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Guest HartFan86

Just bought Rumble 2003 DVD

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Guest HartFan86

Most of you know I attended the Rumble in Boston and I just got the Rumble 2003 DVD and finished watching it...good DVD, by the way. This was the first time I've gotten to watch the event since being there. Rumble Match is a lot better than I remember...Steiner/HHH is still hilarious.....BUT....


I cannot state to those who haven't seen it how awesome and amazing Benoit/Angle is in easily Angle's greatest WWE match ever. When I was there, I was literally jumping up and down at everything these guys were doing for the last 10 minutes. It was literally a rollercoaster match and I have never rooted for someone so hard in my life (Benoit) to win a damn match in person. I damn near had no voice after this match. When Angle's hand kept going up and down acting like he was about to tap to the crossface, I (and all of Boston) damn near had a heart attack. It's just mindblowing about the story built-up in this match and after watching it again, dare I say that the story in the match itself is better than Rock/Austin from Mania 17 (And I NEVER thought that would be topped as far as telling a story in the ring would go.) I know some of the smarks will critque this match because of two chinlocks...but screw that, this match is *****+ (And that's just not being biased because I was there...this is after a 2nd viewing two months later on DVD) and it's easily the greatest match I've ever seen live, possibly ever, PERIOD. Easy Top 5 I've ever seen, though. The finish of the match itself is amazing in itself. Angle keeps trying the ankle lock, but BENOIT WONT FUCKING TAP. So finally, Angle just loses it and WRENCHES Benoit's entire leg which Benoit FINALLY has to tap (Something you rarely see) and it truly shows that their is NO shame in taping out. The shot of Angle letting go of the Wrenched Ankle Lock and falling to his back motionless with Benoit grabbing his leg in severe pain as Angle's music plays is just an awe inspring visual. This match has mat wrestling, techincal/scientific wrestling, high flying, huge spots, and most of all...unreal drama. Might I add, this isn't even counting the Standing Ovation after...which is even MORE amazing in it's own right (By the way, you can actually see me standing and clapping....they do the pan in from commercial on Benoit, then the first shot they go to of panning over the crowd...I'm on the top of the screen standing, left to me is a friend of mine in my Hulkamania shirt...I'm wearing a black shirt, blue jeans.) So with that said...buy this DVD or at least rent it....you aren't a wrestling fan until you've seen this fucking match. Sure, I'm biased. I was there, but you would be too.


Just figured I'd get that out of my system and thanks for reading.

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Guest Downhome
....you aren't a wrestling fan until you've seen this fucking match.

Now, I wouldn't go THAT far. :P


It was one of my favorite matches in years, so I loved it myself. I especially loved the standing ovation for Benoit, and I really wish WWE would build on that right now.

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Ahhhhhh yes........the greatness that is Angle/Benoit. That match was un-friggin-real and had me on the edge of my seat. Even my girl was marking out like crazy and shes not even a wrestling fan. By the way......are there any worthy goodies on the DVD. Im thinking of picking it up

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Guest HartFan86
By the way......are there any worthy goodies on the DVD. Im thinking of picking it up

Tons of interviews...before and after. The 3 Undertaker Trailers promoting his return....Kane vs. RVD vs. Batista vs. Jericho from Raw 6 days before...a few other things.

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By the way......are there any worthy goodies on the DVD.  Im thinking of picking it up

Tons of interviews...before and after. The 3 Undertaker Trailers promoting his return....Kane vs. RVD vs. Batista vs. Jericho from Raw 6 days before...a few other things.

In other word nothing worthy huh? :D ....Hell, im pickin it up anyway for Angle/Benoit and when im in a bad mood i can pop in TripleH/Steiner and get a good laugh

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Guest AndrewTS

I have it myself, and got it cheap. There was a whole thread here. The horribleness that is HHH vs. Steiner I is there un-cut and un-edited for you to laugh at.


The Rumble itself is a blast to watch, even more so than usual. Sure, the end is anti-climactic and its a shame to see freakin' Test eliminate Jericho, but before that it moves quickly and has some cool spots in it.


Angle-Benoit is kickass, of course. Nothing else you need to know about it other people haven't mentioned.


Other than that it's pretty forgettable. Cena's interview is a rap so it's kinda entertaining.


