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Brand Only PPV's

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We heard that RAW is gonna have its own PPV in June and that will start the BRand only PPV format. MY question is this.......does either brand even have enough talent to fill a 3 hour card? Lets make an example for the RAW PPV if it were this month:


World Heavyweight Title Match

Triple H vs. Booker T


The Rock vs. Goldberg


Chris JEricho vs. Shawn Michaels


World Tag Title Match

RVD/Kane vs. Dudley Boyz


Test vs. Scott Steiner


Trish vs. Jazz



what about SMACKDOWN with Stone Cold moving there:


WWE Title Match

Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena


Stone Cold vs. Chris Benoit


Undertaker vs. Nathan Jones


MAtt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio


Team Angle vs. Los Guerreros


Rhyno vs. Big Show



Now each card so far only has 6 matches.....I would say you need at least 8 nowadays. Do you think the BRand ONLY PPV would be better off being 2 Hours for $25?

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Guest Downhome

The talent is there, it's just a matter of using them all correctly. I also feel the prices should go down, if only for a few months.

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Guest DawnBTVS

You could also have 2-3 filler matches...ex: Kidman vs Knoble on Smackdown, Kendrick vs A-Train or Kanyon, etc.

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but, the thing is Rock, Austin, Goldberg, probably wont be there for long....so for now they have big name talent....what happens when they leave? They're gonna have to start creating new stars right friggin now

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

If this is still starting at KOTR (or whatever the're calling it), then Rock will be gone, and it's quite possible that Austin, Goldberg, and Steiner will be gone as well. And god knows what HBK and Hogan will be doing.


On the other hand Nash will be back. :P


I agree with you guys, the're gonna need to either cut down time or cut down prices, or both, otherwise this could be quite ugly.


They'll probably cut time and raise prices. Then give Piper a title shot. Just to bother me...

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Guest Just call me Dan

I think it can be done. There won't be a lot of 6 man tags or 3 way matches, but if Wrestlemania was 4 hours and Storm, Venis, RVD, Kane, Knoble, Kidman, Hurricane, Test, The Dudleyz, Jeff Hardy,Goldberg,Tajiri,Rikishi, all 3 FBI members, Brian Kendrick, Shannon Moore,Goldust, DeMott, Spike, and more weren't on the show, there is plenty of talent to spread around. I think this will truly help some guys get over a lot more with much more exposre. Sure there is going to be more crap overall, but I think this is a great idea.

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I like the idea too....More guys get exposure and we get to see good workers in PPV matches. But, they definitely cant be having several tag matches and maybe should split RVD and KANE and STorm and Morely as tag teams.....and on Smackdown split LOS GUERREROS.

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Guest Will Scarlet

I think it could work. They have a ton of talent there, they just never use it. They only have to do one every two months or so. Plus, it just might lead to longer matches by guys who have the stamina and talent to do so. I like the idea, personally.

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Guest El Satanico

Of course they can do it. I just hope that Vince realizes that it'll take alot of work to make them work.


However in the real world...


Vince "They will like whatever i give them"

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Guest El Satanico

Also PPVs are only 2:45 at most. It wouldn't be out of the question to make them 2:30 and only have 6 or 7 matches.

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Guest snuffbox

I think that it can be done...but will it be done, remotely well?...thats debatable

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Guest The Metal Maniac

The REAL question is this:


All right, hands up everyone who's willing to pay money to see an extra-long episode of RAW.





Thought so.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
The REAL question is this:


All right, hands up everyone who's willing to pay money to see an extra-long episode of RAW.





Thought so.

I would pay to see an extra-long Smackdown.

