Guest Mole Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I remember when the Hardy Boyz first came out, and right before they broke up I hated Matt Hardy. He had the most simple moveset at the time, and he was very boring. However, since his character change to being V1, he is one of my favorite wrestlers. Has anyone done the same thing with him? Or another wrestler? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I hated Goldberg forever until he came to WW_. Now I... oh wait, I still hate him. F.G.B. Seriously, RVD pissed me off in ECW with his stalling tactics and never-ending flippy flop. Now, he's one of the few guys I enjoy on RAW. Sure he's not perfect and he's lost a step or two due to bad booking and whatnot, but I like him a lot more than I used to. I was also never keen on Shane Helms and his Backstreet Boys gimmick. Now he's much more enjoyable as the Hurricane. Too bad the same can't be said about Shannon "Fodder" Moore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RollingSambos Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I love Rock as a heel, but I can't stand his babyface act. And yeah, I have changed my opinion of Matt Hardy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest eiker_ir Report post Posted April 4, 2003 i always liked Matt sine he was in the Hardyz, Jeff was the one i hated that's because everytime they were in a match, Matt would go and do a Legdrop from a ladder, then Jeff would come and do something like a super legdrop from one laddre over another BAH GAWD!! he was always trying to out-do Matt and that pissed me off for some reason of course i just liked him back then, now he's one of my Favs with the Mattitude gimmick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 4, 2003 Matt Hardy, of course. Yeah, I never was much of a fan of him. He was the "blah" wrestler of the two, because Jeff would be doing high spots while he'd do some pedestrian offense and his leg drops. I think I speak for everyone when I say I prefer Cena now over Mr. Ruthless Aggression/"Man of 1000 Pairs of Gay Tights" Cena. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I was always pretty indifferent about the Hardyz. I found them very entertaining with their matches with E&C and Dudleyz, but I never hated or loved them. But when Jeff was taking all those crazy-ass bumps and people were saying that he was going to be Shawn and Matt was going to be Marty, I had to laugh. At least I can be sure that Matt will be wrestling past 30; I can't say the same thing about Jeff. Regarding use to hating someone but now liking them, I actually wouldn't say someone in particular, but rather a federation. When ECW was going on, I thought they were just blood and gore and wouldn't watch it. My brother tried to tell me that there was some actual wrestling, but I didn't believe him. Now, I watch old tapes of them, and apprieciate them. Sure, there was a lot of blood and gore, but there was also some great wrestlers that were there at one time or another. I don't love ECW, but I can watch tapes enjoyably now. That's a step up from refusing to even watch it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Star Ocean 3 Report post Posted April 4, 2003 Matt's character has improved, but his matches haven't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I always said that Matt Hardy was the more talented brother. I always called him Marty Jannety because he actually carried the team, while Jeffrey always got the attention for his big flashy moves and bumps. Thankfully Matt was the one to become "a star". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I was also never keen on Shane Helms and his Backstreet Boys gimmick. Now he's much more enjoyable as the Hurricane. Too bad the same can't be said about Shannon "Fodder" Moore. Boo! 3Count ruled. I hated both Hardyz, but Mattitude has won me over. Jeff is still TEH SUCK~! though. Wasn't a big Rhyno fan when he was in ECW, but I've liked him since he came to the WWE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest raptor Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I always used to refer to Matt as "The Good Hardy" (with Edge being "The Good Blonde" and Bubba being "The Good Dudley"). I've always been a big fan of Matt, and was just waiting for him to show that he was miles ahead of his brother. I also think his matches have improved since the split, while Jeff's have obviousley gotten worse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mulatto Heat Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I seriously started hating Team Xtreme in the fall of 2001, mainly due to their act being so repetitive that I could call their spots 5 seconds before they happened, and JR's constant hyping, especially his orgasming over Lita's BLATANT cheating (she cheated in every single one of their matches, even on the B shows!) But, during that time I thought that Matt was always overlooked while Jeff was overglorified. Now, Matt is doing fine on his own on Smackdown, while Jeff 'has trouble staying motivated' without Big Bro to hold his hand week in and week out, and I feel validated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I have always been a huge fan of Matt Hardy. As a matter of fact, ever since I first saw the guy, I saw "superstar" written all over him. I can't really explain it, but I've always thought of him in that way, and that he would be MUCH bigger than Jeff one day. Last night on SD, I also can't really explain why, but something went off in my head that made me like him even more. I just really loved his act last night. The guy seems to get better and better, week after week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted April 4, 2003 Yes, Matt has definitely moved somewhere positive. I used to say the Hardyz were the Siegfried & Roy of wrestling. They were fun to watch, but you still got that weird vibe while they did their thing. Now it's the Jacksons: Matt is Janet and Jeff is Michael. