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Guest CoreyLazarus416

One And Only Week 39 Thread

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It's ladder match time. So the two matches I dread are the first two.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

I stopped taping the shows a long time ago :(


Dusty is moving nicely tonight, and just took a nice ladder shot right to the side of the head.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Dusty's busted open, and Lawler just took a painful looking bump from the second rung from the top of the ladder. Ouch.


Bionic elbow baby!

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Guest RedJed

I'm surprised they are going through with this match, I thought for sure it would be a swerve of sorts.


They need better ladders though, thank god they had a replacement one.....err or something like that lol

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Guest RedJed

I cant believe I'm saying this but I'm actually enjoying the hell out of this match!


Same goes for the opener, I thought that was gonna be the shits and it turned into a decent laid out HC match, finish sucked ass though.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Heh. Dusty goes after Lawler with a step ladder. Dusty then climbs up to the top of the tiny little ladder, and pretty much slips before even being able to stand on top, but is lucky enough to be able to drop an elbow on Brian.


Dusty's actually beginning to climb the ladder, but a low blow from Lawler sends him down. Lawler climbs, but Dusty grabs him. More shots to Dusty's head and he's down. Lawler doesn't go for the belt, instead he misses the Tennessee Jam.


Dusty begins to climb the ladder, and I'm worried that the thing is going to collapse.


Ohh, here's David Flair for the interference. Flair beats up Dusty, and climbs to the top of the ladder, but Nikita Koloff runs down and throws Flair off!


Jesus Christ, what the fuck is happening.


Nikita climbs the ladder, but he's obviously never competed in a ladder match as it takes him twenty seconds to get it down.


Nikita and Dusty have a staredown, and Koloff hands the belt to Dusty. They hug, and surprisingly, there's no swerve.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'll admit that Dusty hitting the elbow drop off of the (step) ladder was funny.

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Guest RedJed

Great way to build this program with the New Generation and the NWA legends......they should have never turned Koloff in the first place but it ended up working to lead to what they just did. Strong payoff there with the whole Koloff-Rhodes thing.


Not liking that they are splitting up AMW though at all.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Mike Sanders is an island.


I am also against this AMW thing.

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Guest RedJed

Harris is going to blow as a singles star as well, especially as a heel. That stuff he just did there with Sanders was lame on his end.


This match may be good

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Guys...I'm going to TRY and do the Diatribe with YOUR help. Could you please let me know what the FUCK these guys are saying?



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

You know...I'm kind of interested in where Mike Sanders is heading right now.

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Guest RedJed

Styles is working really strong and smooth tonight, great so far.


I agree about the Sanders thing, I'm not sure what direction they are going there, but it makes me wonder.


Hey Dames, its a long shot (since I dont' even know if they do it) but what if you can turn closed captioning on your TV? Maybe that would work?

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Watts, looking especially trendy tonight, runs in and sneaks away with the belt.


Goldy is chasing down Chris Harris. James Storm and him have a staredown. Chris claims he's just hanging with the guys. Chris wants James to trust him. "Trust him my ass." Chris finds Mike Sanders, and tells him Glen wants to see him.


Harris isn't exactly Mr. Charisma.


I got a phone call so I missed a little bit, but Disco vs. Styles is kicking some ass.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Let's see. Earlier Dlo came into the SEX locker room because he wants to get at Mike Sanders for costing him the title match last week. Gilberti says he wants to get at Sanders too...and sends Chris Harris out to find him since he would run if he saw S.E.X. guys.


Later Harris was being asked by Goldy what he was doing in the S.E.X. locker room and he said he doesn't know what everyone's problem is with him. James Storm confronts him about it and Harris says to just trust him, which Storm is having a hard time doing. Harris tries to say that he was just in there asking for a title shot against XXX but Storm questions why he didn't ask him to come too.


Then Sanders shows up and Harris tells him that Disco wants to see him and Sanders says he would be stupid to just walk in to that lockerroom...and HArris points out that no one likes him in the TNA locker room either. Sanders says he doesn't give a shit and that people work for years to get the kind of heat he has. He then says that to appease both him and Disco he will go to the S.E.X. room and talk.

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Guest RedJed
Guys...I'm going to TRY and do the Diatribe with YOUR help. Could you please let me know what the FUCK these guys are saying?



Another idea would be that maybe on the replay the sound will come on for you. If you have a cheater box or whatever in the first place, might as well check the replay out to see.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Dames, part of that stuff was Harris saying Sanders wasn't welcome in the NWA locker room, and that he might as well go to the SEX room.


Disco with a boot, and tries the swinging neckbreaker, but Styles shoves him out of the way. Disco tries a go-behind, AJ escapes, AJ lands on his feet out of a lionsault move, and Disco hits the swinging beckbreaker for two. Nice pumphandle stomachbuster from Styles.


I love that moonsault into an inverted DDT move from Styles.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Well Dames, looks like you're S.O.L....and you know what that means! :)

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Disco looked pretty strong there. Very much on the short side but I liked what I saw.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Springboard 450 by Styles misses! Whoa!


Disco gets a three count with his feet on the ropes, but the ref sees it. Restarts. Styles Clash to Disco. 1-2-3.


Styles even puts his feet on the ropes to mock Disco.


Glen got up way too quick from that move. He was up and complaining two seconds after the three count.

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Guest RedJed

Wow, Styles did a 450 splash springboard......that was fucking cool shit there.


Very solid match given the time they had to go, impressive stuff from both guys there. Best match I've seen Disco have in years.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'll tell you what I like about this post match beating on the ref...


Disco is right to be pissed off.


I love when heels have justification to be heels.

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