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Guest Human Fly

You know guys that normally wouldn't be on ppv love this, if for nothing else then the extra check they'll get. But, top card guys have to hate this because now their ppv pay outs get cut in half.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1
We heard that RAW is gonna have its own PPV in June and that will start the BRand only PPV format. MY question is this.......does either brand even have enough talent to fill a 3 hour card? Lets make an example for the RAW PPV if it were this month:


World Heavyweight Title Match

Triple H vs. Booker T


The Rock vs. Goldberg


Chris JEricho vs. Shawn Michaels


World Tag Title Match

RVD/Kane vs. Dudley Boyz


Test vs. Scott Steiner


Trish vs. Jazz



what about SMACKDOWN with Stone Cold moving there:


WWE Title Match

Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena


Stone Cold vs. Chris Benoit


Undertaker vs. Nathan Jones


MAtt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio


Team Angle vs. Los Guerreros


Rhyno vs. Big Show



Now each card so far only has 6 matches.....I would say you need at least 8 nowadays. Do you think the BRand ONLY PPV would be better off being 2 Hours for $25?

Both cards look OK but the problem WWE has to deal with is that with The Rock and Austin possibly leaving again soon your left with a card only slightly better than the average Raw/Smackdown, and not something that most people are willing to pay 20 bucks for.


Personally I think it is a bad idea, buy-rates are down at the moment anyway, and the solution is not to halve the number of stars on the PPV. On the upside it may give more people an opportunity, and if it means people like Noble, Tajiri and Shannon get PPV time I'll defiantly like it but the question is will the average Joe Mark be willing to hand over his hard earned cash for a PPV featuring half the "stars".

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All of those points are valid, but I like this one, like people said, to get some of the guys who get snubbed a shot, but also, with this, angles have a chance at being built better. When the split happened, there are only about 3 or 4 shows before the PPV and angles get rushed. Now there will be a few more shows to build angles.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

I believe the KOTR PPV shall be entitled 'Badd Blood'.


A RAW PPV will just be another worthless chance for Triple H to take up too much fuckin' time. I really cannot see this working unless someone in the company grows a set and puts the problem wrestlers in their place. Not to mention Kevin Nash, as he will be returning soon and will almost certainly do something retarded with Triple H using his long-dead Diesel gimmick.


Hey, these show's will be like the ole' IYH shows of '95 etc. Nash almost killed them, let's see if he can do it twice.



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Guest El Satanico

No i wouldn't pay to watch a Raw ppv, but I wouldn't pay to watch WrestleMania either.

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Guest teke184
I think it can be done. There won't be a lot of 6 man tags or 3 way matches, but if Wrestlemania was 4 hours and Storm, Venis, RVD, Kane, Knoble, Kidman, Hurricane, Test, The Dudleyz, Jeff Hardy,Goldberg,Tajiri,Rikishi, all 3 FBI members, Brian Kendrick, Shannon Moore,Goldust, DeMott, Spike, and more weren't on the show, there is plenty of talent to spread around. I think this will truly help some guys get over a lot more with much more exposre. Sure there is going to be more crap overall, but I think this is a great idea.

Want to know WHY they weren't on the show? A bunch of part-time guys got spots on the card. Taker, Triple H, Austin, Rock, HBK, Hogan, and Vince either have few matches each year or are perpetually injured. On top of that, Angle may have to retire if his miracle surgery doesn't work, Lesnar could start showing damage from the blown SSP, and both Goldberg and Nash could be gone by then.


That will leave them with a bunch of hosses and a lot of guys who have been jobbed to everyone on the roster. On the plus side, Benoit, Guerrero, Rhyno, and others would probably be on top of Smackdown if that happens.

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Guest HellSpawn

My $0.02


1st, people said that the brand issue will fail, well, right now, it looks that is not a total success but neither a total lost.


I only get Raw down here in Mexico, but until now, there is almost zero stuff about SD on the show, Carlos & Hugo said nothing about SD, and that means they are makin the "kayfabe" work.


And from the reviews I read here and there, up there its almost the same, an ocassional "wrong superstar video" here and there but no more run-ins or lets see what happened on monday, or am I wrong?


