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Guest BoboBrazil

Fabolous Backs Out Of Cena's Challenge

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Guest BoboBrazil

Fabolous backed out of Wrestlemania, but Ashanti will be appearing to sing America the beautiful.



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Guest bob_barron

I guess he didn't want to do the job.


Just have him beat Fred Durst

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Guest Zero_Cool

Punking out Durst would make him a face..especially when the fans see Durst's cap fall off, revealing a bald spot.


Eh, you could see fans giving him the Triple H heel-cheers on Smackdown anyway, so I say do what you want, but let him cut a good promo.


BTW, anyone know where I can hear that Karate Kid promo from Smackdown?

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Guest Brian

Cena's basically going to be guaranteed to be a face with whomever he battles. It's wrestling fans.

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Guest chirs3
Fabolous backed out of Wrestlemania, but Ashanti will be appearing to sing America the beautiful.




Oh. Darn. And I was soooo looking forward to it.


At least I've heard of Ashanti.

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Guest ISportsFan

So they get a two-bit rapper that probably a lot of their fanbase had never heard of, and he backs out on them? Wow.


So does this mean that they will have to rewrite the show? Or will they just give Cena time to go mess around at WrestleMania? Because I'm sure that they could devote some of the time from this "rap challenge" that will only have one participant to another match, maybe...



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Guest Redhawk

What, Fabolous couldn't figure out a way to spell his name AND fit in some wrestling references?


(Rap fans should get that)

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Guest Zero_Cool

Great..how about we cancel the rap-off, have Cena cut a rap on Lesnar face to face in the lockerroom and have an INTENSE~! staredown to start their feud. You can never have too much staredown footage in feud recapping music videos!


Then we can use the time to either throw out a good band that happens to be in town. Underoath in the Northwest this weekend?


Or, they could just take the extra five minutes and let the SD Tag Title match be ****1/2 instead of ****1/4.

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Guest Choken One

Well...Although It's IBOB who saying it...I'm sure Fab wouldn't show up anyways.


Logic says if your GOING to have a Freestyle you ought to put Durst and since Durst is a Wrestling Fan, He won't mind getting punked by a wrestler as long as WWE hypes the new album like Hogan/McMahon.


I'd Say just have Cena do a WM RAP like RUN DMC...


Maybe RVD will get his Mania match now...

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Guest Banky
Or, they could just take the extra five minutes and let the SD Tag Title match be ****1/2 instead of ****1/4.

That is the most pretentius thing I've ever heard anyone say on this message board. Give me a break. 5 extra minutes won't do that to a match. Is there a law that the longer a match goes, the greater its star rating? Fuck that. Ask me why I hate the majority of 'smart marks' - I'll show them this post.

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Guest Choken One

Please, Anything involving Benoit tends to be pretentious. Haven't you learned that yet Banky?

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Guest Redhawk

When in doubt.....call Oscar.


"Throw ya hands in the air, avavaabaabafair! And if yablahvablahenuhblahblahblah, somebody say 'Oh Yeah!' Men on a Mission, mehmamehvision...."

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Guest JHawk

Moving the World Tag Team Title match from Heat to the PPV would make the most sense. That would give the Heat spot to two other guys who probably deserve to be at the show.


So who thinks the extra five minutes goes to Hogan-McMahon?

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Guest Coffey
Fabolous backed out of Wrestlemania



:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:


I think I've actually heard of Fabolous. Didn't he sing that one song "Holla back youngin' woo woo.." or some shit like that?

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Guest Banky
Please, Anything involving Benoit tends to be pretentious. Haven't you learned that yet Banky?

But this was overly ridiculous. Lord knows a ****1/4 match is nowhere close to a ****1/2 match.




Scott Keith is on the brain,



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Guest TheArchiteck

Vince and CO. made a big mistake by having Ashanti perform live!!

Please let her lip sync...please.


I kinda was looking forward to seeing the battle though.


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Guest Redhawk

Does this have anything to do with Fab getting arrested a few days ago? He probably learned Cena was White and backed out.

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Guest Coffey
Does this have anything to do with Fab getting arrested a few days ago? He probably learned Cena was White and backed out.

My guess is that they were going to have Fabolous win, which is why he agreed in the first place. Then he found out that Cena was going to do a beat-down or something, so he backed out cause he doesn't want to look like a pussy. STREET CRED~!


For Fabolous though, you would think that the publicity would be worth it...

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Guest TheGame2705

WOW again the rap ignorance. It's from 1bob first of all and second, I doubt he backed out because he was scared or anything like that. He probably just didn't wanna be involved in like the lowest thing on Wrestlemania. "You get to appear on Wrestlemania but on the throwaway segment" "Sure!"


So they get a two-bit rapper that probably a lot of their fanbase had never heard of, and he backs out on them? Wow.


OMG I know! They could have gotten anyone that's better than him like Good Charlotte or Drowning Pool or Cereal Carton or some other less known rock group with crap for a name to perform.


How exactly do you know alot of people haven't heard of him? Because YOU don't know about him?


About Ashanti, oh geez. Someone better hack those damn sideburns and keep INC away from Wrestlemania, I don't wanna hear "IT'S MURDAH~!" at all during that night.

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Guest Redhawk

I might show up late on purpose if Ja Rule's going to be there.


But seriously, I think they still should have Cena on the card somehow. I don't want him to run in during Brock's match (just because run-ins tend to ruin memorable matches, and this could be a memorable match), but I do think he needs to do something to keep the Lesnar feud going.


Fred Durst could work as a replacement rapper, and despite what you think, he'd still be a babyface with the crowd. They could also use Rikishi since he's not doing anything anyway. The only rapper from Seattle that anyone would recognize is Sir Mix-a-Lot, but if he shows up that'll just make WWE a laughing stock and completely kill Cena's credibility.


Just from what I've heard in songs, I know there are a few somewhat famous rappers who seem to really like wrestling and might consider it an honor to do Wrestlemania. I just can't think of anyone specific right now.

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