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Guest oldschoolwrestling

New PPV name, JR

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

There has been talk backstage recently that Johnny " Ace" Laurniatis and Dave Finlay will see their duties in Talent Relations increase in the near future. Jim Ross is currently oversees that area of the company and has been on record as saying that he would like to slow down his schedule going forward. Ross' duties in WWE are many. In addition to announcing Raw every week, he has more than a full time job just handling the Talent Relations end of his responsibilities. So, the plan is to give Ace more of the day to day responsibilities. I do know that the company thinks highly of Ace, with Stephanie McMahon said to be a big proponent of him.


Speaking of Ross' schedule, he is no longer regularly producing Michael Cole and Tazz's commentary at Smackdown any more. He had been in the past, but he is no longer attending every Smackdown taping. Vince McMahon now does it at the building while in the studio on Wednesday night it's Cole as the producer, with help from Chris Lawler and Dave Lagana. But the feeling now is that for the most part, Tazz and Cole produce themselves since they have become such a good duo.


Jay Landry sent word that WWE has recently trademarked the name "Retribution", which sounds like a great name for a PPV to me. They have also trademarked the name "The 10th Ring", "The Goombas", "Evolution" and "The Legacy".


WWE doesn't have any guests listed for this week's Byte This. With the dismissal of Kevin Kelly, I really have to wonder about the future of this show. Last week's show was all clips, no new content.


Mike Johnson sent this one. ... The hype for Wrestlemania XX has started already, believe it or not. Newsday in New York noted that next year's show is at Madison Square Garden, adding that it's the third time the show will take place in the venue.




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Guest Ram

The Goombas?


WTF? Are Chavo and Eddy going to appear as the Mario brothers?

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Guest RedJed

lol whats up with some of those copyrighted names? The 10th ring??!!!!


I think Ace will probably get more duties soon, since when I went to Axxess on last Friday, Rock was talking in their ring they had there and out of nowhere he just said "Hey everyone give a hand to our future VP, Johnny Ace." Take that as you will.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Great..........a Mattitude hater with more power.

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Guest treble charged

Retribution sounds like an awesome PPV name to me, but it also sounds to much like a name that WWA would use.

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Guest Lightning Flik

"The 10th Ring" - Sounds like a submission of some type... I would believe it'd be one. Hopefully not a PPV name.


"The Goombas" - MAH GAWD~! The WWE just signed The Legendary Goombas from Super Mario Bros. I wonder how much money they had to pay Bowser to get them.


"Evolution" - Simple the name of Triple H's stable... They couldn't freaking think of reviving this stupid stable now would they? ...oh hell they will.


"The Legacy" - Sounds like a PPV name, but also a finisher of some type.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
"Evolution" - Simple the name of Triple H's stable... They couldn't freaking think of reviving this stupid stable now would they? ...oh hell they will.

Dec. 1997, In Your House: Degeneration X!

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Guest Goodear
Great..........a Mattitude hater with more power.

Yeah, cause Matt is just getting hosed right now... oh wait.

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Guest Eagan469
"The Goombas"

When Rock first hosted SNL there was a "Sopranos" parody called "The Goombas". Perhaps a TV series or movie is in the works?



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Guest RenegadeX28



That would be awesome if a couple of Mario Bros. wrestlers come in, and take out the FBI.

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Guest El Satanico

I'm figuring that "The Goombas" is something to do with the FBI. It's a word usually associated with Italians/Mafia, but I didn't think it was spelt like that.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
Speaking of Ross' schedule, he is no longer regularly producing Michael Cole and Tazz's commentary at Smackdown any more. He had been in the past, but he is no longer attending every Smackdown taping. Vince McMahon now does it at the building while in the studio on Wednesday night it's Cole as the producer, with help from Chris Lawler and Dave Lagana. But the feeling now is that for the most part, Tazz and Cole produce themselves since they have become such a good duo.


Glad to see the company is doing at least some things right.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
Speaking of Ross' schedule, he is no longer regularly producing Michael Cole and Tazz's commentary at Smackdown any more. He had been in the past, but he is no longer attending every Smackdown taping. Vince McMahon now does it at the building while in the studio on Wednesday night it's Cole as the producer, with help from Chris Lawler and Dave Lagana. But the feeling now is that for the most part, Tazz and Cole produce themselves since they have become such a good duo.


Glad to see the company is doing at least some things right.

Who'd have thought there would be a day we would be happy Cole was getting more power?

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Guest Plushy Al Logan


That would be awesome if a couple of Mario Bros. wrestlers come in, and take out the FBI.

My name is Mario, maybe I can get a job on Smackdown. I just have to grow a mustache, and try to stop my hairline from receding even further.

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Guest creativename
They have also trademarked the name "The 10th Ring", "The Goombas", "Evolution" and "The Legacy".

Legacy? You know, I once saw some awesome fantasy booking on a board like a year ago that had Sting coming back with a "Legacy" gimmick, as in he was the Legacy of WCW. I'm sure this is completely unrelated, but that really stood out for me.


As for goombahs, what's next? Guinea wops? Maybe Nunzio's finisher will now be the bafangool.

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Guest nikowwf

I have some suggestions for the Raw PPV names.


COMA (what i will be in during Jeff Hardy/Test match)

DEATH WISH (for wwe)

DEATH BLOW (for wwe)


VENGEANCE (on all us loyal fans)



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Guest Eagan469

Just thinking...


They own the name "Rage In The Cage" - they should use that for a PPV

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Guest Redhawk
Vince McMahon now does it at the building while in the studio on Wednesday night it's Cole as the producer, with help from Chris Lawler and Dave Lagana.


Nepotism RULES!

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Guest The Hollywood Fashion Plate

Retribution WAS a WWA PPV...it aired two months ago, in fact.

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Guest Eagan469
Vince McMahon now does it at the building while in the studio on Wednesday night it's Cole as the producer, with help from Chris Lawler and Dave Lagana.


No relation.

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Guest AndrewTS
Just thinking...


They own the name "Rage In The Cage" - they should use that for a PPV

That was the name of a Sega CD WWF game (I have it. It actually has the Fink's voice recorded for the ring introductions. Pretty cool for its time). However, since I never heard that name used otherwise, it may be copyrighted to Acclaim.

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Guest Eagan469
Just thinking...


They own the name "Rage In The Cage" - they should use that for a PPV

That was the name of a Sega CD WWF game

I know - I have it too :)

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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

"The Legacy" would be a good nickname for a newcomer. Maybe Rene Dupree. His character is that he is the son of millionaire wrestling promoter Emil Dupree, and had the best wrestling training in his upbringing due to his father's wealth and influence.

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Guest AndrewTS
My guess....Wrestlemania XX: The Legacy.

Would sound more like the name of a WM DVD box set.


However, knowing how stupid WWE is these days, they're probably have Stacy Kiebler wrestle more and use it as a name for her finisher. =/

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

To me, The Legacy sounds like a makeshift stable that will only form to have a big feud with Evolution.

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Guest Choken One

I'm thinking "The Legancy"


Is either


A) Ric Flair DVD

B) Piper's Old Timers Stable

C) WM DVD Box Set

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Guest J.F.

These names were not trademarked for PPV's, but were trademarked because they are under condsieration for the title of the first WWE animation film that Linda McMahon mentioned at the quarterly investors meeting.


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Guest razazteca
10th Ring please tell me they are not going to bring back the World War 3 gimmick match.......but with a evil 10 corner ring.

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