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Guest goodhelmet

If-then statements

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The Orient Express win the tag team titles


If the tag team titles were scrapped

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Guest goodhelmet

then Vince could add another brainfart to his collection


If Vince and Steph were tag champs

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the only person to beat them would be Hogan & HHH.


If the stinkface had a different name it would be......

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Guest goodhelmet

then it would be the Rikishi Rump Shaker


If Rikishi lost 150 lbs

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He would be just a guy in a thong? *shudders*


If Yokozuna, Andre the Giant, Rick Rude, & Owen Hart came back to the WWF, then.......

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Guest goodhelmet

I would start believing in miracles


If Owen Hart and andre the Giant were at tag team

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Guest goodhelmet

then he and Chris Benoit would have put on multiple ***** matches


If Chris Benoit and Owen Hart were a tag team

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He would have proved again that he is better than Bret.



If Vince never screwed Bret at SS 97......

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Guest Some Guy

Then there never would have been the WWF attitude boom.


If Austin never came back form his surgery

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Guest goodhelmet

then he would have left with as little fanfare as Foley


If HHH never came back from surgery

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Guest Some Guy

Then the Smarks would have less to bitch about.


If E & C re-united

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Guest Some Guy

Then THAT would so wreak of sucktitude.


If Swartzenegger became a wrestler

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Guest goodhelmet

then his wrestling would rival his promo skills


If Jesse Ventura were still a WWF announcer

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Guest Some Guy

Then I woudl be happy, the Body rules.


If Gorrilla were still alive and announcing

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Guest goodhelmet

then even the bad matches would be somewhat watchable


If Superstar Billy Graham never took steroids

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Guest Some Guy

Then he might be able to walk right now.


If Dynamite Kid never took roids

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Guest goodhelmet

then the British bulldogs would never have been tag champs


If Davey Boy Smith and Bret Hart got into a real fight

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Guest dreamer420

it would probably take place in the dungeon.


If Slick was hired by flair?

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Guest JAMES900

The more nostalgia would be runnin' wild


If Hogan had never gotten a big pop at wrestlemaina

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

he would be jobbing to everyone in sight. (I would hope)


If Sting came to the WWF

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Guest JAMES900

He be jobbin' to hogan in no time


If all the Mcmahons spontanously die

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Guest JAMES900

Bradshaw and Bull Bucahnon are main eventing Wrestlemania



If Bradshaw and bull main event wrestlemania...

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

We would get 20 minutes of punch punch punch...KICK!


If Hogan wins the WWF title at Backlash

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Guest JAMES900

Then everyone on the IWC would cry flooding the earth


If Hogans pop ran out before backlash

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Backlash would be changed to HHH-Undertaker and Hogan-Crash on Heat.


If Hogan never retired

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Guest JAMES900

Then were gonna have another 30 years worth of backrakes and leg drops



If hogans leg locked up while he was doing the big boot.

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