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Guest Eagan469

The One and Only Velocidential Thread

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Guest Eagan469
Catch Velocity every Saturday night starting at 10/9 CT on the new TNN!

Fresh off of successfully defending the Cruiserweight Championship at WrestleMania XIX, Matt Hardy will go up against the always unpredictable Funaki.


Confidential airs every Saturday night at 11/10 CT on the new TNN.

Rowdy Roddy Piper made an unexpected return to World Wrestling Entertainment at WrestleMania XIX. This Saturday on Confidential, see what led to Piper's return.


Check it out this Saturday night at 11/10 CT on TNN!



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Guest Nevermortal

Buddy Wayne? This guy looks like the 2nd coming of Buck Zumhoff.

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I wished they'd give more away in their Confidential previews. If it was just Piper, then I wouldn't care, but they usually always have some good segment or two that they don't say is on there.

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Guest AndrewTS
I wished they'd give more away in their Confidential previews. If it was just Piper, then I wouldn't care, but they usually always have some good segment or two that they don't say is on there.

Torrie is on it.


So fuck Confidential.

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Guest Coffey

Wow. That was a great double team finish by Palumbo & Johnny "The Bull."


Called the "Kiss of Death" huh? Interesting...

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Guest Downhome
Wow. That was a great double team finish by Palumbo & Johnny "The Bull."


Called the "Kiss of Death" huh? Interesting...

Could you explain what it was for those of us just tuning in?

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Guest MillenniumMan831

LOL . . . that little jobber potatoed Palumbo so they attacked the wrong jobber after the match, I think.


Matt Facts

- Matt feels his match at WrestleMania was the best (Barely fit on the screen)

- Matt sleeps in the nude (I figure Yuna will like that one)


It's Main Event time: Matt vs. Funaki

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Guest HartFan86

Random: I think that shows like Heat and Velocity would REALLY draw more intrest from my part if they made it an ECW brand that ran shows from smaller venues. I really am bored watching random WWE midcarder vs. Indy jobber. And the announcers HAVE to go...I can't stand any of them.

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- Matt sleeps in the nude (I figure Yuna will like that one)

:lol: Well, that's certainly.........interesting.


REALLY draw more intrest from my part if they made it an ECW brand that ran shows from smaller venues.

*starts an E-C-Dub/bWo chant*

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Guest Coffey
Wow. That was a great double team finish by Palumbo & Johnny "The Bull."


Called the "Kiss of Death" huh? Interesting...

Could you explain what it was for those of us just tuning in?



Chuck Palumbo had the jobber on his shoulder like he was going to give him a British Bulldog running powerslam while Johnny "The Bull" climbed onto the top rope. Chuck Palumbo then gave a running shoulder breaker to the jobber, but let him lay acrossed his knee afterward instead of just dropping him to the mat. "The Bull" then hit a guillotine leg drop to the jobber that was across Palumbo's knee.


Very nifty.

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Guest HartFan86

I'm not sure why people were so surprised Piper came back...I mean, he was interviewed for Hogan/McMahon for the 20 Years in the Making thing.

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Guest Dmann2000

And he brought up the match on "The Best Damn Sports Show"


Ah seeing Piper reminds me of the WM VIII Promo.

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Guest Downhome

Piper is STILL a god.


He is truly one of the greatest heels of all time, and damnit, I'm looking forward to seeing his Pipers Pit in this day and age!


I love Confidential when they put stuff like this together.

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Guest bob_barron

Hopefully they can load Piper up on drugs to make him entertaining again

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Guest Downhome

I just hope he isn't used simply as a pawn in the Hogan/Vince deal, and instead use him to get over various guys and angles.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

If Piper's Pit does catch on, you KNOW Superfly Snuka will be a guest at some point.

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Guest HartFan86

This is kind of retarded....they did this ESPN stuff 2 months ago...they are acting like it happened yesterday.

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Guest Downhome

I would just like to annouce that the moment that WWE RAW will be in my area, I will be going.


It took Goldberg to bring me back to a show, heh.

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Guest MillenniumMan831
up next: Fred Durst hands out verbal BJ's

I'm going to bed, remember set your clocks an hour ahead tonight.

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Guest creativename

Man, I am such a Piper mark. Can't wait for Piper's pit.


I also hope that they use him to get various mid-carders over--e.g., him interviewing Matt Hardy and them both making snarky comments about whoever Matt is feuding with would probably be very entertaining.


They could also have him mentor Cena a little bit: "You knowsa, I ain't into this here 'rap' music too much now, nosiree--but you, yousa gots a whole damn buncha potential, you damn betcha!"

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Guest Eagan469

Fred Durst:


"Crack addict as in...I'm addicted to cracking skulls"


right Fred, right...

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