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Guest Angle-plex

WWE Backstage Drama~

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Guest Angle-plex

Ric Flair and Eric Bischoff were involved in a backstage altercation moments ago at Raw. I haven't heard exactly what happened, but Flair and Bischoff got into a very heated argument backstage and appeared to come close to coming to blows before they were separated, I believe in the catering area. I do know that the gist of the argument apparently stemmed from the two men's time in WCW, where there were a lot of hard feelings. Some of the agents, including Arn Anderson, separated the two men and apparently Anderson got into it verbally with Bischoff as well. HHH came upon the scene and helped defuse the situation. Flair, Arn and Bischoff were all set to meet with the McMahons to discuss the incident. More when we get it.



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Guest treble charged

Juding from the source, they were probably discussing whether or not Bret Hart was going to come in to lead the InVasion.

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Guest JAxlMorrison

I almost hope they fire Flair just for the sole fact that they refuse to use him in a good way, or in a way deserving of a legend like himself. As for Bisch? His clock is running down anyways.....after Austin, where does he go? His presence hasn't helped ratings and sure as hell has not made Raw any more interesting......I say at this point, they are both expendable.

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Guest Retro Rob

Didn't everyone learn with the Booker-Rock thing? Not everything you read on 'net is true... especially if it is from 1bob.

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Guest HartFan86

If this is true, Bischoff vs. Austin tonight for GM slot...then Bischoff is fired, lol.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Once again, Backstage stuff is more entertaining then the product.


It's only a matter of time before this story gets out of control and the whole place breaks into a Food Fight.

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Guest Youth N Asia

what the hell happens backstage? Is there a guy with a cell who knows Bob's number and just calls in shit as soon as he sees it.


And how much does a snitch get anyway?

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Meltzer has confirmed it. It could still be one of those 'cute' internet angles, designed to fool the smart fans, that winds up drawing ZERO dollars.

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Guest Choken One

YNA brings a good point...HOW THE FUCK Does Metzger and IBOB find this shit out...

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
YNA brings a good point...HOW THE FUCK Does Metzger and IBOB find this shit out...

I don't know, but Meltzer's track record speaks for itself.

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Guest Choken One

I just get this image of IBOB in a Fake Stache walking around with an attachable Laptop...crawling in heat vents...

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Guest bob_barron

Well they do hate each other and I guess they wanted a third fall to cap off their other two matches

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Just so you know, Ryder isn't the one who finds most of these things out. Most of the guys at 1wrestling and most likely Meltzer himself are good friends with some of the wrestlers who leak info.


I know for a fact that most of the 1wrestling guys have many friends who are ECW guys and are info leaks....



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Guest FeArHaVoC

Someday I hope Bob or Dave get really pissed off and post all the names of the snitches backstage. Now that would be interesting.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Can't forget the black dashes on his face, camouflage, and black ski cap, humming the Mission: Impossible theme as he crawls around with his laptop.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I know that Heyman likes to leak stuff but he's on SD! so someone else must like to also.

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Guest Youth N Asia
I know for a fact that most of the 1wrestling guys have many friends who are ECW guys and are info leaks....



I saw the ECW Cyberslam 2000 Q&A and this was brought up. Nova says that there are snitches in the locker room...wrestlers and others who hang around. Went on about mostly everyone know who they were and really wish that backstage fights and shit like that was kept backstage.

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Guest Midnight Express83

More than likely it is Paul Heyman. He does help write RAW and when it comes to leaks, he is the biggest one of them all.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I would guess Bischoff would...unless they were already on the ground...Bisch doesn't look that strong.

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Guest Youth N Asia
I wonder who would win in a real fight- Flair or Bisch?

Could Arn and Tully be there for the run-in?

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Guest Quik

RVD's a leak. He gets stoned and then starts going through his phone book, one thing leads to another and Meltzer ends up hearing this on his voicemail.


"Yeah, Flair, just like...uh- kicked Bischoff in his... what? Um, okay. So um, we're like, gonna do a title switch at 'mania where Triple...Triple...Triple... F? Oh, uh, yeah he's gonna lose the er-um...belt. Y'think KFC's still open?"

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Guest El Satanico

Unless Flair knows how to use legit mat wrestling and gets him to the ground, I'd say that Bischoff would kick his ass.


I mean Bischoff is a legit black belt so I'm sure he could handle a 56 year old.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Quick question for Quik...is that Sid part in your sig suppose to be done singing? It sounds better that way

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Guest Youth N Asia
Unless Flair knows how to use legit mat wrestling and gets him to the ground, I'd say that Bischoff would kick his ass.


I mean Bischoff is a legit black belt so I'm sure he could handle himself with a 56 year old.

But if it came down to a real fight who's back do you think most of the boys would have...

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