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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Jeremy Borash

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Its been a fun week to be part of TNA, as things are really starting to move forward for us. Early indications are showing significant increases in PPV buys, specifically already in the month of March, as much higher than expected numbers are starting to come in. While it has taken some time for us to find our groove, I think we have delivered solid shows on a consistent basis since January. I've said this before, and I will say it again, the uphill climb is still ahead of us, but momentum is really starting to pick up.


I'm never one to blame things, but I'd say that this week's numbers may not be consistent that trend of growth. As the countdown to war took place, with the deadline happening at the very start of our PPV broadcast, I'm sure numbers will be effected. However, if you did miss it, I urge you to get the replay. Feedback was very positive overall, and I thought the show was very effective in telling great stories. We had CNN on during the day, and a number of wrestlers huddled outside of the truck after the show as the first bombings began.


Glen Gilbertti's stock has certainly risen in the last two weeks, delivering solid promos and surprising almost everyone with his great delivery and effectiveness in that role. I love his new persona and am happy he has gone that direction.


There was no one better in the wrestling business to start our program last week than Hacksaw Jim Duggan. We passed out American flags to everyone in the TNA Asylum, making for a great way to pay tribute to our country in support of our troops. Hats off to Duggan for a very memorable start to the broadcast.


TNA will soon be adding our own Spanish Announce Team to ringside to help with the demand of the growing Latino audience.


Congratulations to Mike Tenay, who has solidified his spot on my "Top Ten Funniest People in the Wrestling Business" catagory. Tenay's quickness was prominantly displayed during his brief verbal exchange with Glen Gilbertti this week, which resulted in a textbook spittake from yours truly at ringside. Tenay joins fellow TNA announcer Don West (currectly ranked #2) on the elite list.


Jeff Jarrett and I will be traveling to Bristol this weekend for the big NASCAR weekend. TNA will be an associate sponsor of Hermie Sadler's car in the huge Winston Cup race this weekend. Over 160,000 fans are expected to attend. If you like car wrecks, tune in to this race. The Bristol track always provides for a bumper car race.


If Jerry Lynn is the glue that keeps the X Division together... Bob Ryder is the glue of the TNA office. He has stepped up to the plate and has shown tremendous business sense through the last year. Bob is actually solely responsible for creating WCW Live! and opened the door for me to start a full time career in this business. It was just over four years ago this month that WCW Live went on the air, and I began a journey I never thought I would encounter. I've gotten to travel the world, making a great living in the most exciting business in the world. Never forget who opens up the doors for you along the way... this business is all about opportunity and what you do with it.


I liked the Truth re-appearance this week. It should be interesting to see what he has to say this Wednesday night, as there are very few in the industry with mic skills as good as Ron Killings, especially when he is pissed off.


TNA will have a surprise this week that will certainly have people talking. The New Church promised a new member? I can't wait for this one.


Konnan vs. Jerry Lynn will take place this week. Will this match be the big payoff for an exciting angle we've seen being played out over the last two months? Or will this one take a dramatic turn? Wait and see this Wednesday!


I share a house in Nashville with Jerry Lynn and Humongous (6'10, build like a brick sh*thouse and has more potential than any big guy I've seen in years) and I must say that Jerry Lynn's choice in movie watching scares me. The other day he came home with a few new DVD's. Among them... "Zombie Holocaust," "Dawn of the Dead," and "Dead Alive."


Midget wrestler Todd Stone was contacted through the TNA office to be hired as leprechaun at a huge St. Patrick's Day bash in Nashville. Eric Estrada from "Chips" fame was at the party and was said to have absolutely loved Stone's performance.


I've enjoyed Violent Panda's TNA recaps on www.1stsourcewrestling.net. He's a little out there, but always makes for a good read.


Raven needed medical attention after the show, and was taken to the hospital Wednesday night. No doubt, Raven's contribution to the main event picture in TNA has produced a great impact. Raven will now be in line for a world title shot. When will it happen? Stay tuned!


Another solid week for D'Lo Brown. His reaction this week was just as strong in the Asylum, and the crowd has really gotten behind him. I sit down with D'Lo for his first exclusive TNA interview on this weekend's edition of Xplosion.


Have you heard the new "Hey, Mr. President" song yet? The song was released yesterday and has already been picked up by 350 radio stations across the country in heavy rotation. The song tells a great story of what it must be like to be sitting in the shoes of the President during these tough times. The song, performed by the Warren Brothers, is expected to debut in the top five this week. The best part of this? Well, I'm a little partial... my brother Eric is their lead guitarist, and faithfully comes to support his kid brother every week at the TNA shows in Nashville. Next weekend, I'll be coming to support him... as the band has been invited to play the Grand Ol' Opry for the first time. Its quite an exciting time for us.