Although I wish they'd realize that bonus INTERVIEWS are lame bonuses even if you are a fan of that wrestler, and taht they should really give more bonus matches.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

That match MADE me believe in WWE again. It actually gave me faith that they were going to actually DO something aside from their normal agenda. That night, I was very glad I spent the $30, and I was glad that I was a wrestling fan and a fan of both wrestlers (and esp. Benoit, who GOT me watching WWF/E every week again in 2001 - thus why I don't give a shit if smarks praise him constantly).


Then, two weeks later when they gave the Rumble rematch away for free, with nothing to accomplish aside from jobbing Benoit again, I ended up practically regretting spending the money and actually thinking that maybe some things would change. This was the same week that Steiner became #1 contender again. Reality struck that WWE would always, ALWAYS stick to its own agenda regardless, and as such, I didn't order NWO or Mania out of spite. Petty, but it's the truth.


But that match is still a sight to behold. It does prove that hard work does pay its dividends. I believe it was RRR who said "what is wrong with workrate? It insinuates hard work and effort. I don't know how anyone can be against that."

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Guest benoitrules2000

Just picked it up today and FUCKING CHRIST IS THAT MATCH INCREDIBLE!!!!


I seriously almost crying when benoit was getting a FUCKING standing ovation!


Benoit should have won the title in that match even if he was just going to be fodder for brock, it would of been the perfect ending.


And god bless boston or wherever they were for turning on stiener and applauding benoit!

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

Fuck yall. Chinlocks = NOT GOOD OMG~!



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Guest Rob Edwards

if we're taking off 1/4*'s for anything, surley it should be for Kurt no selling the neck?

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Screw rating that match.


That match drew more emotion and excitment out of me then any other match since.......... Well, it's been a while.

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Guest Pigsy

Is Steiner-HHH so bad its funny, and kind of entertaining in a weird way, or is it just so bad its crap, and not fun to watch at all?

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Guest HartFan86

It's funny to watch because it shows how pathetic both guys are. Sure, HHH tries to bump all over the place, but it's pathetic.


And the pointless ending REALLY ticked off the crowd.....we go thru hell for 18 minutes and then they do THAT finish.

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Guest treble charged

The No Way Out Steiner/HHH match was better, just for the crowd. Booing the fuck out of EVERYTHING Steiner did was my favourite part of the show.


Damn that flag on his tights...

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Guest bob_barron

The No Way Out match is so bad it's good.


The RR match is just bad

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Guest dreamer420
Fuck yall. Chinlocks = NOT GOOD OMG~!



Scott Keith?


Anyway I would give the match an easy ***** because I got so pumped up watching, and during the last 5 minutes I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.

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Guest bob_barron

I wouldn't give it ***** because there are some slow spots that hurt the match in my eyes. I watched it on Kazaa and the chinlock in the middle does hurt the match. I'll watch it on DVD again though

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Guest dreamer420

Chinlocks are just a part of wrestling though, and even though Angle and Benoit are probably the two best wrestlers on the planet right now, they couldn't go full tilt for that entire match.

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Guest bob_barron

I understand that but the chinlock spot went a little too long and got boring and I also think the German Suplex stuff was played.


It was a great great match but I wouldn't give it 5*

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Guest Brian

It's a weardown hold, common for Benoit that Angle's been getting a feel for.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

It was the best WWF match since Rock/Austin at Wrestlemania X-7.

It was Angle's best match ever, and Benoit's best since he fought Bret on Nitro (I didn't see Regal/Benoit).


I will be shocked if we see a better match this year.

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Guest HartFan86
I also think the German Suplex stuff was played.

Ya stick with what works...and it obviously did, so I don't think the 15,000 in Boston thought it was played...nor do I think a lot of other people do.


I will be shocked if we see a better match this year. 


I concur.

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Guest Choken One

On Emotion level...Shawn/Jericho was my MOTY but on a scrict Wrestling level...Angle/Benoit has easilly been MOTY.


Will we get a better match? Maybe, If Austin is in his zone...The eventful Benoit/Austin match could tear down walls.


Give Lesnar/Benoit 25 minutes...



Austin/Lesnar could be great...

A final Retirement match with Shawn/Jericho would challenge for it...


On Mark level...Goldberg/Rock could do it...as could Austin/Goldberg...

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