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Guest Will Scarlet

Worst Commercials.

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Guest Will Scarlet

I just finished watching a Dairy Queen commercial that made me want to cause physical harm to my television. It got me thinking though, what are some of the other commercials out there that a lot of people here cannot stand? You know the kind of commercials that make you never want to buy the product they are selling ever again even if you like it. Just curious.

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Guest RepoMan

I wan't to kill whoever does those Coors Lite songs. I hate Coors Lite commercials in general nowadays, they're all f'ing retarded.

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Guest MaxPower27

Coors Light commercial during the hockey game tonight featured Jamie Kennedy doing his 'white guy rapper in a movie' character. Made me want to kick a hole in the wall.


Also, those Coors Light "I love this, and, and TWINS" with the scrawny, grotesque skeleton looking whores makes me want to vomit. Physically vomit. I'm sorry, but there is nothing remotely attractive about two sacks of bones walking around. If I were old enough to drink, I would certainly not buy that beer, based on the ads for it. Bet it tastes like pee.

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Guest The Tino Standard

MGD is a fine beer. You can do better, yes, but you can also definitely do a lot worse.

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Guest RevEvil

The worst is this radio ad for a study of Irritable bowel syndrome sufferers with diarrhea.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Talking about beer, I hate the Michelob Ultra commercial because it makes beer look like a goddamn health drink. And I don't like Ultra anyway.


And isn't it Smirnoff Ice that has the ad where the guy goes to a party and punctures his tires, so he won't drive drunk? For starters, you've got to drink about a case of that shit to get a buzz going. Why doesn't he just give his keys to somebody? Why didn't he just catch a ride to the party? Is the guy some rich trust fund baby who can just run out and get a new set of tires in the morning? Does this guy turn into some sort of Mr. Hyde rampaging asshole when he gets drunk and he doesn't trust himself not to drive? And if Smirnoff Ice puts you into a raging drunk, I think you have serious tolerance and substance abuse issues.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

Subway commercials... all of their many different formats suck terribly.

Anti tobacco and marijuana ads. They suck too.

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Guest notJames

The Reebok commercial where the guy is eating a jelly doughnut in his all-white house wearing all white threads, and a tiny glob of jelly falls on his pristine white Reebok sneakers (Iverson-endorsed, I believe). So he goes to the local Foot Locker and is assured that all his troubles will be over by buying a brand new pair.


Irresponsible spending makes baby Jesus cry.

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Guest JangoFett4Hire

Can you hear me now?



Can you hear me now?


Can you hear me now??



can you

hear me now?




Yeah, that one :angry::angry::angry:

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Guest Crazy Dan

I can't stand any of the Old navy commercials. This is a series which amazes me. Just when you think that they couldn't possibly sink any lower in stupidity, they go ahead an prove me wrong. I am actually dumber because I have witnessed these monstrosities. I mean who likes this stuff? They don't make me want to buy any of their products, just the opposite.


I also never liked that beer commercial that was to the tune of "Some of my favorite things". It had the same effect of some one scraping a chalk board with a fork.


A terrible older commercial which was also equally lame was the one where the daughter asks her mom "Do you douche?". Talk about cringing till tomorrow.

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Guest Mik at Cornell
Talking about beer, I hate the Michelob Ultra commercial because it makes beer look like a goddamn health drink. And I don't like Ultra anyway.


And isn't it Smirnoff Ice that has the ad where the guy goes to a party and punctures his tires, so he won't drive drunk? For starters, you've got to drink about a case of that shit to get a buzz going. Why doesn't he just give his keys to somebody? Why didn't he just catch a ride to the party? Is the guy some rich trust fund baby who can just run out and get a new set of tires in the morning? Does this guy turn into some sort of Mr. Hyde rampaging asshole when he gets drunk and he doesn't trust himself not to drive? And if Smirnoff Ice puts you into a raging drunk, I think you have serious tolerance and substance abuse issues.

Also my least favorite commercial. I think I spent 15 minutes bitching about this to my girlfriend yesterday before she just walked away.


SOOOOOOO stupid.

