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Guest BoboBrazil


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Guest bob_barron

With Goldberg on Monday and Sable on Tuesday in two days Vince has managed to kill any joy from Wrestlemania

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Guest JMac19
I don't want to believe it....

Chances are, whoever posted it at rajah read the LOP thing and decided to post it.


There is like a .00000000000000001% chance that Rena would even consider coming back to the WWE, and an even smaller chance that Vince would agree to it, all things considered.

Huh? I know Rajah and he gets to see the satellite feed. There's no reason for him to copy LOP.


But Meltzer reported it so maybe that will satify you?

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I wonder if Marc Mero was included in the deal.

Thats the only way this even remotely makes any sense.

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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy
I wonder if Marc Mero was included in the deal.

Thats the only way this even remotely makes any sense.

I really enjoyed the first part of his boxer/bad ass gimmick in 97. it was killed during his whole jealousy angle. But he was boss when he debuted.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic


*awaits the return of Chyna*

The sad thing is that I would have figured her to come back before Rena...

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Guest Mulatto Heat
With Goldberg on Monday and Sable on Tuesday in two days Vince has managed to kill any joy from Wrestlemania

Come on, it's not like Sable is or will be of any big consequence.


At any rate, Sunny was the hotter diva when she and Sable were around. I found Sable's "droopy mouth" to be a bit unattractive. Wonder what she looks like now.

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*awaits the return of Chyna*

You know I think would have said "your crazy" before tonight but I almost expect it now. This is getting out of hand.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic



Apparently she was voted "Supermodel of the Year" at Bikini Hangout.com...


At least shes apparently still in shape, since I see that she has a workout video thing on her page.

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Guest treble charged

Fuck, if Chyna comes back...


I don't even want to THINK about it.

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Fuck, if Chyna comes back...


I don't even want to THINK about it.

What you don't want to see Chyna pretend to be above the other women in the company and go over midcarders?

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Guest treble charged

I think I'll get my spanking fix somewhere else, thank you very much.

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Guest Flyboy
I think I'll get my spanking fix somewhere else, thank you very much.

I didn't say I'd BEAT MY MEAT~! to her, I said I would do her.


Big difference.

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Guest treble charged

I was more referring to Chyna spanking her opponents, not masturbating to Sable.

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Guest geniusMoment

Damn Sable still looks pretty good. She looks about the same as when she left. But long term contract, give me a break. Also the other spoiler mentioned has a chance to be great. I have been waiting for that segment to come back for a long time.

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Guest geniusMoment

Sable was born August 8 1968. Damn for some reason I thought she was older than that. That means she is only 34 going on 35.

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Guest Coffey

I have no problem with Sable. When she was around, back during the Wrestlemania 14 era, she actually entertained me quite often. I was impressed with her in the ring. She was a lot better than I had inaccurately stereotyped her for. Both her powerbomb & TKO on Luna were great during the intergender mixed tag match.


I have no complaints.


Piper's Pit will only be good to me if he hits someone in the head with a cocoanut.

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Guest areacode212

I don't really have a specific problem with Sable coming back, other than my general beef with them focusing on the ditzy T&A half of the women's division, as opposed to the workrate half. Sable comes back, while Gail Kim, Molly & Ivory are nowhere to be seen?


Still, she was a ratings draw back then, and if we have to put up with her, hopefully she'll get all naked & stuff. Also, I thought she was hot in her dominatrix heel persona just before she left.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I don't mind Sable coming back at all. maybe Jacqueline will have something to do now.

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Guest notJames
So, who's placing bets on when The Kat comes back?


Jerry Lawler.




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Guest converge241

even with this surprise i still dont see Stephanie allowing an ex-girlfriend back on the roster..i mean knowing how women are even seperate from her position she would still whine to Vince to not re-hire Chyna

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Guest AndrewTS
Sable is too old to be T&A. She can't work. Has no charisma. Has no mic skills. Well this is WWE.

She already has what it takes to be a Raw champion. Why's she on SD though?

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