Sandman's long entrance costing him the match was good), and C. Sanders vs. Hacksaw. D'Lo's debut was done well, Sonny Siaki seems to finally have found his niche, the one thing I kinda miss seeing was a Raven promo.

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Guest nikowwf

I think if you DON'T like the product at all than this board is not for you. If you are complaining about ONE week I understand, but coming here to tell people it sucks period is just lame.



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Guest TheGame2705
I think if you DON'T like the product at all than this board is not for you. If you are complaining about ONE week I understand, but coming here to tell people it sucks period is just lame.



I'm sorry but haven't I seen you in the WWE folder saying it sucks? Take your advice and stay out then.

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Guest J*ingus
I saw the triple threat ladder match for the X title and I don't think the word contrived can do that match justice. Now this may or may not be how pretty much every match goes but the match was poorly done. You had Low-Ki kicking someone in the mush about three times, about a 5 minute setup for a 3 second spot that looked like crap anyway, and then just resting. I was not impressed by Low-Ki at all in this match and I know that probably given a match without a ladder who could look better.

Everyone missed the important point: uh, dude, there was no three-way ladder match this week, certainly not one with Low-Ki in it, who was in the tag title match. What show were you watching?

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Guest Coffey
And Jago that's not the best strategy to win over viewers.

You're one dude. You don't make or break the product.

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Guest J*ingus
He downloaded the match obviously.

Oh. Well, Game, yeah there was a lot of resting in that match. Of course there was; all three guys had already wrestled that night and were exhausted. (Low-Ki defended the belt in a four-way against all three SATs, and AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn had their 2/3 falls match earlier that night, wrestling for about half an hour total).

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Guest TheGame2705

I'd like to know where exactly I said OMG DIE TNA~! I said I saw the match and it sucked and if that's how every other match goes down then the matches are nothing special. Damn, sucks for the next person who says they were disappointed by TNA. They'll get hung.

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Guest nikowwf
I think if you DON'T like the product at all than this board is not for you.  If you are complaining about ONE week I understand, but coming here to tell people it sucks period is just lame.



I'm sorry but haven't I seen you in the WWE folder saying it sucks? Take your advice and stay out then.

yes, when i am really upset with the NWA product i do complain, but usually in the WWE folder in response to a troll in THAT folder. You happen to be trolling here however....



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Guest eirejmcmahon

This week's show, despite its faults (what the fuck were they doing putting Duggan over Sanders?) was one of the better efforts that NWATNA has been able to put on this year.

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