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The Dames

What do you plan on seeing this weekend?

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Well, it's Friday night and I'm still at my job because I've got a T1 line here and I'm abusing it. Actually, I'm meeting with a few friends of mine in about an hour and a half to go check out The Core. Tomorrow, we're gonna head out and see Head of State. What do you guys plan on seeing this weekend?


Yes, I know The Core doesn't look great,(more like a bootleg Armageddon) but it has TCHEKY~! in it, so it must rule. Head of State looks amusing and they give TNA some props in it too.



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Guest Zack Malibu

I'm gonna hit Head Of State tonight. Basic looks really good as well. Out of the 3, The Core will be the one I wait for DVD/cable to watch.

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Guest El Satanico

None...All three look awful in their Trailers. I'd rather go watch Willard again.



Head of State surprising looks terribly stupid. Hopefully it's alot better than it looks considering who's involved.


Basic looks like a typical Military thriller and I'm totally uninterested in it.


The Core looks like total garbage from every trailer they've shown. If it turns out being worth watching I'll be surprised.

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Guest Lethargic

I'll see Head of State when it comes out on DVD. Core I might see then. Basic I'll never see. I've already seen that movie a dozen times with different titles.

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Head of State surprising looks terribly stupid. Hopefully it's alot better than it looks considering who's involved.

It'll probably be the same old racial jokes, only told differently.


Personally, I'd recommend Bringin' Down The House. Eugene Levy + Queen Latifah + Steve Martin = Comic Gold.

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Guest Dangerous A
Head of State surprising looks terribly stupid. Hopefully it's alot better than it looks considering who's involved.

It'll probably be the same old racial jokes, only told differently.


Personally, I'd recommend Bringin' Down The House. Eugene Levy + Queen Latifah + Steve Martin = Comic Gold.

I really cannot agreee here. Sorry, but Goofy white guys trying to act like they are "down" a good movie does not make. Plus Steve Marin's delivery when he was trying to be "down" (I try to refrain from the whole "acting black" thing because it's dumb) was fucking terrible.

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Plus Steve Marin's delivery when he was trying to be "down" (I try to refrain from the whole "acting black" thing because it's dumb) was fucking terrible.

Umm...wasn't that the point?

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Guest Dangerous A

Yes it was the point, but I found no entertainment value in it whatsoever and I know I'll find no entertainment in the cheap laugh that is old white women dancing to Nelly's "It's gettin hot in herre".


When I saw that part in the trailer for Head of State, I just sank back in my chair in embarassment.

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It's just Hollywood's obsession with mixing cultures that will NEVER be mixed in real life. And right now, those cultures are the rich old folks mixed with the blacks in the 'hood. Sometimes entertaining, sometimes embarassing, but all around unoriginal.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

I'm going to catch Head Of State tomorrow, then maybe The Core(Armageddon with the

"A-List Stars")



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Guest MrRant
Well, it's Friday night and I'm still at my job because I've got a T1 line here and I'm abusing it.



Only a T1? Pussy.

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Guest Dmann2000

Personally, I'd like to catch The Pianist and Spirited Away...you know actually good movies. :-)

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Guest Flyboy

All three in the same day like I did with Dreamcatcher, Boat Trip, and Old School last week.


I'm glad AoO doesn't work at the threatre I go to.

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Guest El Satanico
All three in the same day like I did with Dreamcatcher, Boat Trip, and Old School last week.


I'm glad AoO doesn't work at the threatre I go to.

...Boat Trip...






...you went to see Boat Trip...


:falls to ground:



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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
All three in the same day like I did with Dreamcatcher, Boat Trip, and Old School last week.

...you are a brave man.


EDIT: I mean boy. Sorry.

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Guest El Satanico

It doesn't matter if you paid or not. You actually went into a theater fully aware that you were going to watch BOAT TRIP.

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Guest Will Scarlet

I am going out with this Japanese friend of mine tomorrow, so I will probably see something, as her and I always seem to end up at the movies anyway. Well...as long as she doesn't hate me too bad for taking her to the museum of EXTREME SUCKOCITY~! here in town. If I can make that interesting, it will be a miracle.

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Guest El Satanico
Which one is Boat Trip? I've never heard of it.

It's the dumb ass looking movie starring Cuba Gooding Jr. where he some how ends up on a gay cruise ship for some reason.

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Guest Flyboy
It doesn't matter if you paid or not. You actually went into a theater fully aware that you were going to watch BOAT TRIP.

Why pass up a free movie?



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Guest El Satanico

When said movie is something like BOAT TRIP...there's plenty wrong with a free movie.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

Seeing movies isn't just about money, it's about spending your free time to watch them. And it suprises me some of the crap people waste their lives watching. The 85 minutes you spend watching turdburgers Boat Trip could be used to do so much more valuable things.

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Guest Brush with Greatness

Well, 25th Hour was released in theatres in my city this week. It was not released in any of the big theatres in it's first run but has now been inexplicably released in the cheap theatres. Don't know what the fuck was up with that but I'm just glad it got released THIS WEEK because everything else looked unbearable. Especially after catching the very overrated and boring Spider last week.


Anyways, 25th Hour is a solid movie. It has that Spike Lee draginess like every other Spike movie, and the original score is painful to the ears but those factors don't affect this movies greatness. And that tyrade against society was just an awesome monologue.


Don't wait for this movie in mid-May. Go see it now if you still can.

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Well, The Core was alright, but nothing spectacular.


TCHEKY~! owned everyone.


I was going to see Head of State tonight, but it began to downpour heavily and everyone chickened out.



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Guest El Satanico
it began to downpour heavily and everyone chickened out.




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Guest SpiritualRemains

Saw Spirited Away, Loved it. Nothing else interests me until next weekend when...



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