Have a great weekend, and we will see you next week on PPV!


Jeremy Borash


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I hope the SAT's dig up their original gimmick for TNA. They are the defenders of the Spanish Announce Team Table, offended that it was always broken at WWE events.



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Guest oldschoolwrestling
I hope the SAT's dig up their original gimmick for TNA. They are the defenders of the Spanish Announce Team Table, offended that it was always broken at WWE events.



Does SAT mean Spanish Announce Table? Because that's what I originally thought but then I thought I heard it meant Spanish Announce Team, to honor the announcers. No se.

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Yes, it stands for Spanish Announce Team...but their main goal and purpose was to defend the Spanish Announce Table at all costs. It would be fucking GREAT if they did that again.



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Guest oldschoolwrestling

It would be cool if when they have a Spanish Announce Team they SAT's stand guard of the table and during a match if anyone gets close to it they kick both wrestlers asses. Plus the fat SAT can have somewhere to put his sandwich down.

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Guest Miss Indy Queen
Plus the fat SAT can have somewhere to put his sandwich down.

That's just wrong but funny as hell. Everyone always gets at Joel about his weight. I think if they can go with that idea of them defending the table that would be great!

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Guest Miss Indy Queen

Isn't it "thought" process?


Leave Joel alone! You've been picking on him for over a year now!


I mean I will be the first to admit that being on TNA and getting that exposure has definitely got to their heads, but I dont think they're horrible, but they could be a lot better.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

He's big-boned

He's retaining water

Tv adds 150 pounds

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Jerry Lynn. Excellent wrestler. Excellent taste in music. Excellent taste in movies. Excellent person.


...I am now a full-fledged Jerry Lynn mark.

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Aaaaugh, NOT Vampire Warrior! PLEASE! He fits, but maaaan...


I'm going to say that it's JC Ice, just because I can. Saturn wouldn't work in my opinion because Malice is getting the big singles push, something that Saturn would logically get instead because Saturn has more name value.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Saturn is a more likely candidate I think, but if TNA keeps bringing in recent loses of WWE, they are gonna lose face and REALLY look second rate. I know Vampire Warrior was a WWE reject too but he wasn't with them for 3 years, so having him isn't as bad, yet he's not the best choice for in ring work.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Vampiro, maybe...? He sort of has the whole "evil" thing down...


...or maybe Mikey's coming out of retirement. I'd mark the fuck out for that one.

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Guest Nanks

It's gotta be an X Div competitor surely. They wouldn't bring in ANOTHER big man to the stable.

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I remember Borash teasing a few months ago that a "Fallen Angel" would be coming to the group as their X division guy, but seeing as Chris Daniels is with XXX, I dunno what X guy could be with them that's to my knowledge.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I wouldn't be surprised if Christopher Daniels pulled a SWERVE~! and joined The New Church. The gimmick fits, he's a great competitor, and Russo books.

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Guest Blue Bacchus
But he's a tag champ right now...

But he's a co-holder with two other guys. If he defects, Lo-Ki and Prime Time are still champs.

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Guest j.o.b. squad

guys who could be added to new church

1.tempest/crowbar/salem/devon storm/whatever he is calling himself next week former member of the new church has some name value


2.mikey whipreck the member of the unholyaliance that was managed by james mitchell in ecw and has become slightly active in the indys lately as he has worked with his students the sat's and red in roh


3.the mesiah ok I woude just find it funny if the fans in tennase(sp) started chanting evil at the son of god


4. christopher daniels the fallen angel gimmick woude fit with the new church and give them an x devision guy


5. vampiro coude also bring them an x devision guy also sets up an intresting dynamic since he works in mexico it creates a posible new direction for konans group of luchadores

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I want to see Christopher Daniels join the New Church just so he can wear his entrance attire. That's the phattest entrance attire ever.

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Guest Oaf
Jerry Lynn. Excellent wrestler. Excellent taste in music. Excellent taste in movies. Excellent person.


...I am now a full-fledged Jerry Lynn mark.

I hear that... I watched Jerry Lynn and RVD go at it back in ECW. Jerry Lynn is one of the most talent wrestlers out there..




... too bad his mic skills suck.

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Guest Blue Bacchus
3.the mesiah ok I woude just find it funny if the fans in tennase(sp) started chanting evil at the son of god


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its amazing how jerry lynn is 10x better than men his age, and other men 7-10 years younger than him (austin, taker, rock, triple h) but they are the bigger stars. give or take crips.

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