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Polish_Rifle Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I thought it was funny last night when Cole said that there doesn't seem to be any M'Fers except for Shannon and yet there were lots of people with V1 signs and throwing the hand signal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest chirs3 Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I was just completely indifferent to Matt Hardy (and Jeff, for that matter) when they were tagging. Now I'm indifferent to Jeff and in love (though not really in love, just, you know, like... er... yea...) with Mattitude. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Fook_Hing_Ho Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I was never that big a fan of the Hardys to begin with, but by 2001 they had gotten so repetitive that I absolutely hated them. Now though, I'm a big fan of V1 and feel he's the most entertaining character on Smackdown right now. As for Jeff, he still sucks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cawthon777 0 Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I always saw Matt as the Hardy that was suffering from the Jim Neidhart / Marty Jannetty syndrome. When I saw him face Raven at the MCI Center last June, I made it clear that I wanted the other one (so did a lot of other fans). I have learned from the error of my ways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest mickberna Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I personally never liked Booker T, in all his years with WCW and when he started in WWF, until he started feuding with Austin. The supermarket brawl, while completely ridiculous, endeared me to him and I have enjoyed him ever since. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted April 4, 2003 When I saw him face Raven at the MCI Center last June, I made it clear that I wanted the other one (so did a lot of other fans). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RenegadeX28 Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I also did not like Matt back in the day, but now.....I am an MF'er!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vitamin X Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I was also completely indifferent to him...And yeah same thing with John Cena until this past Halloween when he did the Vanilla Ice thing and started using the WORD-LIFE as his character. And I think we all forget about Steve Austin being the exact reverse.. While I try to see through Scott Keith's blatant bias and criticism of the WWE product, I did agree with him on the point that if the best they can do with Austin is go through the EXACT SAME FUCKING ANGLE over and over again then they realyl shouldn't be keeping him around or bringing him back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WhenDanSaysJump Report post Posted April 4, 2003 *misses the yodelling legdrop* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Quik Report post Posted April 4, 2003 Remember when Matt used to make out with Lita on-camera, and Jeff would just stand off in the corner until the interview started? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I don't think I've ever gone reverse on anyone like that, and suddenly liked a character, I either see talent or I don't. Matt was so cool in his OMEGA days. Cena's mic work was killer in OVW. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheZsaszHorsemen Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I always said that Matt Hardy was the more talented brother. I always called him Marty Jannety because he actually carried the team, while Jeffrey always got the attention for his big flashy moves and bumps. Thankfully Matt was the one to become "a star". Shawn Michaels deserved to be a star more than Jennety. I always thought Jannety was good with timing and match flow, but around 95 HBK became better than Jannety ever was. At least Shawn could ditch his coke habit before it cost him his job. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted April 4, 2003 *misses the yodelling legdrop* That is one thing I hated the most about Matt. That was the dumbest move next to the people's elbow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest eiker_ir Report post Posted April 4, 2003 what's stupid about it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rising up out of the back seat-nuh 0 Report post Posted April 4, 2003 Does anyone else think that it'd be cool if Jeff became the 3rd MFer? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted April 4, 2003 Actually, Jeff said in an interview that his counter to Mattitude is 'Jeffenescence.' Please do not ask what his followers are called. I'm not sure I want to know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I thought it was Imagine-nation or whatever its called. Then he could call his fans his Imagine-nites. Or not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites