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Guest CoreyLazarus416

One And Only Week 39 Thread

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Well, it looks like our main event will be a Jeff Jarrett interview.


Daniels & Skipper vs. Shark Boy/Cross vs. Lynn/Red vs. Sabin/Storm


Jason Cross reminds me a bit of Danny Doring in his look.


I'm a big fan of Johnny Storm, and this is my first look at Sabin.


Dames, you are a lucky man because you don't have to hear this dork do announcing.

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Guest RedJed

This fucking southern NASCAR announcer is pissing me off, he's even trying some play by play. I wish they would just sever ties with the whole NASCAR thing, but I guess I can see why they keep it going, considering where they do the shows.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I have no positive or negative opinions on the Nascar deal. The guy on commentary isn't embarrasingly bad or anything and I buy him as a legit fan.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

So far so good on Sabin. This is one of the more impressive debuts I've seen in TNA

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

God damn, that was an awesome move from Sabin. It was like Nick Gage's Chokeslam/backbreaker, but he uses a Rock Bottom onto his knee instead.


That fucking Luchadore guy who was supposably Shark Boy (but obviously isn't tonight) keeps running out.

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Guest RedJed

That roll over into a swinging backbreaker was a strong move there.


I bet we haven't seen the last of the "luchador" I'm lost on who it could be at this point. I'm still thinking MAYBE Jaime Dundee.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

What a match!


Now not only do we get Red vs. Lynn for the #1 contender soon...but also Red and Lynn vs. XXX soon too!

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Guest RedJed

Good god what a match! That finish was great too!


They GOTTA give Red the X title, the fans are still hot for him.


PLUS we get a rematch with these guys, probably in a few weeks. Great plan of action booking here, first a Red v. Lynn match, then a rematch with these guys, and then (hopefully) Red v. Kash in the blowoff. Woot!

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Goldy says that they say a mugging earlier. Erik says that we shouldn't worry about it, and that he doesn't focus on the belt, nor did he come for it. He cares about Jeff Jarrett. Erik consoles Goldy for Jarrett choking her, and says that Jarrett didn't mean to choke her. He knows why Jeff's been acting weird. "He's just not that popular." Everyone in the locker room, the people, etc. hate Jeff. "I call WCW, and I get a Porsche for a signing bonus. I call up WWF, and I'm at Vince's house." Erik says he's the person that Jarrett can trust. "You must live life, or life will live you." Erik takes Goldy's line, "Take it back Mike."


God, I love Erik Watts for some reason.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

That was one of the least sloppy matches in history.


That's what happens when Red and Skipper are on and Daniels and Lynn are always not sloppy.


That Sabin was very impressive as was Jason Cross and Jonny Storm. Shark Boy didn't fuck up anything so that's good for him.

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Guest RedJed

I dont know what took me so long to notice this but does Jeff's theme song contain the words "he's not Stone Cold, he's not the Rock" or am I hearing things?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Watts was much better tonight on the mic. They have to keep all his comments prerecorded.

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Guest Slapnuts00
I dont know what took me so long to notice this but does Jeff's theme song contain the words "he's not Stone Cold, he's not the Rock" or am I hearing things?

I always though it was "he aint dead, he aint the Rock, don't want to hear your big mouth talk in my world..."

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Guest tpww7

Jed, taping this? I might need a copy :)


I'm going to work on the other's more tommorow. Hoping I can send them friday.

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Guest RedJed
I dont know what took me so long to notice this but does Jeff's theme song contain the words "he's not Stone Cold, he's not the Rock" or am I hearing things?

I always though it was "he aint dead, he aint the Rock, don't want to hear your big mouth talk in my world..."

That might be it too, I know I heard the phrase "The Rock" in there for sure.


Yeah I'll have a copy of it, man

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Hurry up guys, South Park is on in 10 minutes.


Tenay wants to know what's going on in Jeff's head. "Is it the J-E-double F, J-E-double R?" Jarrett says that he's got so many challengers, and no friends. Tenay asks if it's pressure or paranoia. He doesn't answer, and berates Tenay. Tenay says Jeff has to deal with the pressure, and Jeff steals the mic.


Jeff tells Tenay that he can't tell him how to become a champion, and Raven and his lackies are coming down to the ring. Raven stands on top of te announce table. "Hey Jeff, beat up Tenay if it makes you feel like a big man." Raven asks if it's all about Raven. Raven says that in 21 days, his destinty will happen. "Every bad dream you ever had as a child is about to come true because I'm going to take the NWA World Title from you." "I know that belt means more to you than your own flesh and blood. You protect it, you obsess over it." "Because without it champ, you just don't belong." Jeff - "While your ass was detoxing somewhere, I was winning titles [...] Why don't you shoot your drug addicted ass into the ring. We don't have to wait 21 days, we can do it tonight." Security runs in to not allow Jarrett to attack Raven.


Jarrett grabs a chair and security clears from the ring. He threatens Alexis and Julio with the chair, and accidently lays out Dusty with the steel chair. And we fade to the logo.


GREAT show. Order the replay guys.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

pretty meh last segment...but I am overall impressed with the effort put on out there tonight.

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Guest RedJed

Hmmmm well I dont think that was worth saving until the end of the show there. In fact I dont think that was worth even doing at all.........why was Rhodes out there in the first place? Obviously the idea of turning Rhodes would be stupid, so I'm hoping thats not what that was about. I guess its supposed to further the Jarrett character thing, or something.


Other than that the show was really good tonight, best show they have done in awhile.

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Guest Tim Cooke

"That was one of the least sloppy matches in history."


TNA history? Yes.



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Guest Raven_Effect01

Good show tonight, especially the 4-Team Elimination X-Division match. The last segment wasn't too great though.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I meant to say least sloppy X matches in history...which would only incude TNA.

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