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Guest The Tino Standard

The Smirnoff tire-slashing commercial is pretty asinine, yes, but Smirnoff also gave us the "You know Sergio" commercial, which is a guilty pleasure of mine, so I won't give them too much crap.


I saw that creepy Subway guy on a commercial for something else, like housing funding assistance or something and I was legitimately confused for like 2 minutes. I was like "what the hell does this have to do with Subway" before realizing it was something entirely different. Doh.


And as for those Old Navy commercials, you know what, sure they are annoying, but you REMEMBER them. Those obnoxious jingles get in your head and subliminally you get their product on the brain. The people that make those are dumb like a fox.

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Guest Ravenbomb

ARGH! Old Navy commercials! I just wanna burn my TV whenever those pieces of shit come on! I have a couple of Old Navy shirts, I like them, but I ripped the tag off just because I fucking hate those commercials.

Usually I don't like the Jack N The Box commercials, but I really like the new one.

"...Honey, you want me to be happy, right?"

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Guest Will Scarlet

TNN commercials. Why oh why do they have to spend 3 commercials telling me I am watching TNN. What? Do they think I have zero clue what station I am watching? You're not the Nashville Network anymore. WE GET IT ALREADY!

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Guest razazteca

The commercials for Razor & Tie music are bad, I think the newest one is for Trailor Rock or Southern Redneck Rock of the 70s.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

The Texas commercials are pretty stupid....to me at least...


oh...and the Oxi Clean guy sounds like a football coach...I just want to punch him in the face...


"this is not a commercial for MTV"

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Guest Zero_Cool

"Remember to dial down the center!"


Carrot Boy needs to have a man walking a heavy cylinder up and down the backs of his legs for these commercials.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon
The commercials for Razor & Tie music are bad, I think the newest one is for Trailor Rock or Southern Redneck Rock of the 70s.

I believe the last one I saw was for Mullet Rock. And I want that album so bad.


The grandaddy of all those commercials is the one for Freedom Rock. The guys are sitting in the back of their van, blaring the album and another long haired hippy walks up and says, "Is that Freedom Rock?" "Yeah!" "Well, (does hair flip) turn it up dude!"

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Guest CanadianChris

Anything by McCain SUCKS.


Those in Canada will agree with me.

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Guest Vyce
ARGH! Old Navy commercials! I just wanna burn my TV whenever those pieces of shit come on! I have a couple of Old Navy shirts, I like them, but I ripped the tag off just because I fucking hate those commercials.

I do like the latest one, the "Dating Game" ripoff, because the mulatto chick who says "low-ride, boot-cut jeans" is totally fucking hot.




Oh God. I would call him the worst product spokesman ever, but then there's Tony Little to consider.






Sorry, guilty pleasure of mine.

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Guest phoenixrising

Three words:


The Dell Interns.


Now they replaced the blonde with a brunette. The blonde was pretty cute but sounded like a bitch every time she opened her mouth. We don't know about the brunette because now nearly the entire commercial "stars" stupid ass Adam. Despite the fact that he sucks. I suspect Adam is a son of a prominent Dell shareholder or the son of the CEO.


Subway commercials with the Denis Leary ripoff suck too.


Commercials for prescription drugs. They spend the first half describing how the drug will make your life all pleasant and happy, and the last half detailing the thousands of side effects. Exactly how does increased blood pressure make my life easier?


The grill commercial where the two hot chicks come across a guy "walking" his barbecue. Yeah, because nothing gets a woman hot like gas grilling and triple racks.


Speaking of commercials, does anyone know the name of the song that plays in the latest Mitsubushi SUV commercial? It's a rap song, was wondering if maybe it was an actual song so I can find it on Kazaa, it's pretty catchy.

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I think TNN stands for "The New TNN" now... Oh, wait, that would be TNT. Dammit, why can't my jokes ever work?


I'm in Japan right now, and there's this commercial for milk with two guys in white bodysuits and then there's this other guy who goes around doing his daily stuff and having milk, and whenever he does stupid music plays, the guys do some of the lamest poses this side of the Power Rangers and say "Iki iki!"


... Yeah. Next time I see a stupid McDonalds commercial I'm going to remember this one and realize that they aren't THAT bad...

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