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Guest goodhelmet

If-then statements

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then the WWF would be peaking right now. Because nothing screams ratings like a spunky Japanese guy.


If the Rock was 100% black...

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Guest goodhelmet

then he would have never have been world champ


If the Rock was White

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then he'd be on Hogan's level.


If Ahmed Johnson was still around...

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Guest goodhelmet

then andre and Hulk would have headlined WM2002 without a doubt


If Smackdown drops further in the ratings and RAW improves

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There will be a reason for pushing Eddy vs. RVD


If the McMahons conquered Earth, Hitler style.........

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Guest goodhelmet

then all great wrestlers would rise up to vanquish them Allied style


If Benoit begins feuding over the European belt

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Guest goodhelmet

then i would be depressed but Regal would have his first great match in the WWF


If Regal and Benoit begin a feud

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then it'd be boring and wouldn't draw.


If Benoit and RVD fueded...

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Guest WWF4Life

then 95% of smarks would spontaneously ejaculate


if Benoit and Hogan feud for the next six months

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then Benoit will be Flair 2k2. Jobbing to him every night for the rest of his career.


If this happened...

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Guest goodhelmet

then I would lose faith in all humankind


If Hogan jobbed to Benoit every time they met

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then Benoit would be super over and a new wrestling boom would begin...in my dreams.


If Jericho was replaced with Lenny Lane...

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Guest goodhelmet

then I wouldn't know the difference


If Lodi and lenny Lane were signed by the WWF

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then they and Chuckabilly would be involved in the GAYEST FUED EVER!!! And it would surprisingly draw big numbers.


If Brock Lesnar beat Hogan for the title...

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Guest goodhelmet

then it would be the death of Hulkamania!!!


If The Rock would have lost to Hogan at Mania

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then the canucks would've blown the roof off the place.


If Hogan stayed this over for the next 2 years...

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Guest goodhelmet

then goodhelmet would cry uncontrollably because of the unjust evils that occur in this world


If Smackdown's ratings drop another 1/2 point this week

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then it would serve Vince right for trying to sabotage Flair's roster.


If RAWs rating went up a full point this week...

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Guest goodhelmet

then i would attribute it to RAW having no McMahons!


If Benoit appears on RAW instead of Smackdown

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then he and Austin can have the fued of the decade...with flair involved.


If Hogan was on RAW...

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Guest goodhelmet

then I probably wouldn't care to tune in tonight


If Edge beats Angle at Backlash

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Guest Some Guy

Then AS will flood the Smarkboard with his tears.


If Taker beats Austin at BL

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then he'll face HHH in an EPIC match at Judg(e)ment day. The ratings will soar. Buyrates will peak. HHH will be hailed as God.


If this happened...

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Guest goodhelmet

then iit's just another example of old wrestlers keeping those up and comers down ;)


If the tag title match is the best match at Backlash

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then it's official: HHH has sucked the life of the main event scene since his return.


If HHH tore his quad again...

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Guest Some Guy

Then when he came back he get another monster push despite not drawing.


If HHH didn't have any back acne

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Guest goodhelmet

then the makers of Oxy would go out of business


If Flair turns into Mr. McMahon Part2

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then he wouldn't be juicing and his push would vanish.


If HHH was Scott Steiner's size...

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