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New Jack !!!!

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From what I read, New Jack debuted last night on TNA. In the past topic, New Jack and(his partner last night) Sandman were labeled as one of the worst wrestlers(shouldnt even be considered a wrestler) in the profession.


So in saying that, do you think New Jack was really a plus to the company?

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Guest Goodear

New Jack can be fun in limited roles as long as they don't ever try to take him seriously as a title threat or anything. Yeah, he's about the least talented wrestler ever, but he's not there to put on armbars anyway. He's just the hardcore part of the show, just like the X division is the cruiserweight portion, the World Title part is the middleweight portion, and Nelson Knight is the porton that eats the most portions.


Now Mike Barton I don't get at all.

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Technically, they aren't losing money like this. Its not like all of the guys they bring in have long term contracts, just one or two show deals.



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Guest Black Tiger

Mike Barton, although he was a failure in the WWE due to his knocking out Dr. Death. Became a mega star in Japan for both AJPW and NJPW. (In puroresu folder, ask about the 2001 G-1 Tag League finals, total carry job by Tenkoji, but still a kick ass match)


Barton vs. Saturn in ironic because not too long ago in New Japan they were teamates along with former UFC Champion Josh Barnett. I doubt TNA will bring it up, since most TNA fans don't give a rats ass about Japan, but its still a nice twist for those in the know.

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Guest Goodear

Yeah, I'm not trying to say that Barton sucks or anything. It's just that if anyone knows him, they remember him from The Smokin' Gunns and the Brawl For All... which aren't exactly fond memories for anyone. It just really struck me as out of left field... but we'll see what they can do with him.

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Guest Black Tiger

Knowing Russo, he'll be the next Curt Hennig, and go on and on (and on) about how he knocked out Steve Williams, like Hennig went on and on about taking out Brock Lesnar.


It does have some potential entertainment value though if the the wrestlers and Tenay are all "who cares?"

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Guest dreamer420

New Jack was fun in small doses in ECW. Now his body is really run down, he can only punch and hit with weapons so I don't see him being a very good addition to TNA.


Mike Barton could be interesting as he was always a capable wrestler, he just happened to get knocked the fuck out by Butterbean. He has been in Japan for awhile so he could have some skills now.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

Vince Russo.

Dusty Rhodes.

Erik Watts.


New Jack.



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Guest BoboBrazil

I'd rather have New Jack than Brian Lawler, David Flair, or Mable and they brought those slugs in so why not New Jack?

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I marked for New Jack's TNA music. TNA's music has been getting really fucking cool lately. Aside from the mentioning of his name in the intro, Kid Kash's theme is pretty damn good. AMW's theme is catchy as hell, if not sounding too much like music from a THQ game. Lynn's intro is okay, but too much of a rip-off of Fear Factory's "Scapegoat" (his ECW theme). I really dig Konnan's theme, as it is a great Santana rip-off.


Hmmm...what other themes kick ass...lots, actually. The Truth's and AJ's themes are my current favorites. Anybody remember the song used in the Raven video package a few weeks back? It was either a song by Michael Graves or from Graves-era Misfits. He should use that for his theme, if possible. Even the Harris Bros' theme is cool.


My favorite TNA theme yet, though, was Scott Hall's. It just had this classic rock feel to it that made it cool. It was also reminiscent of his Razor Ramon theme, which kicked all sorts of ass.


...yeah, anyways...


Alexis Laree = ownage

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Guest treble charged

Does the 'Asylum' have any places for him to jump off of? Like any kind of balcony?

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Guest dreamer420

I like Siaki's music so much that I had to download it. His entire gimmick is one of the funnier things in TNA right now and his music is perfect for him.


The Sandman's is the worst as it is the worst Enter Sandman rip off that you will probably ever hear.

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Guest RedJed

The more hardcore aspect of the company fits right with New Jack, so it's not that bad if he just stays in occasional garbage matches and nothing more. I'd like to see them turn up the HC fun a notch and start fighting outside of the arena sometimes, over to the concessions, etc. Anyway a New Jack-Sandman v. New Church feud might be alright if done the right way with the HC action.


Saturn v. Barton also could be good, from a more stiff type of a match perspective. I would imagine when this match happens they will both be working pretty hard on each other. Barton is far from anything to be bitching about at this point since he can actually work really strong now.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I think New Jack can come in and feud with people in the hardcore sense. It doesn't mean that he should be feuding with people every week though. And by the way, doesn't it suck to see him come down to other theme music than Natural Born Killers by Dre and ice Cube??!???

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Guest J*ingus

Heh, I got a small piece of the table that Jack went through. The fall could've been something REALLY serious, as he came close to hitting his head on the side of the bleachers when he landed on the ground.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Actually, dynamite, I was surprised...but I got used to it real quick. Only thing about Jack's music that sucks is that they don't loop it for the entire match.

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Guest geniusMoment

Only thing that sucks about a New Jack match is that one of the competitors is guaranteed to suck so much that Flair in his prime couldn't pull a ** match out of him.

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