Now, look at the bright side for a momment...


That card posted it looks like a good card, for both shows, in the raw card, you stil got Storm, Regal (when he comes back), Hurricane, Jeff Hardy, Steven Richards, Lita, Victoria, Molly and I dunno how many more.


In a perfect world... stretching that words.


We are gonna have more time for storylines.


Badd Blood is on June, so I guess July is SD PPV, and then back to a Raw/SD PPV with Summerslam.


Of course if you want to be the new millenium smartmark, then ALL is Wrong.




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Main events sell PPV's. If they build to the June PPV with HHH vs Goldberg on top, HBK vs Jericho as the semi main,RVD vs Kane in their first PPV singles match, and you still have main eventers Flair, Booker T, Steiner, and Nash without matches. Say, they go Flair vs Booker T and Nash vs Steiner. This all just hypothetical.


That is 5 matches with main eventers. If they build the show properly, people will buy it. And now, for the split PPV's, they have more time to build matches (they only have to build to 8 PPV's each year, as opposed to twelve)Then, you have the undercard. If they build up the undercard properly and make the matches mean something, this thing really could work.


Plus Vince gets to see who are his real draws(i.e. if the Smackdown PPV headlined by Brock vs Kurt draws 100,000 more buys than HHH vs Goldberg) and who are not.


I really like the idea. If they can make it through the first couple shows without huge drop-off, it is a success.

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hopefully, Vince will bring in a few of the better indie guys to fill out the caed on the cheap.


I'm still pissed Vince got Syeinr and Goldberg, when with that money who could have got AJ, Low Ki, Red, Jerry Lynn, Chris Danials, American Dragon, Elix Skipper and a load of other good puro and lucha guys.

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Guest nikowwf

The problem is that you've put all the big name matches on the first shows. Mix and match, and you got a problem. We are going to have some truly horrific ppv's after all the big names run through each other.



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Guest Space_Cowboy

We'll end up having shit like Jeff Hardy vs Test on PPV, and i don't know of anyone who would pay for that.

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Guest notJames

The big problem is the slipshod writing and booking, which clearly delineates what Vince and Co. deem "main event" material and Velocity filler. Sure, the midcarders have some direction, but for every solid Mattitude v. Rey Rey, you have a Maven v. 3MW. What kind of interesting angles are they running with the lower card guys? None. So far, the lower echelon of bully hosses run through the much more talented cruisers week in and week out, with nary a storyline other than Michael Cole's weekly spoutings of "He's just a big bully!!!".


It's this dichotomoy of perception that will keep the split PPV concept from becoming successful. They need to rehaul the booking to make every storyline on both shows look strong, from the top to the bottom.

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Guest Pigsy

This might be a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway. Are they having PPVs exclusive to each brand on alternate months, or two PPVs each month?


I think if they alternated the PPVs it could work... provided they do all the stuff they should do anyway, like elevate people.

If it's two PPVs a month... I don't think that would work in the long run.

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Guest jester

If they are going to do brand specific PPVs, they NEED TO BUILD NEW STARS NOW. Especially on Raw.


I can't believe the momentum that's being squandered everywhere. Hurricane is actually getting a good reaction. And way to waste that standing ovation for Benoit. Instead it "Let's give the same old guys more time" crap.


And if a Raw-branded PPV tanks, how long would they be able to justify keeping HHHis Royal Majesty on top?

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Guest Polish_Rifle

For the split PPVs to work, they need better storylines and more belts. What the hell are all the non title holders fighting for anyway?

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
For the split PPVs to work, they need better storylines and more belts. What the hell are all the non title holders fighting for anyway?

So every match should be a title match? No thanks.


The more belts you have, the less they mean.

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Guest Brian

Jericho fought for respect while Michaels fought for a legacy.


Rock was looking for vengeance in a feud he'd never won, over the nineties.


Vince and Hogan fought over who was the factor behind the success of the eighties.

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