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Guest BoboBrazil


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Guest BoboBrazil

This could mean a number of things so take it however you want. But, as I am watching the pre-feeds for the Smackdown taping tonight, a a video package plays of Sable in lingerie. The footage is new. What it means at this time I do not know? I guess we'll find out after the tapings later tonight.



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Guest treble charged

I hope this doesn't mean that there's a slew of fake SmackDown taping reports tonight.

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Guest Eagan469

That could be who Test was talking to on the phone on RAW, he mentioned it was someone with a centerfold, not necessarily Torrie...

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Guest Trivia247

wasn't it bad enough she was in such a stellar box office Academy award nominatable Flim like...


Corky Romano?

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Guest treble charged

Can I make a request that people not post SD spoilers if they're not 100% sure of their accuracy?

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Guest Eagan469
Can we cut down on the jokes?

your momma's so old, I told her to act her age, and THE BITCH DIED!




I kid, I kid - 2 hours left...

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Guest Retro Rob
Can I make a request that people not post SD spoilers if they're not 100% sure of their accuracy?

Or at the very least, label the thread a spoiler and don't write SABLE on it.


This guy isn't a first time spoiler either.

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Shit, Eagen..........thats a great point to bring up......maybe........just maybe....................nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"its time for all the women who want to be me.......and all the men who come to seeeeeeeee me" *followed by cheesy gyrating dance*

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Guest geniusMoment

Sable is too old to be T&A. She can't work. Has no charisma. Has no mic skills. Well this is WWE.

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Guest MaxPower27

Sable's coming back?


::begins sprinkling rock salt on various places where hell just froze over::


I guess since hell just froze over that the Leafs are a shoe-in for the Cup, eh TC?

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Guest Phr33k

It's gonna take a lot more than hell freezing over to win the Leafs a Cup.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic
I don't want to believe it....

Chances are, whoever posted it at rajah read the LOP thing and decided to post it.


There is like a .00000000000000001% chance that Rena would even consider coming back to the WWE, and an even smaller chance that Vince would agree to it, all things considered.

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Guest teke184

How f*cking stupid IS Vince, anyway? No one likes her, her post-WWF career bombed, she SUED him in a very public case and attempted to exploit the Owen Hart tragedy to further it, etc. She is gaining far more than they are from bringing her back.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I suppose this is real as well


Marc Mero sent this in via his mailing list:


Friends & Family,

This letter is probably going to

surprise many of you, Rena has officially signed a long term contract

with the WWE! She recently flew to Stamford,CT and met with Vince McMahon

and Jim Ross and worked out a deal that brings SABLE back to the WWE on

Smackdown. Rena's first appearance will be this Thursday April 3rd.at 8:00PM



Marc Mero

Rena Productions

Website http://www.renamero.com



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