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Guest goodhelmet

If-then statements

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Guest goodhelmet

i thought they were the same size


If Scott Steiner and HHH formed a tag team

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Guest Some Guy

He's not? ;)


Then Hogan would run circles around him.


If Hogan were capable of running cricles around HHH

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Guest goodhelmet

then Sunday's match might be a DUD instead of negative stars


If the WWF fired Bradshaw tomorrow

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

I'd dance in the streets naked shouting profanities at little girls.


If this happened...

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Guest goodhelmet

then Big McLH would be arrested and thrown in jail for being a pervert


If Brock Lesnar powerbombs Lita on COLD STEEL

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then maybe, just maybe, her top would be torn off in the process, exposing those lucious tits of hers.


If Brock powerbombed Hogan on Cold Steel...

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Guest Some Guy

Then he'd he'd break his hip, no-sell it, Hulk up and beat Lesnar with the boot and legdrop.


If this happened

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Guest goodhelmet

then it would kill his push before it ever got started


If Lesnar did THAT and Hogan was never seen on tv again

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Guest Some Guy

Then Lensar would have to say his prayers and eat his vitamens ans become the new hero to the millions of little Hulkamaniacs who wold no doubt be devastated if such an event were to take place.


If Paul Heymen didn't kick ass

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Guest Some Guy

Then he'd get buried for being a better promo guy than 99% of the promotion.


If Heymen booked more in WWF

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Guest goodhelmet

then eventually Justin Montoya would be a champion and we cant have that


If Justin wasn't an X-Pac imitator

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

he'd be out of a job cause he sucks.


If Sabu was in the WWF...

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Guest Some Guy

Then he'd be a HHH imitator.


If Billy Gunn did a better job of imitating HBK in late 97

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Guest goodhelmet

then he would have learned some of his wrestling ability


If Road Dogg wasn't a drug addict

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Guest goodhelmet

then it would be one more outdated gimmick we don't need


If Billy Gunn was fired tomorrow

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Guest Some Guy

Then Chuck would hopefully go with him.


If Taker and Kane started feuding again

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Guest goodhelmet

then God truly does hate me


If Kane and X-Pac start feuding again

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Guest dreamer420

then the wwf should hire tori back too.


If X-Pac does give back kane's mask...

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Guest goodhelmet

then he should paint it green and orange, Warrior style


If Warrior returned to the WWF

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Guest dreamer420

then we would get to see the bizarre, scary promos that he likes to cut.


If the Warrior broke the ropes by shaking them...

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Guest Some Guy

Then it would remind me of a house show I went to in Boston where he did just that.


If Sting came back with blonde hair and neon face paint

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Guest Just call me Dan

He'd have to show it off to the 8,000 fans of the WWA.


If Vince signed Sting...

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Guest Some Guy

Then we might see the return of repelling from the cieling.


If Vince brought that back

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then he could get rid of workers he didn't need without having to fire them.


If he did this...

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Guest Just call me Dan

Xpac would main event WWA against Steiner


If Steiner got in the ring with Waltman...

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Guest Some Guy

Then he would have to fight a lot of lawsuits.


If Vince slept with Stephanie

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then Bossman would have one more reason to keep his job as he most likely stole the video tape from Vince. vince is a sick freak.


If Bossman was fired...

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Guest Some Guy

Then Vince would be exposed as a child molester, due to Bossman releasing the pics he has.


If Bossman dies when Taker hanged him at Mania 15

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